
American female writer dreams back to ancient Tang Dynasty China.

A modern American female writer is carried to the Tang Dynasty by a profound dream. There, she is bestowed with another life, and in a foreign land's customs and emotions, she falls in love with a handsome and gallant knight. Their love quietly blooms in the ancient Tang Dynasty, yet is also filled with the bitterness of separation. The protagonist in the book endures parting from her family, portraying the sincerity and warmth of familial love. In the arena of power, she charts a course to the pinnacle of authority with the unique tenderness and wisdom of a woman. In that era, she writes her rise as a woman relying solely on her own strength, through twists and turns, finding confidants, and weathering betrayal. Bravely and wisely she navigates through the intricate fog, expanding territory and governing the people in peace. After enduring the wear and tear of time and the torment of spirit, it seems to have been destined in the stars, and she ultimately becomes an Empress. Seated high upon the throne, looking over the bustling Chang'an, she always remembers that all this may have started from a dream about time travel, but with her fresh strokes, she continues the legend of women, etching her name in the bronze plaques of history.

alexnovelman · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

Chapter Fifteen: The Celestial Dog Eclipses the Moon

The witch Lysandra approached Li Hao and me, her eyes burning with a resolve and power that we could both feel. Amidst her ethereal singing, she began stroking the ropes that bound us, her gaze suggesting she was searching for an excuse to set us free. After a momentarily stupefied silence, she held the heavy cradle, and the scene succumbed to an awkwardness that only we understood.

Then, quite coincidentally but inexplicably, a somber shadow began to creep over the moon's surface, as if an incredible force was stretching its icy arms across it. A lunar eclipse, this rare celestial event, commenced before the eyes of the werewolves. For a moment, their usually bell-like howls ceased, and the entire tribe sank into chaotic silence.

A ripple of unease flickered through the eyes of the Wolf Priest. He sensed that the changes upon the moon were not ordinary; it was being devoured, an ominous sign. The other werewolves exchanged glances filled with panic and confusion, not knowing whether this marked the wrath of the gods or a looming calamity.

The fire leaped at the Wolf Priest's feet, and the moonlight dimmed steadily, as if its power was being stripped away, bit by bit. The sacred ceremony turned into disarray, the werewolves growing anxious. They huddled around the altar, helplessly gazing up at the sky, whispering continuously, hoping their faith would restore the moon's luminescence.

Witnessing this, Lysandra was utterly dumbfounded, yet in that moment, she sprung into action again, resuming her song. Her chants became more hasty, each verse a struggle against the heavens, against fate. She urged everyone to pray more fervently, to beseech the Moon God to appear and protect the tribe from harm. But as the moon slowly sank into the shadow of the earth, becoming a dim crescent, their hope seemed to wane as well.

As the tribe was on the verge of complete despair, Lysandra started to dance softly, her voice and movements attempting to calm the panic. When the song ended, and with the eclipse almost over, she seized the moment to cry out to the werewolves that we were all guilty, that the two captives were sacred and should not be offered as sacrifices, and that they should be released and treated as honored guests immediately. After saying this, she knelt down and begged the Moon God for forgiveness. Just as despair hovered in the atmosphere, a ray of light suddenly appeared on the edge of the moon, like a beam of hope reborn. The moon gradually emerged from the earth's shadow, releasing its gentle silver glow again.

With the end of the eclipse, the mood in the tribe slowly relaxed, and the werewolves' faces revealed smiles of relief. The werewolves around the altar hugged each other, celebrating the moon's return and rejoicing in the gods' mercy. The witch's singing and dancing seemed like their guardian deity, guiding them through the dark night of the eclipse.

After the trial of the moon eclipse, the tribe became more united, with each werewolf profoundly understanding life's fragility and the strength of the community. Among the praises of the people, Lysandra quietly untied the ropes binding Li Hao and me, then led us away from the altar.

Although the werewolves were suspicious, no one dared to interfere, as the witch's sacred status displayed unparalleled power at that moment. Under the moonlight, all that remained were startled faces and the disconsolate figure of the young Wolf Priest retreating into the distance.

Escaping the werewolf's clutches, Li Hao and I, like ships that have weathered a storm, finally embraced a moment of respite. Clutching each other's hands in the depths of the forest, far from our pursuers, we took a deep breath of the crisp night air, sharing glances that sparkled with a complex blend of emotions: relief, excitement, and full-blown uncertainty about the future.

This life-and-death struggle did not merely free us from the physical shackles but also pried open a rigid switch deep in our souls. We are no longer just passersby in each other's lives but have become genuine dependents and supporters. Saving each other amidst crises time and again, our bond has been tempered and hardened like a boulder that endures through tribulations, indestructible.

The deep breaths in the silence allowed both of us to gradually return to reality from the memories of the past, as we began to plan our upcoming travel route.

The journey to the Western Regions is fraught with difficulties, but the resilient string deep within our souls is unbreakable. At dawn, the eastern horizon began to pale, and the faint morning light washed away the remnants of the long night. Standing in an open area, we could see a winding path stretching towards the Western Regions in the distance. I suggested we continue along the ancient Silk Road, a direction filled with challenges as well as hopes. Li Hao nodded in agreement, for the free world we both yearned for lay in those distant western frontiers.

We prepared to set off on our new journey with the first rays of sunlight. We will encounter the unknown, trek through deserts, cross mountains, set up tents, and sleep under the scorching sun and the stars. Every sunrise and sunset are expressions of our steadfast belief in freedom, and overcoming each challenge reaffirms our trust and reliance on each other.

In such luminance, Li Hao and I realized that the greatest fortune in life is to find that supportive and growing companion amidst the vast sea of people. The gratitude and expectations in our hearts, like the morning dew, reflect dazzling light in the sunlight. Our souls, once unacquainted in past lives and advanced through layers of fate and choice, are now inseparably united in chasing the chapters of the future.

When it was time to leave, Lysandra too came along. I spoke with her alone for a long time, discussing everything she had experienced and everything I had gone through, along with the current challenges we faced. We were both moved, never having expected two modern individuals to traverse through time and face such hardships here. Our conversation later turned to the ancient jade that brought us to this world, yet we remain clueless about its origin. According to Lysandra, judging from the texture of that jade, it likely comes from the ancient Kunlun Mountains. However, we had no idea where the ancient Kunlun Mountain was. I had read about it in historical records; it is often considered a divine mountain in Chinese mythology, a cradle of many mythological stories. In contemporary geographical concepts, the Kunlun Mountain Range is located in the western part of China, spanning the border of the Tibet Autonomous Region and the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, stretching from the Qilian Mountain Range in Qinghai Province to the Pamir Plateau, seen as the backbone of Asia. Majestic and spectacular, it is often referred to as "the Spine of China." The Kunlun Mountain Range holds many precious natural resources and diverse ecosystems and is the source of many important rivers, having an irreplaceable impact on the water resources of China and Asia. However, according to ancient records from the Han dynasty, some had ventured to Persia, now the Middle East, in search of Kunlun Mountain and even traveled westward through the Middle Eastern regions. Those places should correspond to the ancient realms of Babylon and Egypt.

The history of the Chinese people is extremely ancient. By my intuition, the ancestors of the Chinese likely originated from regions like ancient Babylon and later flourished in ancient Egypt. I have visited the Egyptian pyramids and the mausoleum of China's First Emperor Qin Shihuang, and there are many similarities in their structures. Not only are the shapes and sizes similar, but the latter seems more like a continuation of the pyramid culture, implying that some owners of the pyramids might very well be the ancestors of the Chinese people. According to Lysandra's judgment, if we want to return to the modern world, we first need to find the ancient jade and have Li Hao carve my name on it to proceed to the next step. However, the place of ancient Kunlun is still tens of thousands of kilometers from our current location, it seems our journey will be very long.

After escaping the intense and frightening werewolf tribe, the three of us came to the scenic city of Liangzhou. Liangzhou, this land steeped in the vicissitudes of history, was also our first stop after a long escape. Coming out of the forest, our mood relaxed gradually with the mountain winds along the way, and we finally had the opportunity to appreciate the scenery of Liangzhou, taste the local specialties, and feel the hard-earned tranquility and ease.

Liangzhou, this ancient borderland that blends wilderness and civilization, gives a sense of traveling through time. On the yellow sands, the remnants of the Great Wall stand solitary, witnessing the changes of the ages. In the distance, lush mountains rise, speckled oases spring forth in the desert, dotting old stations under the vast sky.

We stepped into a restaurant with Liangzhou flavors, and Lysandra seemed to shed the tension of the altar, taking off her terrifying mask to reveal her original simple and kind face. We ordered the local famous lamb bun and cold noodles, the spicy and fresh flavors sweeping away days of exhausting upheaval. After tasting the rich layers of the local bun and sipping a bowl of fragrant mutton soup, we felt surrounded by warmth and a sense of fullness.

After the meal, we strolled leisurely through the streets of Liangzhou. Ancient shops lined the roads, the green tiles between the grey bricks showing a bit of simplicity and peace. The clear bubbling stream of the old town, the street hawker's sugar-coated hawthorns, or the wind chime decked store, all seemed to tell us this: here lies a unique tranquility and the beauty accumulated over time.

At sunset, we climbed up a small hill on the edge of the city. The sky of Liangzhou took on a golden hue, blurring the horizon that held distant hills and nearby city walls. The three of us sat quietly, watching the sun gradually sink. What surged in our hearts was not only a feeling for the beautiful scene but also infinite contemplations about the future. All the hardship seemed to vanish at that moment, leaving only gratitude for the coming tomorrow.

Lysandra said softly, "The scenery here is truly beautiful; it's been a long time since I returned to human society." I smiled and nodded, feeling grateful and very much in agreement with her sentiments. At this moment, Liangzhou appeared so peaceful and gentle. At this moment, after the myriad dangers we've faced, we finally got to experience the simple and genuine happiness of life.

However, just as we were reveling in this moment of ease, suddenly, a flurry of urgent footsteps came from the street at the bottom of the hill. When we looked back, we saw a group of officials, along with the armed servants of the Wu family, swords drawn, charging at us threateningly. It turned out that despite our escape from the werewolf tribe, the forces of the court and family were still tightly tracking us down.

Li Hao and I panicked at the sight of the officials disrupting our peace. We knew the harsh predicament we would face if we were captured and returned to the family. Li Hao nervously drew a short sword from his waist and signaled for us to quickly find somewhere to hide. Pedestrians on the street, which were already sparse, scattered away to avoid the sudden conflict.

Flashes of being chased by the werewolves came back to me – an experience where Lysandra's wisdom and bravery saved us. This time, we had to split up as well, as the pursuers only recognized me and Li Hao, not Lysandra. If we acted separately, there would be a backup plan in case we were captured. Escape seemed difficult, but we understood that standing still was akin to waiting to be caught. Li Hao and I exchanged a knowing glance, clutched the hems of our clothes, and darted towards the alley, with Lysandra taking another path. The three of us weaved through the twisting, narrow lanes.

Our hearts beat rapidly in our chests, our breathing reverberating almost audibly in the stillness. The complex network of alleys provided an opportunity for hiding. We slipped into an abandoned dwelling, where the broken door and cobweb-filled corners became our temporary hiding place. Amid the tense atmosphere, we held our breath and listened to the sounds outside.

Shouts and interrogations from the officials came from the street, along with their sharp footsteps, but they didn't seem to discover our refuge yet. After an interminable wait, the pursuers gradually receded, their footsteps fading from our range of hearing. We both quietly heaved a sigh of relief but knew that this was only a temporary safety – the true calm had yet to come.