
Chapter 6

Authors pov

Henry walked around the house still hasn't had his bad, he was trying to walk pass one of the rooms when he noticed one of the room doors a bit opened, he new that the maids and boys had their own quarters which was in the other side of the building and he was the only one around, who could be in the house he thought

He decided to go and check it out

On heading to the room he pushed the door opened and what he sawafe his jaw dropped ajah !!!!

"Aharrrhhhhh!!!?" Nepora shouted as she used the towel to cover up

"Who are you ?" She fired

" The question should be what are you doing in my house" Henry threw at her his voice very cold like ice

"How did you get in hear" hw fired again

Nepora just stood there shocked she couldn't find her voice

Henry stared at her again as he threw his gaze away and walked out of the room

He called the driver and his boys

"Who is that girl and how did she get in hear ??" He asked his voice very cold and icy

"Boss it's the girl you said I should bring the one that had the accident" the driver answered

Henry mind went back to the girl that made him loose the contract and his head spin big time

He dismissed them immediately as he went inside his room.

Sitting on his bed Henry's buddy in between his legs were disturbing him, he couldn't get the sight of nepora's nakedness off his head he wanted to eat her right away her skind was very smooth and her nipples were so thick and beautiful her body shape were totally cruvy he wanted to just engage her in a doggie movement now

He tired holding himself as he cleared the thought of his head

He told one of the maids to go and call nepora again

On arrival she was putting on a short neaker which she found in the closet of the room she was in with a bikers top it made her hips shoot out in a very amazing way, Henry couldn't help it he started sweating her body was doing things to him even without him touching her

" Yes sir you sent for me??" Nepora spoke as she got to him

"Yes we have to talk ...sit" he ordered and nepora sat opposite him

" Actually moving straight to the point you made me loose a billion dollars contract the day you had the accident" Henry spoke in one bit

These words made nepora eyes widen , from what she new the way this man called a billion dollars he must be stinky rich , even she hasn't set her eyes on a billion dollars

"Am .. .sor.....how.....do I pay back"

Nepora wasn't really stable on her words , her. Sentence shocked Henry

From all the women he has been engaged with they were usually pompous and very arrogant but nepora was gentle

He stared into her beautiful eyes without her notice then spoke

"I want you to work for me in this house till am statisfied then the billion dollar contract will be off"

Nepora looked at him she actually wanted to do anything just to clear her name and if being aaid would do so then she was ready to die a maid

" Okay I accept" nepora voiced out and Henry was shocked again

"Fine then later my Maxwell will get you something to sign now you can leave" Henry dis missed her as he noticed he was unstable with her presence

He was used to devouring women no woman has ever turned him on orade him uncomfortable what was really happening ????!!!!!

Watch out for chapter 7

I am the inspiration Doctor

My words heal the mind and soul

ooh my God nepora is going to work as a house maid for Henry what do you think would happen after all

I smell love story around the corner

C9nfidence_Udehcreators' thoughts