
Amazon Queen

Back when tigers used to smoke, Dahomey was one of the greatest kingdoms in the world run by Queen Ifeoma, Empress of the Dahomey empire of Africa, the Amazons is what they are called, feared by the greatest kings and emperors, no one in their right mind would dare cross them still some liked to try their luck either in winning the hand of this fierce queen who always covers her face with a pitch black veil or lay siege on the kingdom. A few months before her brother's return from her mother's country to claim the throne, her uncle returns with a heart full of vengeance and an army of all of her enemies and some two faced allies, she is betrayed by her closest friend, her mother is beheaded and the head given to her, she ultimately goes into exile in order to save her people. Distraught, heartbroken and numb she is compelled to help the people of Francia who have exhausted almost all their resources and are on the verge of losing a long standing war in order to buy enough time to have her friend Bjorn Bloodaxe and his men who are Vikings and shield maidens and her brother and his men who would be coming from the Northern Qu country meet her to plan the biggest siege never to make history.

Yosei_Neraida · ย้อนยุค
1 Chs


"Ife come on lets go" Zaria called out, checking to see if anyone was following us. It's almost dawn, but it's still dark out and the moon is still up we crept silently across the palace yard "do you think shell be there?".

"shhhh" I hushed her, "someone is going to hear you. but I hope so" Walking out of the dark were my other friends Ada, Bagoo, Toa, Miso and Fugra "can we leave now? If we stay any longer, we are going to lose our target" Miso chimed in sounding rather annoyed with the time wasting, she has the worst temper of all of us. With that we made our way as quietly as possible towards the gate of the palace, using the moon as our only source of lighting.


we stopped abruptly "Did you hear that?" Bagoo whispered.

"It sounds like your father's voice" Ada said, sounding worried that we have been caught sneaking out.

"if you both don't shut up, we will definitely be caught," I snapped at them.

"Ife, I know you're there, come on out." Hearing that, I had no other choice but to go out.

"good morning father" I greeted kneeling briefly

"good morning my dear, how was your night," he asked sounding rather amused

"it was okay. Why are you up so early" I replied, looking as innocent as possible?

"I should ask you that. Its still dark out and dawn isn't for a while." Hiding in the dark near the gate, Ada signalled that we had to leave soon or we would miss our target. While signalling she accidentally stepped on a stick "shit" I muttered under my breath.

"what was that?" my father asked, turning back. "nothing I'm sure its one animal,".

"uh father I have to go now," I said hugging him.

"might I ask where to?"

"well…. I rather you not" I replied with a big smile and he looks at me with raised eyebrows.

Sighing, I replied, "you caught me I said looking down. I wanted to surprise you but you have ruined it,"

Looking down at me he smiles and says "I'm listening"

"fine, ill tell you. I was going to practice shooting so I can have a competition with you," I said with the most innocent face and biggest smile I could muster.

"hmm a competition" he said, stroking his beard, thinking about something I kept looking at the gate

"am I keeping you from something?" he asked

"oh n-no, not at all" I forced out pretty annoyed by this point.

"ah good, walk with me" he said smiling at my obvious tension.

"no!" I said sharply, and he replied by raising an eyebrow "i-its not like I don't want to spend time with you i-its just that I want to practise so I can compete with you," I said with a smile.

"oh? Okay then. This competition of yours, what would the victor get?" he asked, sounding genuinely interested.

"bragging rights" I answered boldly

"bragging rights?" He asked, "yes bragging rights. You're king and this nothing left to give you so bragging rights," I replied, smiling widely.

"okay then. Bragging rights it is. I'll let you go,"

"thank you" just as I was bout to run off he held my hand "im walking you to the gate" he said with a smile.

Getting to the gate he stopped "good morning girls" he said in his ever cheerful voice

"good morning your majesty" they replied in unison sounding stunned

"h-how did you know" I asked, looking up at him with bulging eyes.

"I know everything," he said with a smile. "go on girls, I don't want to keep you too long." With that, we ran off.

We have just arrived at the route the traders are taking to the ship. "come on were almost there." Miso said, taking the lead. "I hid the weapons under the tree" she continued bringing out the weapons and checking to make sure they're complete

"what do we do now?" Ada asked, arranging her wrapper so she can properly sit

"we sit and wait. They shouldn't be too long." Miso replied with that we took our positions and our weapons. Fugra and I climbed onto one of the lower braches hiding behind the leaves so we are not easily seen but can get a clear view of our target, Tao higher in the tree to get a birdseye view of the traders, Miso and Bagoo at the base of the tree, luckily the tree has a wide trunk so they can stay in position without being seen and Zaria and Ada set in the bushes.

Hanging upside down on her branch, Ada tugs on my veil and asks, "how are you adjusting to fighting with your veil on." I have had this veil on for a while, I'm used to fighting without the veil on or with a lighter one on. I have had to wear a veil over my face for a very long time and I rarely take it off.

"easier than I expected," I replied