
Am I going insane?

Bow, lesser mortal, and behold the vast chasm that separates us. Your feeble existence pales in comparison to my power. I am the darkness that engulfs you, the one who towers above your insignificance.

kingshideaterIV · อื่นๆ
4 Chs

made this while taking a dump lol

In the vast gene pool, a lifeguard is sought,

For your lineage seems a bit distraught.

If stupidity were a disease, my friend,

You'd be Patient Zero, where it all began.

Scientists questing through realms of incompetence,

Seeking the missing link, their efforts immense.

Your brain, so small, could rest on a dish,

A Petri-sized home for thoughts to diminish.

Evolutionary potential, as delicate as a jellyfish,

A creature of simplicity, lacking in flourish.

Your DNA, a twisted knot of poor judgment,

A testament to bad decisions, its alignment lamented.

Ignorance, your stronghold, an Olympic feat,

Gold medals of cluelessness, you'd surely defeat.

Intelligence, endangered, seeking refuge and care,

But alas, your intellect is a rarity, so rare.

You stand as proof that natural selection can falter,

A reminder that evolution's path can alter.