
Chapter 2


"JAY, have you seen the designs I showed you?" I asked my cousin on the phone.

"I'll check it later, Caleb. Sorry, I've been busy these past few days. One of my proposals got approved by Dad, but you know, once it's approved, I need to attend to it right away. So thanks for your help."

"Of course, anytime."

"So how's New York?"


"Hmm, fun?"

"Yeah," my friend suddenly went in our shared apartment.

"Hey Vinny, look what I got!" he said excitedly and showed a pink dress in a paper bag. He's my roommate, Christy, whose real name is Christian, but like me, he's gay. I signalled him to be quiet for a moment, and he complied.

"Who was that?" I heard Jay ask.

"Oh, no one. Probably someone from the next room. You know the place I'm renting."

"Why do you put up with that place? You know you can live in a better one.

"I'd rather not, Jay. I'm okay with settling for something simple. I mean, I'm studying here, and I don't want to waste all my money on a luxurious apartment. It would be different if I had a source of income. Before you know it, I might run out of money before I even get to graduate."

He laughed on the other end. "Okay, you win. You've always been the most business-minded among us, but you still owe me and Gael."

"I know, I know, Jay. But why did you guys get married so soon, even before I got back? You even invited me on a day when I couldn't really make it because I was swamped with deadlines. It surprised me that even you got married before Gael did. Gael, I could understand because we've known Hebe for so long, and the amount of time he's been in love with his best friend, everyone knows they're going to end up together. So, your case surprised me. I don't even know this Rhia you're talking about."

"You'll meet her once you come back."

"Well, in that case, it'll be two more years before I meet her?"

"Why don't you just come back here? You know that life would be simpler for you. It would be easier, and you wouldn't have to pinch pennies just to get by. What's so great about New York that you seem hesitant to come back?"

I fell silent. What was it about New York?

Here, I'm free, free from the judgment of people who I know would have something to say once they find out who I am and what I am. In New York, they don't care if you're straight, homosexual, bisexual, or whatever. What matters is that you have a brain, and as long as you can deliver, they don't care about your gender or sexuality.

"Caleb, I'm just asking because I wonder, aren't you lonely there? You don't have any family with you."

"I'm fine, Jay, but I've been thinking. Maybe if I were in the Philippines right now, my life would be better. I'll think about it."

"That's good. It's been a few years living there anyway. You'll build your business here, right? You're a Criebo and Simonne, isn't that enough to make a living?"

I laughed at him. "We all have something to prove, not just because we carry our family names."

"I know. I have plans for me and Rhia, for our future and our children, but I want to do it on my own terms, without relying on our family name."

I nodded. "You're really in love with your wife."

"Of course."

"Okay, it's getting late, and remember, there's a 12-hour time difference between there and here."

"Yeah, I forgot. It's almost lunchtime for the employees, so it's almost midnight there."

"That's right. Well, I need to get some sleep. Fortunately, my class tomorrow is in the afternoon."

"Alright, take care there, Caleb. It's tough being alone."

"Yeah," I looked at Christy, who smiled at me.

"So, is your cousin telling you to go back to the Philippines again?" I nodded. "Why don't you consider it, Vinny? You can just tell them the truth about yourself. If they're really your family, they'll accept you for who you are," he came closer and patted me on the shoulder.

I pondered, is now the right time?

"AT last!" I heard Gael exclaim on the other end as I spoke to him. "After a hundred years, you finally decided to come back to the Philippines."

"Just a vacation. I'll still study and go back there."

"But at least you're coming home, right?"

"How have you been?"

"Are you asking about me, or are you asking about your shares?" I laughed at his comment.

"Both. And how's married life treating you? I talked to Jay earlier, and he's so happy with his wife."

"Yeah," I noticed how he became quiet.

"Why do you seem reluctant to talk about yourself? After all, you and Hebe have been best friends since childhood, and now she's your wife. Why do you seem unhappy?"

"We got married, not out of love."

"What?!" I stopped drawing the designs.

"You heard me right, Caleb. I'm the only one in love. She married me to secure her family's pastry business because even her parents wanted us together."

"So that's how it is. I always thought you and Hebe would end up together—"

"Maybe that's what you thought, but Jay thought the same. He thought Hebe loved me, and so did I. Let's not talk about it, okay?"

"Alright. Gael, one more thing, when I get back there, I'll need a temporary secretary. Even though I'll say it's a vacation, we both know I still have to handle some things."

"I know. You can borrow my secretary for now because she'll be more helpful to you."

"Good, I'll be back in three weeks."

I looked around, my eyes searching for something. I had just disembarked from the plane, and jet lag still weighed heavily on me.

I glanced to my left, spotting a familiar woman. "Hebe?"

"Caleb!" I was taken aback as someone suddenly jumped on my back and messed up my hair. "We missed you!"

"Ouch! What are you doing?" I struggled to remove the heavy person on my back. They finally got down, and my eyes widened. "Neon?!"

I was truly shocked by Neon's appearance. The once dark long hair was now short and dyed with a fiery red colour, I noticed the multiple earrings on one ear, dressed like a gothic rocker that I couldn't quite comprehend. "What kind of fashion is this?"

"Wow, you just got back, just stepped off the plane, and the first thing you notice is my appearance? Is this outfit really that shocking?"

"Why—" I looked at Neon up and down, from head to toe, and furrowed my brow. "Never mind." I shook my head. "Where are the others?"

Neon pouted and shrugged. "They just texted me and I volunteered to pick you up. Ivan is busy with school, and the others, you know, they have their spouses now."

"Oh, and what about you? Are you not attending classes any more?"

Neon laughed. "You're unbelievable! I just don't have classes right now. Count yourself lucky that I picked you up. Just be content with me!" I laughed at those words.

I looked again to my left, where I had seen Hebe earlier, but she was gone. She was talking to another woman, but I must have just blinked, or maybe it was the fatigue from the journey.

Neon helped me with my bags, and we headed straight to Hotel Simonne.