
1 chapter but to be continued next round

Chapter one

Amanda was one of the beautiful girl at a certain school in South africa.she was coming from very poor family where by she was having difficulties to find her needs as a girl child at her school and her daily life experiences.

One day her mom was really wondering time she turned back to school,she was really in a sad mood.amandas mom asked Amanda what's wrong with you Amanda then she replied ,you know mom my friends at school are pushing me to have boyfriend so that he will be providing me what I need in my life and at school aswel and mom you know am having problems of evaluating the dream of last night.

Mother was really sad on what her daughter Amanda said .she gave her assurance that my daughter despite being providing you less it is not right someone to push you on what u not ounto to find money.its not yet time as u very young.the most important thing you have to concentrate to your education and you workhard as education is a key to success so that your dreams will come to true.

Amanda replies says yes Mom this is really time to concentrate and I make my future bright.from that day Amanda knew that peer pressure was not good to follow..now Amanda is doing well in classes and She has selected to college to continue her education as a doctor.