

In the kingdom of Neva Solis where the sun shines the brightest, an uncharted land where no one dared to explore, a land known for ferocious and hideous beasts it homes was named, Necro Heogro. And there, Amaya was exiled in the guise of unraveling its potential. Being sent there means no different from being dead. But what they didn't know is an unparalleled treasure hiding beneath. A perilious journey awaits her and in the midst of despair, she will emerge victorious.

Smallcity · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

The Moon's Calls

The violent rattling of the cage waked her and peered outside the window. It was ominously silent, one that not even a murder crow would visit. Still, the coachman didn't stop and continue to its destination.

With nothing to do, she recalled of what happed that bitter day.

What great a punishment it is just for slapping someone, not even a part of the royal family. It's absurd! They're of the same status are they not? Why not just consider it as an older sister disciplining her little sister? Or a sisters' quarrel? Why won't they turn a blind eye just like before?

But enough of that, nothing can be done now. What's done is done and she will make them pay — her way. She will at least make sure that she'll survive, be more powerful and once she return to the capital—

"Hello, madam —"

"—Ahh!" Startled and of course surprised, a series of chuckles by the men followed suit. Ah, that's right. They threw her an excess baggage.

She was accompanied by the "warriors" sent to her by the court. Another trick by them, they wanted to get rid of everyone who are an anomaly to them. It includes some rascals who they cannot control or knights who oppose their ideals. The royal court intended for them to never return. If not, then why would they be sent to a cruel place with no chance of surviving?

"You better be quiet madam, or we're gonna get found faster...by those devilish creatures." He said with a sly grin, if he ever had his helmet taken off, she know he would.

"Stop talking you barbaric grease-tongued hag."

"My heart bleeds, pained by your words, madam, this lad is only fourteen full suns and moons chasing. I don't look that old. Do I?"

She turned her head away not wanting to make the conversation any longer. "Whatever."

"Such coldness, madam. Your chilling words froze even my blazing heart."


"Madam...?" He hugged himself and shivered mimicking a person hugged by the cold chuckling by himself. "Ah, brrrr."

Another silence followed but soon broken by a series of what can be distinguished as bones cracking, most probably coming from a creature. The men readied their weapons despite the fear, even the man from earlier isn't so cocky now.

Lo and behold!

A single creature as tall as a horse — or even taller! And they're using horses of a larger breed! — that looks like a horse but not quite as a horse managed to crushed a tree with its — feet?! — while plowing straight into them.

"MOVE!" Someone from the rear shouted followed by another but louder. "MOVE!" The whole group raced in frantic towards their destination however, a large group of the same kind, only they were smaller, barricaded their way.

"GIBBOUS!" The knight in front cried and everyone immediately dispersed.

Amaya sure can't think anything at the moment but she sure is aware of the creature chasing them. And it just has to be the largest one.

All the passengers in the carriage where wailing and saying their prayers, even she who cursed at their gods can't do anything but to do the same in the face of danger. Alas, no amount of prayers can escape this devastating land.

The coachman was stricken with fear. For an untrained man such as him can only be met with a gruesome fate. He planned to run away but too scared to do so, he thought of sticking to the carriage until they reached their destination but too paranoid to stay in place. He kept looking back and did not notice the creature jumping for him.


The poor coachman met his gruesome fate.

The carriage fell over and they tumbled along as a horrifying scream reached their ears. They didn't even had the time to process before the creature smashed its feet to the door and reached out for its nearest victim. It neighed before it successfully grabbed its first victim with its abomination of a jaw and forcefully pulling the poor maiden wrecking another part of the carriage.

Amaya felt a tiny amount of relief before another crashed to where she is. It tried to grab her and a round of high-pitched screaming gave her an idea of sacrificing the maiden. What can anyone say? She too, is trying to survive, isn't she?

She saw a hole enough for her to crawl through, she second-guessed but another creature came and leave her no choice.

She successfully got out and saw a terrifying sight of the creatures herding into the place she were into just a moment ago.

1 year later...lol

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