
American Comics: The Strongest Shadow System

David crosses over to American Comic World with his system. [The Strongest Shadow System is installing . . . .] [80% . . 90% . . 99% . . .] Join his journey and watch how he becomes strong in a world where multiple world is combined. Subscribe my Youtube Channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsEuXE0QgqZDxt7JweyBZHA More chapter's are availabel in my patreon. patreon.com/CodesGaming

Codes_Gaming · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
19 Chs

Chapter 17 : Attack on Titan (8)

As Commander Erwin had made the plan to capture the Titan powerholders hidden among themselves.

Eren will probably be their first target.

Eren was now being taken to a forest where there were Giant Trees with Vanguard and other two Flanks will be going around the forest.

David and his Death Knights were now following the trials of other Survey Crops. Armin and others were now arlready going at front except Reiner who was following David's legion.

Inside the Giant Tree forest Female Titan was trapped in net of large spears which was now stuck all over her Titan body.

Levy moved towards Female Titan using his Gear and slashed his blade at the hand which was covering her neck.

Female Titan used her hardening ability in her hand which made the blade of Levy broken due to collision between each other.

Levy couldn't do anything to her.

Levy jumped again into another Giant Trees branch.

Suddenly Female Titan cried loudly and all the other Titans around the area started to move towards Female Titans location.

Commander Erwin says to Levy,"Levy, Titans are coming here."

Commander Erwin gave command everyone to protect the Female Titan at all cost.

The Titans who heard the cry of Female Titan and came there started to eat her.

Seeing the situation getting out of hand Erwin gave command to retreat.

Just when everyone was retreating from the scence. David came with his legion of Death Knights.

David statred to give orders to kill the Titans.

David whereas was going directly towards where Annie is running after getting out of her Titan body.

David directly subded Annie who was weak after just getting out of her Titan body.

David than used [Research] function of system to capture Annie which will begin the research of a new camp.

After finishing his business he returned back where other members of Survey Corps.

After David had left his legion composed of Death Knights to deal with the Titans. They also suffered some losses but only those ones who were completely crushed were killed.

The ones who were injured started to heal with the death energy.

The Survey Corps memebers where shocked to see the fight between Death Knights and Titans.

The Survey Crops members who had to be at brink of death for completely killing the Titans saw how any slashes from Death Knights to the Titans didn't heal and slowly consumed them to death.

Before coming here David had already captured Reiner the powerholder of Armored Titan.

Now there were two camps being researched.


[Female Titan Camp]

[Research progress = 1/100]

[Completion time 50 hours 44 minutes and 30 seconds.]

[Armored Titan Camp]

[Research progress = 3/100]

[Completion time 49 hours 44 minutes and 55 seconds.]

Seeing that now that the Powerholders of Titans power available in the Paradise Island are alreardy met by him and system has also analysed their powers.

Now he had to leave this place and go out of this Island and meet othere Titans and captured them.

David looked at the situation of the Death Knights. After the battle they had some losses but David didn't care about the losses of them beacuse more can be gained.

David than went towards the location where Commander Erwin and Levy where staying.

Seeing the apperance of David, Commander Erwin siad,"Your soldiers are lot more stronger than us in terms of both skill and powers."

David replied,"They were born to fight and and never retreat even infron of death itself."

Levy asked,"What about the powerholder of Female Titan."

David replied,"She got away before I could reach her place."

David than said,"You guys should start to clean of the Titans. I will be at the location Wall Maria. Maybe other Titans powerholders may also appear."

Commander Erwin and Levy agreed with David's situation as because of his presence mayabe Survey Corps will proably degrade.

David than teleported himself directly towards Wall Maria with his summons being unsummoned.

David remembers the converstation that he had with Erwin when they were inside the walls.

Commander Erwin said,"Are you sure that the King is fake and the one who is controlling the regime has always been Reiss Family."

David replies,"Than why do you think that the King doesn't talk much in the meetings. It's because he has no power to control the decision over the country."

David had already warned Erwin about the situation that will come to them.

David decided to stay few days at wall so that he can capture The Beast Titan without any problem.

After few days a ship was sailing towards Paradise Island in which was another powerholder of Beast Titan.

As the ship landed in the port. The Beast Titan powerholder and also half-brother of Eren Yeager, Zeke Yeager.

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