
American female writer dreams back to ancient Tang Dynasty China.

A modern American female writer is carried to the Tang Dynasty by a profound dream. There, she is bestowed with another life, and in a foreign land's customs and emotions, she falls in love with a handsome and gallant knight. Their love quietly blooms in the ancient Tang Dynasty, yet is also filled with the bitterness of separation. The protagonist in the book endures parting from her family, portraying the sincerity and warmth of familial love. In the arena of power, she charts a course to the pinnacle of authority with the unique tenderness and wisdom of a woman. In that era, she writes her rise as a woman relying solely on her own strength, through twists and turns, finding confidants, and weathering betrayal. Bravely and wisely she navigates through the intricate fog, expanding territory and governing the people in peace. After enduring the wear and tear of time and the torment of spirit, it seems to have been destined in the stars, and she ultimately becomes an Empress. Seated high upon the throne, looking over the bustling Chang'an, she always remembers that all this may have started from a dream about time travel, but with her fresh strokes, she continues the legend of women, etching her name in the bronze plaques of history.

alexnovelman · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Two: The Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead

Suspended inside the box, connected by a silk ribbon, was a dzi bead. Its nine eyes emitted a faint luminance, shining brilliantly. We gazed breathlessly, expecting an ancient ring related to the Five Elements, only to discover it was a Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead. We were unaware of the connection this dzi bead might have with the legendary Five Elements Rings.

"This is a priceless treasure left to us by the ancients," the abbot said solemnly, "and it may very well be closely related to the Five Elements Rings you seek."

I carefully took out the dzi bead, and it seemed to brighten in my hand, with each facet reflecting the mysteries of different worlds and cosmos. At that moment, I felt as if I stood at the confluence of numerous worlds, holding the key to unlock a new chapter.

The abbot watched me thoughtfully as I held the bead, his eyes filled with deep expectation and trust.

In the quiet of the scripture library, I held the dzi bead gently, studying it closely. It was a round and lustrous jewel, embedded with nine profound black spots, like nine eyes exuding an indescribable sheen. Under the dim light, the dzi bead appeared even more mysterious, its nine eyes like nine profound universes containing endless wisdom and power.

The abbot quietly told us the origin of the Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead, with a voice full of respect and reminiscence for the past. It was said that the dzi bead, not only a symbol of high spiritual achievements and blessings in Buddhism, was the eyes of the ancient dragon elders, a sacred object they used to watch over the world and scrutinize all beings. This bead carried the prayers and hopes of a dragon elder and their immortal wisdom.

Holding the bead, I felt a mix of awe and curiosity towards the profound nine eyes, as if I could sense the worldview of the dragon elders from an age long past. Li Hao seemed even more thrilled, considering it a key to unlocking the secrets of the dragon civilization. Lysandra fell silent, her eyes sparkling with contemplation and enlightenment.

In this first encounter with the bead, different insights stirred within my heart. I sensed the heavy history and the value of life embedded in the bead, believing each "eye" witnessed an era of the dragon race. Li Hao was more intrigued by the stories and secrets about the dragon race behind the bead, which might be the key to unlocking the mystery of the Five Elements Rings.

As we were lost in thoughts of grand universes, the abbot's soft words interrupted our reverie. He told us that the noble dragon elders transformed into the Nine-Eyed Dzi Beads in the final moments of their world, passing on their sacred mission and profound wisdom to the descendants, hoping to guide future generations to find redemption in crucial times.

The appearance of the Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead was not only a tremendous enlightenment for our journey but also a test of our faith and courage. In the abbot's eyes, it was not just an artifact passing on the dragon race's vision; it seemed closely related to our mission—seeking the Five Elements Rings. As we continue on our quest, what role the Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead will play, what interstellar secrets it will unveil for us, awaits our discovery.

In the monastery's tranquility, with silent Buddha statues, only a breeze from outside flitted through along with the soft whispers of prayer flags. The abbot took the Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead back into his hands, and with due care, placed it around my neck. The weight of the bead felt substantial, unlike its seemingly delicate appearance.

As I adorned myself with the bead, an unexpected phenomenon occurred. The nine "eyes" of the bead seemed to suddenly awaken, each emitting a different color of light, and I was swept into an ineffable state of void, drawing Li Hao, Lysandra, and the abbot into it as well. The scenery around me faded swiftly, replaced by another magnificent and stunning world.

Our vision, through the dzi bead, transcended reality and time. It was as if we were traveling through another dimension, witnessing the lively scenes of the dragon race's world: huge dragons dancing above the sea of clouds and exquisite pavilions and towers faintly visible within them. The sages of the dragon race were discussing the secrets of the stars. We were endowed with an observer's sight beyond time and space, witnessing the vicissitudes and rise and fall of that star domain, guarded by the dragon elders with wisdom and power.

It was a world both grand and heartbreaking. The dzi bead, like a portal, had drawn our consciousness into the once-prosperous civilization of the dragon race. The vast palaces upon the sea of clouds gleamed with the light of metals and gems, the dragon peoples harnessing the stars with their extraordinary wisdom, painting a scene as if from an oil painting, displaying the past glory of the dragon civilization in full splendor.

Yet, as the scenes within the dzi bead shifted, the thriving life was replaced by a shrinking ray of explosive light that pierced through the dragon planet. It seemed the bead was conveying a warning to us: within grandeur lies fragility, beneath the glow of wisdom lies the shadow of disaster. Soon, a once-civilized planet dimmed quietly amidst cosmic dust, shattering into stardust that drifted through the night sky.

In the final scenes presented by the dzi bead, we witnessed the dragon race's sages conversing urgently, their brows furrowed, and the orbs of light in their hands fading. The fall of the dragon civilization was not silent but arrived amidst the struggles of all sages seeking redemption to the end. Their failure infused the dzi bead with endless grief and memory.

Swept up by the tide of time and witnessing these scenes, we were jolted back to reality from this cross-temporal vista. It dawned upon us that the eyes of the dragon elders held not just wisdom but also fears and concerns for the future. The achievements and wisdom of the dragon race could not escape the destruction of that moment, and their demise seemed to become an eternal lament in the cosmos.

Readjusting to the reality of being in the corners of the scripture library, Li Hao, Lysandra, and the abbot looked at me, their concerned gazes indicating my shock had shown on my countenance. I tried to convey my thoughts, only to find language so inadequate to describe the experience. I understood that the Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead was not just the dragons' watchful eye but also a bridge and key connecting different worlds.

It seemed the bead had chosen me as the inheritor to touch the memories of the dragon race. Deep within my soul, images of the dragon civilization continued to flash, a silent conveyance, each scene laced with a touch of melancholy, unfolding the power of the bead and the expectations of the dragon elders for future generations.

Over time, I gradually deciphered the true role of the Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead—it was not merely a dormant jewel but a carrier of the entire dragon race's memories and worldview. Each of its eyes didn't just observe the past; they guided the future.

Li Hao, Lysandra, and I began to sense a mysterious link between the fluctuations of the Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead and the Five Elements Rings; perhaps they were keys to deeper secrets of the dragon race. The bead's power was no longer distant but vividly embedded in the depths of our souls, waiting to meet and merge with the soon-to-emerge three rings.

With the light of the scripture library casting our surroundings in a fable-like glow, Li Hao and Lysandra saw in my eyes a profound sorrow and sudden enlightenment—we had just witnessed the end of a world, bearing too many secrets and sorrows of the cosmos. The Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead, no longer just a legendary ornament, crystallized the wisdom of the dragon race, a contemplation of life and death and a testament of time.

This experience brought each of us to a deeper understanding; the dragon civilization's end became a profound load in our hearts, yet it also ignited our resolve to pursue the Five Elements Rings. The tale of the dragon race shouldn't just be a history covered in dust but should be known to the world anew through our actions, prompting questions about the value of life and deeper cosmic truths.

Within the gloom of the scripture library, the bead that had granted me a vision beyond time and space, illuminated the once splendorous and now waning dragon civilization. Through the bead's magical power, it seemed as if I had embarked on a soul journey through time, comprehending why this ancient civilization met its doom.

Through the bead's eyes, I saw the dragon race wielding their magical skills, erecting majestic cities, and mastering the stars, the brightest stars in the night sky. Yet, their highly developed technology and civilization's boundless expansion ultimately brought about divine wrath and internal tumult. The dragons failed to realize the destructive potential of the powers they relied upon, a double-edged sword.

Within the history revealed by the Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead, it felt as if I saw the deep eyes of the dragon elders attempting to save their homeland at the very end, unable to avert the tragic twist of fate. The Five Elements Rings, as a crystallization of dragon wisdom, their hidden power, and significance were subtly revealed to me.

After this round of supernatural sensory experiences, I sat in the silence of the scripture library laden with heavy thoughts, feeling as if I was shouldering a historic mission that transcended personal concerns. The Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead revealed not only the rise and fall of the dragon race but also served as a warning not only to the Tang dynasty society but even to the modern world, reminding us that while pursuing scientific and civilizational progress, we must not ignore their potential crises and destructive nature.

In my realization, the tale of the dragon race should not be allowed to fade away but must be transformed into a cautionary tale for the future world. The story and power of the Five Elements Rings were etched into my memory, becoming the driving force for my continued pursuit of truth and efforts towards universal harmony and stability.

The three of us, sharing a sense of kinship, realized that our journey carried not only the significance of adventure but also bore the weighty tasks of heritage and self-awakening. We believed that this experience would bring invaluable insights to our subsequent explorations.

The ancient texts in the scripture library, the wise words of the abbot, and the mystical power of the Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead—these elements intertwined, shaping a new direction for our journey onward. We understood that the development of civilization and its warnings of calamity, human progress, and harmony with nature all required balanced consideration and practice. Bearing the legacy of dragon wisdom, we were determined to seek the true order of the cosmos and the balance of life throughout the ages.

The ringing of the temple bell, "Dang, dang, dang," pierced the quiet of the scripture library. The abbot glanced outside, knowing the debate session had ended, and so we all left the scripture library.

The end of the debates reflected on various philosophical conundrums rather than simple answers. When the bell sounded in the hall, symbolizing the day's debates' conclusion, all the monks left their seats with a deeper understanding of the Dharma.

The debates were not just an exchange of wisdom; they were a discussion on the meaning of life, offering each participant the opportunity to deepen their spiritual awakening.

Immersion in the debate day not only deepened my knowledge of Tibetan Buddhism but, unexpectedly, in the debating event, Li Hao, Lysandra, and I discovered new clues about the Five Elements Rings.