
Amina and her Lullabies

Amina is a wandering witch with a simple mission. To sing people lullabies. ••• One day, I woke up and I remember the memories of my previous life. As soon as those memories went inside my head my current memories were suddenly erased. The only thing that I can remember is I have a mission. To sing lullabies. "Sister, Why do you always sing Lullabies to other people? Can't you just only sing for me?" "What a greedy boy. I sing lullabies out of compassion, If I stop doing this I will fail my mission" "What will you get by accomplishing your mission?" "I don't know, but I feel that this is the purpose of my life"

Ceniza67 · สมัยใหม่
2 Chs

Amina, The Goddess?

In the town of the Solis Kingdom, a woman with midnight black hair could be seen in a food pub. Her pale white complexion did not fail to stand out. A lot of people would often take a glance at the beautiful maiden.

Amina took a cookie from the table.

[Amina, Who's your next mission? Are you just going to eat?] A voice suddenly rang on the woman's head.

It was her 'Lullaby' the one who accompanied her for the past one hundred years.

The 'Lullaby' has been nagging Amina for hours.

but Amina didn't bother to reply.

The Lullaby couldn't accept the neglect of her companion. [Amina! Amina! Amina!] Lullaby repeatedly called her name.

"Can't that 'mission' wait? We've been doing this for a century" Amina took a cookie and bite it.

[Still, You shouldn't neglect it!]

"I know, I know"

Living for a century was both a curse and a gift for Amina. She'd been living like this since the day she remembered the memories of her past life but up until now the original lost memories of Amina are still not coming back.

I've met different people and watched them wither due to old age but ever since that 'day' I still don't know what's the purpose of this mission.

Amina called for a waiter "One Earl Grey tea, Please"

"Yes madame"

Amina took a glance outside the window. It was already afternoon but the moon outside is slowly showing its existence.

"The Celebration for the Forest Goddess was approaching" The woman chuckled.

The Celebration of the forest Goddess was a celebration for a Goddess named Amina. Amina was deemed as a merciful goddess who helped humanity by purifying the Dark Forest of Thanatos. It was said that the Goddess of the forest has a beautiful voice, which purified that whole forest.

Right, The Forest Goddess was actually a witch called Amina.

The starting point of this bizarre celebration happened one hundred years ago. It started when Amina purified the Dark Forest of Thanatos.

A mistake? Yes.

People at that time heard the angelic voice of Amina coming from that forest, They have hilariously mistaken Amina the witch, as the goddess of the forest.

The Dark Forest of Thanatos was once famous for being the largest graveyard on this continent giving it a large sum of death energy. Not only that, It has a lot of monsters lurking inside of it.

But that reputation ended when Amina purified it. From the Dark Forest of Thanatos, people decided to replace it with a new name.

Amina Forest.

The forest became the most reliable food provider for humans, a lot of magical entities suddenly popped out of it, and because of that, most people hailed Amina as a Goddess of the Forest.

"How embarrassing" Amina spoke out of nowhere. "I don't even know why I woke up on that forest"

[I could still remember the first Amina Celebration of this kingdom] The Lullaby giggles.

"It's your fault" Amina frowned. "However..." The woman paused.

"Madame here's your tea" A waiter arrived with a tea on his tray. He carefully placed the tea on Amina's table.

Amina plastered a beautiful smile on her face. "Thank you," She said.

Overwhelmed by the beauty of his customer, the waiter blushed. His heart began to beat ferociously.

Who would not fall for Amina's beauty?

"Y-you're welcome, Madame" The waiter turned his back to the beautiful lady and left at his full speed. He is shy.

[You made someone fall for you again, Amina]

Amina shrugs her shoulders "Not my fault. I can even fall for myself"

[What are you? Narcissus the 2nd? I never knew that you are this narcissistic] The Lullaby replied.

"Stop spouting nonsense Lull, If I can only shut you for a while I would've done that"

[HA! what a neglectful companion] The Lullaby sounded annoyed. Amina only smiled while hearing the cute nagging of her Companion.

She suddenly remembers someone.

I somehow missed that child.

Amina stared at the beautiful moon outside. "Ades" She murmured.

[Oh? You could still remember the child that you abandoned 95 years ago? I somehow miss that impertinent child] Lullaby commented when she a familiar name from her companion.

Besides Amina, there's another being who could hear the consciousness of Amina's Lullaby. It was a child named 'Ades'

Ades was the first being who met Amina in that Forest.