

"What am I looking at right now....how is this even possible? He is trading blows with the commander?......... Even though she is severely holding back so she doesn't destroy the ship, he still shouldn't be able to withstand her attacks." Xun watches the fight in shock, not only is Rex holding his own but he is actually landing attacks on the commander. 

"This human, why is he suddenly so strong, even if he used that bastard's power he shouldn't be able to withstand my blows. Is it his original power? Perhaps the combination of his power and that bastard's power is the reason why he got such a power boost. The fact that he is up after I broke his spine just solidifies the fact that he indeed inherited that power......… I must kill him, a power like that shouldn't be allowed in the universe. I will increase my power output to 7% and end him quickly." The commander powers up and Rex reacts by jumping back with his guard up.