
American Comics: The Strongest Shadow System

David crosses over to American Comic World with his system. [The Strongest Shadow System is installing . . . .] [80% . . 90% . . 99% . . .] Join his journey and watch how he becomes strong in a world where multiple world is combined. Subscribe my Youtube Channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsEuXE0QgqZDxt7JweyBZHA More chapter's are availabel in my patreon. patreon.com/CodesGaming

Codes_Gaming · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
19 Chs

Chapter 5 : Plan Failed

A Shrunken came straight to where spiderman was when he jumped up and did a 360-degree flip.

Spiderman saw 40 people dressed as ninjas holding different cold weapons and staring at him with their red eyes.

Spiderman, " Guys I don't think today is Halloween is it? You know in the 21st century cold weapons are very unpopular."

Spiderman wanted to talk with the other party but nobody responded to him. They didn't even reply back or had any change in their emotions.

Suddenly all the ninjas seemed to have gotten an order they started to attack spiderman with surprise but due to his spider-sense, he easily dodged the attack.

It is already more than 40 minutes but nobody has gotten injured spiderman seemed to have been mentally exhausted.

Spiderman felt as if they are soldiers who have no emotions and have endless stamina and perfect strategy and a combination of attacking skills.

Whenever he tries to knock down a person others can equally stop and even counterattack him but with the buggy ability of spider-sense, he also dodged it.

David was amazed by how the ninjas can work together to corner spiderman. David knows it works for only the superheroes who don't kill but even then the ninjas are very excellent soldiers.

David had already been at the scene where the robbers were caught by spiderman but due to police officers coming to the scene he didn't attack spiderman.

He knew that if he attacked spiderman. He will not only be fighting with spiderman but also with the new york police officers. Who knows even if the Shield will also come to join the fight?

David jumped from one building to another and arrived at the place where the ninjas were attacking spiderman.

Spiderman saw a figure coming from building to building jumping.

He felt as if he knew that person but due to the opponent wearing the strange mask.

He couldn't know who he was but he knew that he was a very strong person. He was also wearing a dress that matched the ninjas who were attacking him.

David also saw that there was great vigilance in the eyes of spiderman as if he had come to take his girlfriend away.

David wanted to talk with spiderman but before he could speak spiderman jumped and started to swing away from the building he was on top of saying, "Sorry man I have more important things to do than have time spending with cosplay ninja."

David was very shocked that spiderman went away from there without fighting with criminals.

He remembered that Aunt May will go come very early on Sundays because she wanted to have time with peter.

He knew that it must be Aunt May who was going to come home he ran without blinking an eye.

David laughed that Spiderman with always a funny character while fighting criminals at night and day was most afraid of his own aunt.

David also unsummoned the ninjas and went from the roof door to changing clothes to his house road.

David wanted to chase spiderman and get his DNA but he felt as if he was being seen so he also left that place.

There can be many people who may be staring at him but the most likely it will be SHIELD or Hyrda SHIELD.

He hasn't done anything dangerous to mankind. If he had done maybe the Supreme Mage will come at the door for sending me to a different dimension.