

In the kingdom of Neva Solis where the sun shines the brightest, an uncharted land where no one dared to explore, a land known for ferocious and hideous beasts it homes was named, Necro Heogro. And there, Amaya was exiled in the guise of unraveling its potential. Being sent there means no different from being dead. But what they didn't know is an unparalleled treasure hiding beneath. A perilious journey awaits her and in the midst of despair, she will emerge victorious.

Smallcity · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Return of the Black Sheep

An unsighlty carriages was the talk of the town, rumors spread fast and soon it reached the ear of the lords. They gathered at the entrance of the court of justice awaiting for the person they never anticipated to return.

The rumored carriage soon stopped by, a menacing man stepped down and opened the door. The dusking light conceal the person inside, but the soft clangs reverberated the silent path.

The person's leg were first noticed as it was the first to come to light. They were bare with only strings attached with rectangular shapes near the ankle that seem to made the soft clanging sounds. Next were her wild and free hair, and the unusual crown atop, her face still not shown.

They watched as the painstakingly slow foot touched the ground. They waited until all of the person's body came into light, her clothes looked unruly, seems to be made of tattered clothes giving leeway to a large portion of skin with only strings clinging for dear life, hanging dangerously at her hips.

The person looked up revealing her face. "What a warm welcome." She said.

The sheep is now wearing the wolf's hide.

Despite not having a decent first chapter to publish alongside this one, my urge to publish grows more and more until I can't contain it anymore, in other words: B1TCH I HAVE TO!!! Please pardon my language:D

A little reminder that I am not a skilled writer neither am I an author.

p.s English is not my first language.

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