
An Autobiography of Ten Thousand Bees in a Cloak

Follow along on an adventure through the forgotten realms, with T.ThoBIAC, aka Tobiak, or Toby. Follow their life, from their creation, to their adventures, to their own explanation of life, through their strange experiences, and Point of View on life.

Cassian_James · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

Big Day Out in Novar! Part Two

Shaking Our head and chuckling, We decided to follow after Maevris. There was a strange itch in the back of Our mind…

But not like the ones We've experienced before, which told Us when someone wasn't being truthful, or a situation was dangerous… No, this was a nearly instinctual pull that We had never experienced before. One that seemed to stem from the memories and desires of the Lich, who made up a part of Our creation.

This time, however, it wasn't the sensation We had been getting used to. Instead, it carried a different emotion—an unfamiliar desire. We wanted... no, We LONGED for... a suit. This was quite strange to Us, as We had never before cared about "clothing," in any way shape or form.

As I retraced our mental steps, recalling the information Nao had shared during our tour of Novar, I searched for a suitable place to find a tailor. The city was divided into concentric rings, each offering its own distinct experiences and challenges.

As We absent-mindedly walked, We were transported back to the moment when Nao, our enthusiastic and knowledgeable noble sponsor, was narrating the intricate details of Novar to Us, as we were led to our lodgings.

Novar, the capital of Faerun, stood all around us; a magnificent kingdom ruled by the wise and just King Bjorn. Its circular layout, consisting of three concentric rings, offered a glimpse into a world of privilege, influence, and struggle.

Nao's voice echoed in Our memory as she described the grandeur of the city and its divisions.

"The Noble Quarter," Nao began, her voice brimming with excitement, "is the first, central, and innermost ring. It is a realm of privilege and influence, where the bureaucrats, politicians, nobles, and the wealthiest inhabitants reside.

Imposing mansions line the streets, surrounded by beautifully manicured gardens and elaborate fountains. High fashion and high-cost shops cater to the extravagant tastes of the elite here, as their decisions affect the very world around them."

As I listened to Nao's vivid descriptions, I marveled at the opulence of the Noble Quarter. It was a world of lavish balls and grand galas, where the elite reveled in their wealth and power.

Nao continued, her voice transitioning to a more somber tone. "But as one moves outward from the innermost ring, the environment changes noticeably. The streets become dirtier, the buildings less maintained, and a sense of disorder and disorganization prevails."

Her words painted a picture of the contrasting realities that existed within Novar. She continued speaking,

"The second ring, known as 'The Merchant's Quarter,' is a bustling hub of activity. This ring is mostly populated by the middle-class residents who inject life, evonomy, culture, and influence into the city's veins.

"And finally," Nao said, her voice filled with empathy, "we come to the outermost ring, known as 'The Commoners' Quarter.'

Here, the most impoverished and downtrodden residents of Novar struggle to survive. Dilapidated buildings line the narrow, winding streets, and the air is tinged with hardship and despair…

However, despite their adversities and hardships, the ever-vigilant lower-class citizens of Novar band together and work as hard as they can to make sure everyone gets by."

We closed Our eyes, immersing Ourself in the mental flashback of Nao's narration. The Commoners' Quarter, with its resilient and tightly-knit community, reminded Us that even in the face of adversity, the flesh, too, could find strength in unity… and brought the question once again to Our mind:

"Why does the flesh forsake the assembly of the hive?"

"To maintain order and security," Nao explained, snapping us out of our thoughts, "large walls separate each ring, and sector of Novar. The King's Guard; specialized police force that maintains order in the various areas of the city; protect the city, and ensure the safety of its inhabitants."

The image of the King's Guard, clad in their shining armor, came to mind. Their dedication and loyalty to safeguarding the city created a sense of stability and reassurance.

As a Paladin of the Luxon, leaning towards the Alignments and Natures of Good and Law; We had a lot of respect for those men.