There's a world out there that's vastly different then ours called Remnant. A place where the creatures of Grimm roam free and Huntsmen hunt them down. Ryder Falcone, a human from Earth, is thrown into this fantastical world from unknown circumstances. what could possibly go wrong?
It was the next day, and things have slightly settled down since Beacon fell. Huntsmen and Huntresses are working tirelessly to clear out the Grimm in the City of Vale and attempting to retake Beacon Academy. But their efforts at Beacon have been hampered significantly. Team RWBY was split apart, Weiss was taken back to Atlas by her father, Blake's whereabouts are still unknown, Yang is missing an arm and Ruby at the moment is still unconscious. Team JNPR isn't faring well either, they're still devastated by the loss of Pyrrha. As for our main hero, Ryder was preparing to venture off to locate the Dragon Balls. He knew that everything depended on them now. All the Deaths and the suffering would be for nothing if he didn't find them all. Ryder sat in the living room of the Rose-Xiao Long House with a bag containing the two Dragon Balls he had collected thus far inside. The Dragon Radar sits inside the bag beside the orbs as well. He managed to get his hands on a leather satchel to carry the Dragon Balls thanks to Taiyang.
He even told Taiyang what he planned to do and at first, Tai was against it. Against the whole fact of him going at it alone. But Ryder wasn't taking no for an answer, especially with what he knew was at stake. Tai eventually agreed and gave him a way to carry the orbs. Ryder was just waiting to see if Ruby was okay as apparently Qrow found her on top of Beacon tower unconscious after that massive flash of silver light. When he asked about the light's source, Qrow told him that it came from Ruby's silver eyes. What followed was an explanation about why silver eyes are so special, and it turns out they can affect Grimm in a deadly way. Ryder thought it was neat. Ryder heard footsteps coming down the stairs and looked to see Tai coming down the steps. Ryder stayed where he was as Tai approached him.
"Ruby is awake. Qrow's talking to her right now." Tai said.
"Good. At least we know she's okay." Ryder said.
Tai looked at the leather satchel and had a sad look in his eyes before he looked at Ryder.
"Are you still thinking about heading off alone?" Tai asked.
"Yes." Ryder said. "I don't want anyone else to get hurt, so I have to do this alone to avoid that."
"Well, the best I can say.... is be safe." Tai said.
"I'll try. But no promises." Ryder said as he stood up from the couch.
Ryder grabs the satchel and pulls the strap over his head and onto his left shoulder while he rests the actual bag part on his right hip. He then walks to the front door of the house with Tai watching him off. Once he opens the door and walks out, he immediately spots Kairos waiting outside. Ryder walked up to him after he shut the door.
"Here to see me off?" Ryder asked.
"I'm actually here to tell you that I'm going to be staying in Vale to help Glynda and the others." Kairos said.
"Don't wish to keep up our rivalry?" Ryder asked.
"Oh, I don't intend to slack off. Next time we meet, we'll have a battle to test our strength against each other." Kairos declared.
Ryder chuckles lightly.
"Well, guess I'll be seeing you later in the future." Ryder said.
"Don't get yourself killed." Kairos said.
"I won't." Ryder said.
Ryder walks past Kairos and grabs the Dragon Radar from the satchel. He presses the button on the device and activates it. A smile came to his face before he leaped into the air and flew away from the Rose-Xiao Long House. Kairos watched him off before he coats his body in a violet energy, and he flies away. A short time would pass before Ruby would walk downstairs to talk to her father and find Ryder. When she gets downstairs, she looks around and only sees her father sitting on the couch.
"Hey dad." Ruby greets, walking towards him.
"Oh, hey, Ruby." Tai said with a smile. "How are you feeling?"
"Good, I guess. With all that's happened. I'm not entirely sure." Ruby said.
Ruby then looked around.
"Where's Ryder?" Ruby asks.
Tai's smile faded away before he sighed and looked at the floor for a moment. He lifted his head and looked at Ruby.
"He left." Tai said.
"Left?" Ruby asked. "As in he's gone?"
"Yeah. He's gone Ruby." Tai said.
"Do you know where he's going?" Ruby asked.
"Wish I did, but unfortunately no." Tai said, knowing deep down that Ryder could go anywhere to search for the Dragon Balls.
Ruby looks at the front door of the house and tries to think about what in the world Ryder could be doing. He has to have a reason behind his vanishing act. The least he could've done is say goodbye at least. She looks back at her father.
"Well, wherever he is. I'm sure he has a plan." Ruby said, trying to stay optimistic.
"Believe me, he does." Tai said, reassuring Ruby.
Ruby smiled slightly and turned her head back to the door. Wherever Ryder's going, she wishes him the best of luck.
Author's Note: The Beacon Academy Arc is now over!