

In Hollywood in 1994, the era of superstars was about to begin. At the same time, a fledgling actress embarked on a journey and opened the road to domination for more than 20 years She is an American sweetheart that never fades, an eternal deep-sea diamond on the sunken ship, and a stunning female thief and an invincible super agent. The Hollywood stars of the nineties shine, but Josie. Horton has always been unique, because no one can become the Oscar tumor and grossing queen of film history like her, and write her name into the textbooks of finance, the Internet and history!

ansh_singh_baghel · คนดัง
103 Chs


After the necessary pleasantries, Marie. Finn walked into the studio with the group, James. Cameron was discussing something with the modellers and gaffers in front of the scaled-down version of the ship, and did not notice the others.

"Is this location okay?" Marie. Finn asked Josie behind him in a low voice.

"It was perfect." Josie raised her eyes slightly to the incandescent lamp on the top, and Mary not far away. Fein ordered his own people to light the warm-colored floor lamp in advance.

Marie. Finn walked over and patted James. Cameron put his shoulder on his shoulder and said, "Hey genius, why don't you come and see your 'Rose'?" "

James who was busy studying the model of the ship. Cameron, first felt a sudden silence around him, and then heard Marie. Finn's voice, so he still frowned, subconsciously following Marie. Fein's gaze looked-

At some point appeared in this room, a beautiful red-haired girl, wearing a very retro slim long dress, just standing quietly in place, as if even the air had been withdrawn, moving in silence.

I have to say that her red curly hair is really beautiful.

Especially in the light background, it renders a layer of flame-like brilliant halo, which sets off her already outstanding blue eyes and snow skin to be particularly dazzling, and a little golden shimmer also happens to be refracted into her eyes, like the twinkling debris of stars.

It was precisely because of the effect of the light that she frowned slightly, her blue eyes narrowed slightly, and her delicate appearance became a little cold and arrogant.

And as if sensing the gaze of others, a hint of displeasure appeared between her eyebrows, and a wildfire spread vibrantly under her eyes.

Dazzling, bright, and stubborn.

As James . As Cameron imagined, the sharp eyebrows and red hair, the cold and uninhibited elegance, just like Alphonse. Mucha's paintings are American and beautiful, glamorous but not enchanting.

James. Cameron's heart was shocked, and he was captivated by the beauty of this strong, completely in line with the image of the goddess of his dreams, but from the appearance alone, people only felt that the great director glanced at Josie, and then silently locked his brows tighter.

To be honest, for "Titanic", he has seen many of the world's real top beauties, but this one in front of him still almost shocks him with a sense of amazement when "Rose" appears.

As he wrote in the script written himself: I saw her dressed in a very beautiful white suit and a fashionable wide-brimmed hat, looking about seventeen years old, full of nobility.

First look – at least first look – Josie. Horton compared to James. Any actress since Cameron opened the audition is more in line with his expectations.

In particular, the red hair, which symbolizes freedom and rebellion, can be called the finishing touch that the actress prepared for this round of auditions.

"Jim, Jim?" Marie. Finn's voice seemed to come from a distance, James. Cameron frowned and turned his head, hearing the other party ask with some uncertainty: "Today... Still auditioning? "

James. Cameron asked in confusion, "Why not?" Take her to the studio, I'll call and come right away. "

Marie. Fein nodded silently, and finally let go of his heart.

In fact, just now facing James. Cameron's very bad face, Marie. Feindo for Josie. Horton broke out in a cold sweat for today's audition, because he didn't seem to like the way she looked.

Luckily, things didn't turn out as regrettably as she thought, which made Marie. Fein was visibly relieved.

The studio for the audition has long been set up, so Marie. Finn familiarly led people over, only to find out later, Josie. Horton seems to be one of the few actresses to be auditioned alone?

Well, maybe it's possible—it's likely—that she misunderstood something, like thinking that Jim didn't welcome her.

Marie. Fein couldn't help but glance at Josie, who was exceptionally quiet today, and when they met a few times ago, the other party was still a very smiling and easy little girl to get along with.

On the other side, James . Cameron personally dialed Leonardo. DiCaprio's number, he said, "Leo, I hope you haven't left for Sydney to photograph your Romeo." "

"Oh, coincidentally, my ticket is tonight." Leonardo said on the other end of the phone, his tone light, "What happened, Jim?" First of all, I'm not going to meet the Fox gang again, they want to use Matthew. McConaughey just use it, it's nothing. "

The last time they had a conversation with Fox's top brass was really bad because Fox wanted to use Matthew so much. McConaughey as the male protagonist of "Titanic", but James. Cameron himself took a fancy to Leonardo. DiCaprio, so the two sides had a fierce dispute over the choice of male lead.

Moreover, Leonardo didn't particularly want to star in a commercial blockbuster like "Titanic" at all, so he left his agent Rick after auditioning. Yong Eun and James. Cameron and the two tossed, anyway, he himself has not decided whether to sign the contract until now.

So he flew to Sydney to shoot "Romeo and Juliet" as planned as early as the New Year, and did not return to Los Angeles for a while until the recent awards season, and did not make any effort for "Titanic".

James. Cameron snorted and said, "Change your ticket, how about coming to the studio now to help me audition for 'Rose'?" For God's sake, you must come, Leo, when she first walked into the room, everyone was instantly quiet, and even subconsciously held their breath. "

Leonardo chuckled, "Including you, Jim?" "

"That's right, including me." James. Cameron said honestly, "You can only understand her temperament if you see it with your own eyes, and I feel like I saw 'Rose' looking down on me from the deck." "

"Okay, I'll drive right away." Leonardo said cheerfully.

Inside the studio.

Josie signed a confidentiality agreement on the script as usual, and then got the audition line book and prepared it for about fifteen minutes. Cameron personally came over and shot some audition clips for Josie.

Then, Leonardo, who is at the peak of his appearance. DiCaprio, walked into the studio.

"Hey Jim, I'm not late, am I?" Leonardo greeted while glancing at the red-haired girl who was still immersed in the performance just now.

Even with her head down, the actress still had a straight back and looked elegant, but not the blonde sweetheart he thought he liked the most, because she wasn't very sweet, and in fact felt a sense of alienation—an aristocratic sense of alienation.

But when she raised her head, Leonardo couldn't help but be amazed by her.

Josie. Horton.

In Leonardo's circle of friends, the name is all too familiar.

As the guide of Leonardo's official nightclub life, Markey. Mark's confusing affair with the blonde - now the redhead - often appeared in gossip magazines, and Leonardo and other players also asked Markey at the party. Mark himself, some things about this popular youth idol, such as whether she really has a leg with Markey, why she never comes out to play, and so on.

However, what is very disappointing is that Markey has never had only one answer to this: it is a flower of high ridge, and it is not the same as nightclub coffee.

It's just that he didn't expect that today's flower of Gaoling actually sent himself to him.

As if sensing his gaze, she followed her gaze and cast a curious glance - at the corner of her eye, there was a trace of flying red tears, and her eyes were unknowingly delicate.

Leonardo couldn't help but hook the corners of his lips.

Maybe after today's audition, there will be a glamour hunting session that he is familiar with and is particularly looking forward to?

"You've come just in time, Leo." James. Cameron beckoned to Leonardo and gave him a few pages of script books, "Look, we'll try this later." "

Leonardo did not object, but reminded: "First of all, I don't want a video to come out." "

"Don't worry that I'll do things." James. Cameron had long been aware of Leonardo's taboo and promised: "I'll burn the tapes in the studio after watching it, and if you want, in front of you." "

"It doesn't have to be." Leonardo then read the script of the line.

In fact, he was not first defeated by James. Cameron was appointed as the leading actor in the film.

For "Titanic", Leonardo was initially cold because he thought there were no bright spots in the character - no drug addiction, no angry poetry, no psychosis, nothing.

He even jokingly confronted Rick, the agent who found the script. Yong Eun said: "This is impossible, don't want me to play this." "

So when Leonardo appeared in James. In front of Cameron, he looked like before his first audition - sitting in a waiting chair smoking, the whole person could not be refreshed, one had to suspect that he was bored or disdainful of the next performance, and even immersed in a hangover-like trance.

But when he pronounced the words, James. Cameron had that wonderful feeling: it was him!

Behind is James. Cameron and Fox went back and forth about the male lead candidate.

However, Fox has always taken James . Cameron can't help it, and it's only a matter of time before he accepts this actor.

For example, they were not interested in this three-hour romance at first, and wanted to add a little Terminator element to the movie, Harrier fighters, gunfights or car chases - of course, all of which were used by James. Cameron pointlessly refused.

But Fox still believed James. Cameron was able to do well in this movie, after all, "True Lies" sold very well, and they also believed in James. Cameron was able to complete the film with a budget of no more than $100 million, with the first few million dollars upfront as a diving fee for the wreck footage.

However, it turns out that Fox chairman Peter Smith, who committed to investing. Che Ning found that he shouldn't have done it to James. Cameron was disillusioned with the speed at which he burned his money, and the initial $75 million budget even had James Smith. The Baja studios that Cameron was planning and the 770-foot reality model of the shipwreck couldn't be done.

James. Cameron is like a terrifying ultimate Pac-Man, except that the Pac-Man in the game console eats insignificant yellow beans, and he eats millions of money, money, money!

Therefore, Fox, who knew that his budget was likely to double, was seeking collaborators to share the investment risk together, and on the other hand, he frantically urged James. Cameron selected the actors to make the film, which had been in preparation for nearly two years, as soon as possible, and then fully released it to ease Fox's financial pressure.

At this point, it is only a few months before the new studio in Mexico breaks ground, Peter . Che Ning has given a casting deadline, James. Cameron must identify the starring role.

Inside the studio's studio, James . Cameron personally stood in front of the camera and turned the camera on the two young actors in front of him who were ready-