
American Comic: Creating An Oasis And Rise Of Mutants (Marvel X DC)

(Marvel x DC Comics) In the wondrous world of comics, superheroes are infinitely awesome, but mutants with superpowers often endure great tragedy. Lynn, who transmigrated, became a student at the Academy of Mutants, possessing the ability to wield magic. He could perform spells like Apparatus, Abracadabra, Glacier Spikes, and Emberstorms. Additionally, he had mastered powerful magic such as God Slayer Magic of Fire, Lightning Dragon Slayer Magic, True Mirror Image, Dimensional Leap, Elemental Manipulation, and Time Still, after a decade of dedicated practice. However, Lynn knew that Professor X's approach of sending students out as vigilantes to save the world in order to promote peaceful coexistence between humans and mutants was ultimately futile. The real path to improving the living conditions of mutants was to gain more influence and power. But where does that power come from? Strength forms the foundation. Money on the left, and Power on the right. So, Lynn approached Professor X with a comprehensive plan: to establish a mutant consortium and wield power through wealth. The first step was to create "Oasis" and establish a Second World. Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel, DC Comics or any other works mentioned in this Fanfic. This is a translated version of the Mtlnovel. Again I am not the original author, only translating. Mtl: https://www.mtlnovel.com/american-comic-create-an-oasis-at-the-beginning-and-the-rise-of-mutants/ You can support me on Patreon with 15+ chapters in advance. patr3on.com/Chizihn

Chizihn · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
76 Chs

57: High-Level Meeting – General Ross's Confidence

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White House Office.

An urgent high-level meeting was convened in the middle of the night.

The attendees comprised heavyweights from both military and political circles.

The White House naturally hosted President Matthew Ellis and Vice President Rodriguez. In the military seat, the highest-ranking figure was Army General Scudder.

From the outset, the meeting was charged with tension.

"What is the military's intent? Do you plan to incite rebellion by manipulating mutants to assassinate the President?!"

"Mr. President, the military isn't involved in this matter. It's entirely William Stryker's personal actions. We couldn't have anticipated his level of insanity!"

"Assassinating the President is a grave matter. Are you truly claiming ignorance? Do you believe us to be fools?!"

"However, the facts remain. William Stryker has been apprehended. With strict interrogation, we believe the truth will surface soon!"

"The truth? Did you dare to orchestrate the assassination of the President in order to secure White House approval for your mutant-targeted plans?!"

"Every proposal we've presented is for the nation, for its people, and for humanity's survival!"

"But your plans are inhumane and come at an exorbitant cost!"

"I must emphasize a point: this is war. If humans wish to avoid mutant domination, are they unwilling to pay the price?"

"Ah, phrasing it eloquently. Where have those funds gone? Are you brave enough to disclose?"

"You are making baseless accusations! Are you suggesting someone within our ranks is embezzling funds?!"

"Is it not possible? After expending substantial funds, are the results reliable today? When the X Weapon project was initiated, you pledged to create elite mutants obedient to our commands. And now? The police are shouldering the blame!"

"The Weapon X program isn't deemed a failure. Due to our intervention, all data has been sealed. It can be reinstated whenever the opportunity arises!"

"You still wish to revive it? Are you dreaming? Lack of experimental subjects, so do you plan to apprehend them externally? Do you realize how many watchful eyes are upon us now?!"

"No matter. The world's most essential resource is mutants. As long as we're willing, we'll locate sufficient experimental subjects swiftly!"

"Are you mad? Don't forget the 'Mutant Registration Act' hasn't been enacted. Even if it were, legally speaking, mutants aren't criminals!"

Vice President Rodriguez interjected. His words instantly silenced the raucous and red-faced attendees. Who attends such meetings if not seasoned tacticians?

Nearly everyone discerned the underlying meaning. Ultimately, whether it was the Weapon X plan or other strategies against mutants... they lacked legal support.

In essence, these plans were dubious.

The military's primary blunder this time was exposing the Weapon X program to the public eye. This severely damaged the military's prestige and the White House's standing.

"Everyone, grasp this fact... mutants aren't mere sacrificial lambs!"

Rodriguez extended his finger, striking the table before him. He surveyed the room with commanding eyes: "Observe the prevailing sentiment outside. Do you comprehend how many voices are denouncing you? How many peoples attitude toward mutants have shifted?!"

Simultaneously with his words, a secretary swiftly manipulated the computer, projecting images on the colossal screen.

It showcased a screenshot from Daily X.

"This app cannot be uninstalled, and its installed base has reached a terrible number. In addition, it allows people to post videos and share their lives. It is deeply loved by users, and it is about to sweep the country"

Rodriguez asserted solemnly: "You'd never have fathomed that, in the brief span since the Weapon X program's exposure, numerous individuals have fervently posted videos condemning William Stryker as a butcher, decrying the Weapon X program, and suspecting that the military has evil intentions. Some demand severe retribution for Stryker and a probe into military conspiracy."


The expressions of all high-ranking officers in the military soured.

"Your Excellency, Vice President, it's evident mutants are puppeteering this behind the scenes!"

Admiral Scudder finally spoke: "They aim to manipulate public opinion, alter their image, and persuade the public they pose no threat... a challenge to us!"

"I'm aware, but what's amiss?"

Rodriguez shook his head: "The crux remains. Legally, mutants aren't criminals. They're lawful citizens with rights. They seek rights for their own collective. What grounds have we to impede them?"

Few believed such lofty absurdities. Yet, this statement pinpointed the heart of the issue...

The group of mutants has begun to seek their own interests. And within the bounds of legality. Undoubtedly, this wasn't a positive development!

"Immediately halt the spread of these videos!"

A military general suggested, "And Daily X, who's behind it? Prompt the FBI to initiate an inquiry"

The classic can't solve the problem, just solve whoever who created the problem.

"It's futile. Our present technology has no influence over Daily X..."

A White House representative shook their head: "Regarding that company, it's owned by someone named Katie Pryde, a reporter for the mutant channel. Apart from that, all other data is fabricated... evidently, she established a company solely for releasing an app. Once successful, it vanishesd"

All dignitaries in the meeting room exchanged bemused glances.

"So, as the world's preeminent nation, we're powerless... against an enigmatic app?!"

Someone quipped. A meeting of this stature bore a sense of dark irony.

"Perhaps we should enlist Tony Stark's aid?"

Admiral Scudder frowned, devising a solution: "He's capable of crafting technological marvels that transcend eras, like the iron suit, and he's advanced artificial intelligence. Surely, he can devise a remedy"

His face was rather ugly.

To enlist the help of an arms dealer for such a trivial matter somewhat bruised the White House's and military's dignity.

Another individual shook their head: "I've pursued this avenue too, and Mr. Stark's response is that he's unable to assist"

"Unable? Or uninterested?"

Admiral Scudder snorted: "Why is he emerging now? Could there be a concealed connection between him and the mutants that eludes us?!"

Everyone fell silent once again. This question necessitated careful consideration.

"This is the crux of the matter!"

Rodriguez sighed deeply: "Who is Tony Stark? A long-time military procurement partner with close government ties. A super elite among ordinary humans. But after this incident... after this incident, he openly expressed sympathy for mutants and dissatisfaction with the military during a live broadcast..."

"What does this imply? Do you not comprehend?!"

Naturally, everyone comprehended.

It meant that the recent wave of public opinion had impacted Iron Man, a wealthy and influential human elite.

He could be swayed. What about other consortium leaders, human elites, and officials at various levels?

Would they also start empathizing with mutants?!

Everyone present knew all too well that resources in society had long been concentrated in the hands of a select few. The voices of regular people might be ignored, yet if more human elites akin to Iron Man shifted their stance...

For them, it would be a monumental blow.

"Mutants must be countered!"

Scudder proclaimed without hesitation: "We cannot let this go unchecked any longer. I believe it's essential to reinstate the 'Mutant Registration Act' and implement it as soon as possible!"

All eyes fixed on the President.

"Admiral Scudder..."

President Matthew Ellis remained expressionless, finally responding: "I hope you understand that whether mutants pose a threat or not, governments worldwide have yet to reach a consensus. The White House hasn't unified its stance on how to address mutants. To impose..."

"Forcing the 'Mutant Registration Act' would actively instigate war"

The expressions of Scudder and many military generals shifted simultaneously.

The President... clearly wasn't entirely convinced that the military was uninvolved in the assassination plot.

Sensing this, Scudder began to offer an explanation. However, the President interrupted him with a wave of his hand.

"I'm fully aware that the widespread emergence of mutants will exert significant influence on the lives of ordinary people. That's why I cautiously authorized the Weapon X project, as a precaution against turmoil that mutant activity could cause."

He continued "Yet presently, aside from Magneto, most mutants haven't posed significant threats. Even the X-Men are dedicated to combatting mutant criminal activity. This, undoubtedly, conveys goodwill."

"It signifies that a significant portion of the mutant population aren't monstrous and desires peace, much like ordinary humans. But if, due to your active provocation, these mutants are pushed into opposition against us, culminating in a full-fledged war between humans and mutants, then all of you here..."

"Who will shoulder that responsibility?!"

Matthew Ellis spoke with composure, his calm gaze scanning the assembly.

Observing the perplexed expressions on the faces of numerous military generals, he added slowly: "Moreover, are you prepared?"

"If war ignites, can your military assure me of a decisive victory? Both Vice President Rodriguez and I will back you without hesitation. So... can you assure that?!"

These words instantly silenced the military's outspoken members.

Rodriguez remained expressionless, neither endorsing nor contesting the President's declaration.

Admiral Scudder hesitated for a moment before speaking once more:

"Mr. President..."


The adage proves true: Magneto was right. Politics constitutes the world's dirtiest pursuit. Compromise is everywhere.

Due to this reality, resolving all disparities within a single meeting proved futile.

As the meeting adjourned, military members departed the White House in an orderly procession. Each bore a displeased expression, and Scudder's expression was so overcast it could have rained.

"William Stryker, that despicable...!"

Indistinctly, muttered curses wafted through the crowd.

Evidently, this time, though the military promptly disassociated from William Stryker, the repercussions would be substantial. It would become ensnared in a convoluted web of interconnected issues.

Oddly enough, one individual within the assembly wore a conspicuously placid expression.

Seemingly untouched by the ordeal.

Seeing him, Scudder leaned in and queried, "General Ross, what's your take on the President's stance?"

"Can't you discern? Is he truly intending to slash our funding and halt mutant dealings?"

General Ross remained unperturbed, a trace of mockery dancing in his eyes: "He's capitalizing on this chance to diminish military influence. Isn't the White House harboring an abundance of mutant experiments?"

As the head of the military's super-soldier program, he wielded more authority than William Stryker.

He possessed broader insights.

Not to mention the unique weapons aimed at mutants under development in the Worthin laboratory, coupled with Trask Industries' research and production of sentinel robots!

There are countless other laboratories. Which one didn't conduct myriad mutant tests? Many of them do not belong to the military.

"That's true, but the impact of this incident runs deep. Our losses extend far beyond just William Stryker..."

Of course, Scudder grasped this reality, yet his brow remained furrowed.

General Ross smirked disdainfully: "Don't fret, General. No matter how formidable the mutants become, our years of preparation won't be in vain..."


At this revelation, Scudder's spirits lifted: "Have you achieved results?"


General Ross lowered his voice, a spark of excitement igniting his eyes: "Soon, we'll have Bruce Banner in custody. With him, mass-producing obedient Hulks will become a reality..."

"General, you've witnessed Hulk's might firsthand..."

"Imagine if we commanded an army of Hulks. Against those mutants..."

"What waves could they generate?"

Scudder never expected a day of bad news to yield good tidings.

A smile instantly graced his features: "General Ross, you truly are the backbone of our military. I'll wholeheartedly endorse your bid for the next Secretary of State!"


General Ross radiated elation, visibly self-satisfied.

As they walked, the two delved into specifics of the gamma ray experiment. However, just short of reaching the exit, a sudden crescendo of hurried footsteps echoed from behind.

The President's secretary hastened toward them, a sense of urgency in his voice: "Gentlemen, news just in – Xavier's Academy has abruptly announced public enrollment for mutant students. The President requests your return to the meeting."

General Ross and Scudder exchanged glances, the earlier buoyant mood evaporating.



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