
Ch 349: Carry On.

"... this is what happens when we don't follow our rules about not summoning people." Dean says looking at the black haired caucasian woman who is hugging him.

"Um miss?" Sam asks

"Yes Sam?" The girl says

"Wait a minute... Cas?" Dean asks

"Yes Dean it's me." Castiel says happily.

"Sam summon her again!" Dean shouts and he seems quite terrified.

"Right on it." Sam says as he starts flipping through the book again.


Meanwhile in Koa.

"Yep, that's quite cute." Luna says

"Didn't we come her to shop for Rory?" Harriet asks

"Yes but, she was taken by those earth girls." Luna says

"We could always dress up one of my sisters. Maybe Willa?" Harriet asks which makes Luna's eyes light up.


"Didn't you guys just summon me?" Kyra asks from inside the summoning circle.

"What did you do to cas?" Dean asks

"I personally did nothing." Kyra says

"That's a lie!" Dean says

"Hi Castiel." Kyra says with a wave.

"Saint Yume?" Castiel asks

"Yep, it's bee-" Kyra is interrupted by a phone ringing.

"Hello?" Sam says answering the cell before looking at Dean.

"Oh? Do we got a case?" Kyra asks excitedly.

"Dean I lov-"


Meanwhile back at Koa.

There is a frustrated scream in the work shop.

"Hana?" Ruby asks

"Sorry, it's just, I can't seem to find a way to get that much stronger besides the level thing, and as much as I love games this amount of grinding is just..." Hana says

"We could talk to Kyra she probably has a way to help." Ruby says

"I know but I don't wanna rely on her for everything." Hana says

"If I may make a suggestion ma'am, Kyra had a plan for a while. Something about an individual named Black Phantom/Black Star, with some mysterious force that allows you to control machines in unique ways." Jarvis says


"On the road again." Kyra sings

"No singing." Dean says

"I know but it's one of the good impala's, you can't not sing old ish songs." Kyra says

"What would you do in a newer car?" Sam asks

"If it's an Japanese or Korean car, max volume eurobeat. However since it is a classic car classic rock is needed. Like wheel in the sky or, oh! Carry on my wayward son." Kyra says happily in the back seat.

"Dean I think you two have a similar taste in music." Sam says

"Doesn't matter where to?" Dean asks

"We got a call, from Jody." Sam says

"Oh the sheriff?" Kyra asks causing the two brothers to look at her.

"Don't ask she knows more than she should." Castiel says

"Speaking of which are you just gonna ignore Castiels confession Dean?" Kyra asks

"We can come back to that later." Dean says a little troubled.

"So Dean, can I drive?" Kyra asks changing the subject.

"Absolutely not this is my baby." Dean says

"I mean, is it still stock? In a way? I mean you've repaired it from destroyed before." Kyra says

"You can tell?" Sam asks

"I mean he did a really good job, but I can tell." Kyra says

"You seem to know about cars." Dean says

"Of course I mean with the 327hp is a bit small for the engine in this car if you tune the engine or add a different carburetor you can get a bit more out of it." Kyra says

"You can maybe show me that later when we arrive." Dean says

"I would be happy to. You know what they say, they don't make'em like this no more." Kyra says as she hands Dean a Casset tape.

Kick start my heart begins to play as they drive off.

"I was expecting carry on my wayward son." Sam says

"No we only play that at the end of the season. Well not at the end of season one but still."Kyra says