
Sins of Silence

Demiurge PoV:


"Death Knight, start clearing out the insects guardian this facility. Let's speed up this process even more. [Summon: Abyss Demon], follow the death knight. Crush all those bugs on sight. You can do whatever you want as long as they don't die." Demiurge ordered as after he had moved a certain distance away from his, Lord Ainz.


A dark black magic circle manifested in front of him and from it appeared a muscular demon with the bare-bone head of a ram with black wings sprouting from the back. It was carrying a halberd in its hand. This was an abyss demon.


A demon of level 60 having intelligence to speak language and crush rocks. While Ainz had personally bestowed a death knight for this task, speed was of the essence. All of Nazarick was desperately awaiting their return from this task after word had spread around it's denizens.


Demiurge could only imagine the pain and rage that Lord Ainz was experiencing at this very moment. Or rather, the pain and rage he had been experiencing ever since Demiurge had broken the unfortunate news to him.


Lord Ainz was known to be the kind and merciful final Supreme Being who had remained behind with worthless servants such as Demiurge himself, when the rest of the tombs esteemed creators had departed.


It was no secret that Lord Ainz deeply cared for anyone related to Nazarick and seemed to consider them as his own children. To this end, he seemed to have no qualms about putting himself in danger for their sake if need be, much to their dismay.


As NPC's, it was the common consensus for them to devote their lives to the supreme beings. They had to achieve the supreme being's wants and wishes even if they sacrificed everything in order to do so.


Lord Ainz's behaviour was in contrast to what they believed the supreme one ought to have behaved as. Instead of using and throwing them away, Lord Ainz seemed to do the opposite. This behaviour had deeply touched everyone in Nazarick.


And so, it was extremely hard for Demiurge to deliver such horrendous news that might as well have had a soul crushing impact on a merciful and kind existence like Lord Ainz. Yet, it was his duty as a guardian of Nazarick to ensure that the Supreme One knew of what was transpiring so that they could go about atoning for their sins.


It was hard to say if the everything they had experienced until now was a blessing or a misfortune. One of the supreme beings had once said that blessing and misfortune come in equal parts. Perhaps this could not have been more true.


It was their misfortune that nearly all the supreme beings had departed but the NPC's felt incredibly blessed for having the opportunity to serve the last supreme being when they had collectively been transported to the New World.


While everything was progressing smoothly, they had once again been transported to this world. It was indeed a cause of concern that some unknown force was playing around by tossing around their sanctuary as they pleased.


But all their complaints and dissatisfactions were drowned when Lord Ainz spoke of the possibility of meeting the other Supreme Beings in this world. Although, none of them understood how this was possible, they did not dare to question the Supreme One's judgement.


It was indeed a blessing that had once again fallen upon them. Another chance to meet their esteemed creators. It would be a lie to say that Demiurge was not overjoyed with what was happening.


While he had acted calm and collected upon listening to the new, he had to restrain every fibre of being to not start dancing then and there in order to not ruin his image.


He even felt jealous of the twin guardians who could happily display their emotions without a care in the world. They were still young children, after all. It would not be the same if a grown adult like Demiurge behaved in the same manner in the throne room that housed the supreme beings.


Regardless, this long standing streak of happiness too came crashing down upon them. It was as if someone had poured down a bucket full of cold water on their heads. Demiurge had been investigating this world called Earth on order of Lord Ainz.


It was needless to say that this world too had to be dedicated to Lord Ainz just as the New World should have been. Even more so as there was a possibility of other Supreme Beings being present as well.


They had to find the perpetrator responsible for transporting Nazarick who might be hiding somewhere on Earth, as well. Obviously, Demiurge did successfully do so. The world they had found themselves in was considerably more dangerous than the New World based on his preliminary investigations.


It housed multiple cults, supernatural beings and powerful entities that might potentially threaten Nazarick. This was absolutely not allowed. No harm could befall the Supreme One.


It was Demiurge's duty to ensure so as the defence commander of Nazarick and more importantly as a Floor Guardian. Again with a combination of luck and misfortune he happened to chance upon the so-called SCP foundation and more so on her.


He had found the 'perpetrator' behind Nazarick's transportation but it did not give him the satisfaction that he should have had upon finding the 'criminal' that was toying around with their lord.


No, not even close to it. Rather, his very existence was being burdened by sin. The sin of failing his duty as a guardian. The sin of thinking of her, a Supreme Beings child, as a perpetrator, a criminal to be punished. The sin of doing nothing while one of their lord's own daughter was suffering. 


All of the NPCs had, at one point or another, fantasized about serving the children of the supreme beings. And that fantasy was soon going to become a reality. A reality in which all of them vowed to protect Lord Tabula's daughter, not letting any harm ever come upon her again.

As for the ones responsible for her suffering, needless to say everyone in the tomb will be preparing a 'Nazarick-style' welcome for them. One they would never forget. That would be the beginning of their atonement.






Demiurge ignored the sprays of blood and looks of agony spread across the faces of the humans. Under normal circumstances, he might have taken great pleasure in what was transpiring but at this moment these insects became a hindrance.


They would not die even if they wished to, just as Lord Ainz had ordered. They will also be healed so that they could experience the welcome under optimal conditions.


Needless to say, no help will be arriving to save these humans. Demiurge's plans that he had devised upon researching the SCP foundation in the limited time they had ensured this.


While in the long term, they might be exposed and face danger, it was imminent that they saved the young lady as soon as possible. They could plan out more countermeasures after ensuring her safety.


Demiurge mind started wandering. None of the NPCs, including Lord Tabula's own creations like Albedo, had ever met the young lady before. While the information had not been disclosed to them, perhaps Lord Ainz had met the young lady.


They had no clue what she might be like, but considering that she was a supreme being's own daughter, she would certainly have power and intellect rivalling them.


The reason Lord Ainz picked Demiurge to accompany him on this trip was mainly because he was the most knowledgeable regarding the current situation. Another reason was perhaps due to the fact that he was a demon?


According to the information they had obtained, Lady Lilith was an [Eldritch Demon]. A unique demonic race that embraces the qualities of cosmic horrors like Lord Tabula. Regardless, she was a demon. At the base level, any demonic being shared similarities to a degree.


Thinking about the information he had acquired, Demiurge's face was going dark. Due to the experimentation by these filthy insects, the young lady had apparently gone blind and her physique had considerably weakened.


He took a few deep breathes to calm down his rising anger. 'There will be ample opportunities to sate this anger,' he consoled himself. Regardless, he also a held a doubt as to why the young lady did not retaliate.


If she had the mighty power to transport all of Nazarick to Earth, surely crushing a few humans should have been an easy task.


This led him to believe that perhaps someone or something else was restraining the young lady from doing so and Nazarick's transportation was nothing more than a plea for help. Maybe for help from Lord Tabula. He could be wrong but chose to believe so for now.


The truth could be figured out in time once they had successfully rescued Lady Lilith.


"Let's gather those humans soon. This entire facility seems to have been built only to contain Lady Lilith.


None of those other anomalies they call SCPs have been contained in this site and security has been lax ever since they discovered Lady Lilith does not retaliate no matter what is done to her." Demiurge spoke out loud.

The pest extermination would end soon. Well, they won't be exterminated but he digressed. One thing was now certain in his mind. Perhaps, their arrival here on Earth might as well have been a blessing for a better future. Again, he chose to believe so.



~Next chapter is already in the works. Hope you enjoyed reading!~