

In the kingdom of Neva Solis where the sun shines the brightest, an uncharted land where no one dared to explore, a land known for ferocious and hideous beasts it homes was named, Necro Heogro. And there, Amaya was exiled in the guise of unraveling its potential. Being sent there means no different from being dead. But what they didn't know is an unparalleled treasure hiding beneath. A perilious journey awaits her and in the midst of despair, she will emerge victorious.

Smallcity · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Mansion in the Middle of Missery

Before Amaya could truly escape one of the smaller creatures saw her and ran after her. She started to cry out of fear and frustration, and with a new found motivation, she ran faster and faster. She somehow managed to find the main path and follow it and so does the creature.

"Leave me alone!" She cried, her worthless attempt to make it go away.

The creature closes in and her future seems to be bleak when someone shouted from a not so far distance.


She turned to the sound and saw a familiar boy riding a horse, waving at her.

He lowered his hand preparing to pick her up the horse, but when the moment came all it did was to drag her as the horse continued to run. All three of them, Amaya, the boy and the horse were struggling with their own problems.


"Madam! I don't mean to offend you, but my young arms could only carry so much weight!"

"Shut up! And help me up!"

"Madam, it would be much easier if you help me help you!"

"Don't you order me!"

"Please, madam, I could easily just let you go and fend for myself!"

Their bickering continued some more, there were lots of crying and screeching and shouting until she got tired and,

"Please, madam."

and decided to comply to his wishes. She stared at him with murderous look for one last time before actually putting in some work to pull herself up that she could have done much earlier.

But not before the small creature can close in and go for her leg. "Fuck. FUCK!" Continued with a shrill, she thrashes around and go kicking aimlessly for hopes of dislodging its jaw to her feet. Her hold to the boy got tighter than ever. "This is all your fault!"

He would really like to dump her if not for the impossibly tight grip she has on him. He can't draw his sword lest he abandon the horse. Now what other things can work? He now completely regrets all his life decisions that led up to here.

But at last!

A ray of hope in the middle of all this miseries.

The gates of the mansion welcomed them with open arms. He would of thought twice, questioning, before coming in but he's in a desperate situation.

The small creature finally let go of her feet despite all the dragging it endured. It looked like a pained child after it let go, crying and whining. With no sympathy, she throwed a rock to get back to it but it only made it worse and made it whined louder, running away.

On the other hand, the boy fired the signal leading the others to what he believed is a safe space.

They waited for a while. There's a rumbling growing louder, they backed slowly into the mansion anticipating for what's to come.

It is with great relief that they saw their own, but not only did they attract their own, the smile on their faces vanished as they saw half of them getting mauled by different creatures...many...many...many devilish creatures that can only come out of their worst nightmares.

Now she understands why it was called Necro Heogro.

The remaining numbers who crossed the gate are less than half, they watched as the creatures as they did the same. The very first creature they saw walked towards her, shockingly, she stood still with curiosity and fear.

It did nothing but eye her intently, made a sigh and slowly back away.

A heavily injured man, a knight, most probably, walk towards her too, "Milady, come and let's get you treated."

"Will they come back?"

"My guess is yes. But they won't be able to touch us while we're here."

I don't know when I'm gonna be struck with ideas and motivation again so...

I got my brain fried for writing two short chapters in a day :P

Hopefully I can improve writing.

Smallcitycreators' thoughts