
The Fifth Chapter

"I never lose. I either win or learn"

~Nelson Mandela

"I think someone is following me". I told Blake who was on the other end of the line.

"Come on Hannah, stop being dramatic. Who could be following you? I mean really!" He shrugged not believing what I had just told him.

"I'm serious Blake. Someone is legit following me. I'm... I'm scared. My voice trembled with emotion of fear.

The sun was setting and the street lights were beginning to come on. The street was almost empty and I couldn't help but ask myself what I was doing there, hitting my temples. The place had a really bad reputation for people getting mugged and women getting raped.

He heaved a sigh. "Okay, just tell me where you are and I'll come and get you".

"I'm at Ida's Valley. I'm not sure what street it is but I think it is Moffat Street. Oh, I'm passing by the big white Catholic Church" I said looking at the tall white church on my right and started crying.

I could see the young man wearing rags and holding what looked like a bottle filled with white stuff with the corner of my right eye coming closer and closer to me from behind. I tried to increase my pace but he kept up with it.

"shush, don't cry my angel, I know the street. I'll be there in just a few minutes".


He ended the call and I slid my phone inside my jacket's left pocket.

I couldn't help but panic even when Blake had just told me that he was coming to get me. I feared for my life. What was the guy going to do to me when he caught up with me? Tears rolled down my cheeks and I wiped them off with the pad of my index finger, reassuring myself that nothing bad was going to happen to me.

I then decided to cross to the other side of the road. When I was halfway, a car came from behind, speeding. I managed to get to the other side though, before it could hit me. I fell to the ground and bent over with my hands and knees against the ground, trying to catch my breath .

Everything happened really fast. The white Volkswagen Polo GT TSI's speed must've been 180 kilometers per hour or something because the left rear wheel ran over a medium sized stone and it was propelled towards me, hitting the back of my head and...


It was just after eleven PM when I abruptly woke up from the terrible dream crying. I was sweating and my wail woke Clara who was sleeping in her bed opposite to mine. She hurried from her bed and sat next to me.

I was relieved though, that she didn't think of switching the light on because I didn't want her to see me in that state.

"Hannah, it's okay. It was just a bad dream." She caressed me on the cheek." I felt the tears forcing their way out and I pushed them back, constantly snorting.

"I'm gonna go downstairs and get you a glass of water. Don't worry I'll be back in no time."

I let all the tears I was holding in flow once she was out of sight and I could feel a lump forming in my throat. I then urged myself to stop crying and moved my head slightly to exchange the fluffy pillow that was really wet with another one.

I tried to comprehend what the dream could have meant and only collapsed in a sobbing heap after I realized that it meant that I was going to die.

Clara came back with the glass of water she had gone downstairs to get and I gulped down after placing my upper body against the huge pillows that leaned on the bed-head.

" Thank you Clara". I gazed at her and showed no emotion. I was too tired to show any, honestly.

She smiled slyly. " it's okay. Just know that I'm here for you"

Okay, I wasn't expecting that. I genuinely thought she hated me but now, I'm so confused.

I said thanks again and decided to get out of bed, taking my phone from where I had placed it before falling asleep. " You should go back to sleep, I'm going downstair to watch TV. I don't think I'm going to fall asleep anytime soon".

She gave me a very comforting smile and said "Okay, shout if you need anything ".I gave her a small smile and went downstairs.

I went into the kitchen and made food because I was slightly hungry and went into the living room that was opposite to the kitchen, through the sliding glass door and threw myself onto the couch, only to get up and take the remote that was on the small round glass table at the center of the room and switched the TV on. I lowered the volume so that I wouldn't wake anyone up.

I didn't bother to change the channel because I knew I wasn't going to pay any attention.

I fell asleep on the couch sometime after finishing the movie I had found playing when I switched the TV on. Don't ask me what it was about, because I also don't know. Bokang, one of my res mates, had woken me up and made it clear to me that if I didn't quick off the mark, I'd be late.

I went up to my room and woke Clara up but got snapped back at. I guess the bitch is back. I forgot that we didn't have classes at the same time, and unlike me, she didn't have classes that lasted the whole day.

I took my toiletry bag from my wardrobe and went into the bathroom, and took a very quick shower. I then applied body lotion and moisturized my face with celltone spot controller moisturizer.

As you may have realized, I am an acne victim.

I went back to my room and wore a black shirt with blue jeans and a pair of black sandals. I tied my hair into a bun and applied a nude lipstick on my lips. I glanced at my reflection in the mirror for the last time, took my bag and went to the faculty.

On my way there, Mia called me and I picked up right away.

"Hey girl"

"Hey Hannah, where are you? I've been waiting for you outside the Chalkboard for a while now"

" Eish" I sighed. " I'm sorry Mia. I woke up really late , but I'm almost there".

"It's okay girl. Just hurry, we don't wanna be late for class" she said and ended the call.

I finally arrived at the building and found that Mia had already bought me coffee. I thanked her after taking the first sip and we went straight to class. We didn't have any lunch breaks in between so the last one ended at two o clock.

Mia and I decided to go to the Chalkboard to get lunch and I let her go to the counter alone and order for the both of us because I wanted to say hi to Blake, who I had spotted in one of the tables in the shop, sipping a caffe latte.

I wore a huge grin when I got to the table and started to feel the butterflies in my stomach.

"Hey," I said while standing waiting for him to tell me to sit.

He gave me a flustered look. It was as though he had forgotten me. I bit my lower lip and looked down because I didn't want him to see my sad face.

"Oh, Hannah right?" He said swiftly after having his fair share of at staring me. Okay, he didn't stare at me for too long but for me, phew, it felt like forever.

"Yes" I said quickly with a sly smile on my face. " How are you Blake?"

"I'm fine thanks. He then gazed up at the counter and looked back at me with his brows furrowed. So what are you doing here?"


Damn , can the universe just open up to swallow me? I felt a pang in my chest. Good Lord I was so embarrassed.

What a jerk!

"Oh... I'm, I ..." I Stuttered not knowing what to say and only got saved by Mia who came over and yet gave me the shock of my life.

"Oh, I see you guys have met" she said leaning towards Blake to give him a kiss. Their lips locked and Mia giggled in the middle of their little make out session and I just stood there, gazing and swimming in a well of confusion.