
A memory from the past.

We see a young Albus Dumbledore port keying to Newyork. The year is 1965

"Let's hope this information is right since I became Headmaster I haven't been able to explore the world only during summers." Albus says

"Hello welcome to New York, reason for visit business or pleasure?" The customs agent asks

"Pleasure I'm hoping to meet a friend at the Hollywood bowl at a Beatles concert." Albus says

"Ah the Beatles good music." He says running the scans on Albus' wand and lets him in.

"Do you know a way to get there?" Albus asks

"You could always port key. There is a few to different city's over there." He points towards a hub type area that puts the British ministry of magic to shame.

With a Pop he is in Los Angeles.


"Wow that's so cool you appeared out of nowhere." A girl with black-blonde hair and golden eyes wearing a light blue one piece dress. (Obviously Kyra)

"Um did anyone else see?" Albus asks

"I don't think so?" Kyra says with a head tilt.

"Good, Obliviate" Albus says pointing his wand at her.

"Oh that's so cool the twig glowed." Kyra says with a smile.

"What?" Albus says confused

"You have to be a street magician, do it again!" Kyra says

"Um, what is your name?" Albus says

"Kyra, for some reason my parents like simple names." Kyra says

"Have you seen anything weird Kyra?" Albus asks

"Hmm, there is this tent in the middle of the park that never used to be there and for some reason no one sees it and everyone avoids it." Kyra says thinking

"Really how intriguing, could you take me there?" Albus asks

"Huh? Sure!" Kyra says ignoring the compulsion charm.

"It's a few hour drive hope you don't mind." Kyra says leading Albus over to a 1965 Chevrolet Impala.

"So are you from La?" Albus asks

"Hm? No I'm here to see the beetles." Kyra says turning on the engine.

"Say mr magician what is your name?" Kyra asks driving down the road.

"You can call me Albus." Albus says

"Albus Huh? So Albus what time you think of the other planets beyond the stars?" Kyra asks

"I find them certainly interesting." Albus says

"Yeah I can't believe we are reaching them. I mean the rockets are honestly a really good cover for missile testing. But if what Kennedy says is true, we will have men on the moon." Kyra says while Albus stares at her.

"Hey don't look at me like that, if we can make the atomic bomb we can land on the moon. Nothing is impossible we have already put people in space. John Glenn an American hero went into space 3 years ago." Kyra says

"Really?" Albus says shocked.

"Yep, nothing is impossible maybe one day humans will master magic." Kyra says with a smile.

"But Magic is a myth?" Albus says sweating a little since for some reason this girl is immune to oblivations.

"Hm, true doesn't mean we can't make it in the future." Kyra says

"I just realized what brings you to LA Albus?" Kyra asks still driving.

"I'm looking for someone." Albus says

"Is it a girl?" Kyra asks

"Yes. Her name is Yume." Albus says

"I wanna say your daughter but I'm fairly certain that name is Japanese." Kyra says

"Really?" Albus asks

"I mean if you were to translate it it means dream." Kyra says

"Dream the dreamer." Albus mutters now really confused.

"So Albus do you have a last name?" Kyra asks

"It's Dumbledore." Albus says

"Wow that's a mouth full. Almost as bad as Perville." Kyra says with a straight face while Albus goes completely stiff.

'Is she a magical no Wait a squib?' Albus thinks

"Could I get your full name?" Albus asks

"Kyra Perville." Kyra says with a subtle grin.

"We are here." Kyra says stopping the car before Albus can say anything else.

"So that's the tent?" Albus asks watching people completely walk around it not noticing it.

"Can I come in with you?" Kyra asks

"Hmm, sure I don't see why not." Albus says walking up to the tent seeing that Kyra isn't next to him.

"Are we sure we should do this? I mean they are just minding their own business." Kyra says

'So the muggle repelling wards seem to work on her.' Albus thinks to himself.

"It's fine." Albus says

"Okay then." Kyra says walking up behind him.

"Wow." Albus says amazed at all the equipment in the tent.

"What is this?" Kyra asks picking up a bottle of firewisky.

"Oh it's firewisky." Albus says

"Firewisky?" Kyra asks taking off the lid and sniffed it.

Taking a sip.

"Could I have this?" Kyra suddenly asks

"I mean you drove me here so if the owner of this tent misses it I will buy her more." Albus says

"So the tent belongs to Yume?" Kyra asks

"Without a doubt I really want to meet her. She's kind of my hero." Albus says

"Wait, early you muttered something about the dreamer? Like Yume the dreamer? That's my favorite fairy tale it's all real!" Kyra says faking excitement.

"I bet it is." Albus says pulling out his wand trying Obliviate again.


"Umm hello? Do you know where I might be sir?" Kyra asks Albus

"At LA for the beetles concert." Albus says

"Ah that sounds right." Kyra says still holding the firewisky.

Albus apparates away.

"Pfft, I pulled one over on the great dumbledore. Ahahahaha." Kyra says

'I need to send a letter to taunt him. Not to meanly though.' Kyra thinks.


In the world of code vein.

"Kyra?" Ruby's voice is heard as Kyra feels her body shake.

"Kyra it's time to wake up we need to go back to Danmachi." Ruby says

"Got it." Kyra says yawning with a smile.

"How is Harriet doing?" Kyra asks

"She's currently with Weiss. As cold as she is she has a soft spot." Ruby says with a nice smile.