
Am Drag in the Downworld

Jake is friends with Simon and Clary, before they get introduced to the downworld. Jake is the same age as Clary and the others and his family has mostly passed away. He, being a self proclaimed dragon acts as a protector of the downworld. Pairing: Jake x Izzy Jake Long inspired MC

Grimm48 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
15 Chs

resurrecting Simon

After retrieving the cup Alec wants to hand it over to the glades but Clary argues that it's their only bargaining chip against Valentine and with Jace's help convinces Alec to lock it in the safe instead.

Shortly after securing the cup an alarm starts to blink on one of the monitors, singaling the Institute to a downworlder in the vicinity of the Institute. When they get outside to confront the trespasser, they see Raphael carrying a dead Simon with a grim expression.

They bring Simon and the Vampire to an underground storage the church has, which is separate from the Institute's building.

"They are gonna wonder what set off the alarm, I'm gonna tell them we didn't find anything." Alec tells them, heading back to the Institute.

"I might be a Vampire but I was raised a good catholic." Raphael tells them, looking around the room.

"The Vampire's breached the accords. Killing Simon is grounds for war." Izzy says.

"The Vampire's were not behind this. Just Camille, she attacked Simon on her own." Raphael explains.

"How do we know you're telling the truth?" Jace asks challengingly.

"I could've gotten rid of him and instead brought him here, also I already told your dragon knight buddy that Camille is poison to our clan and that I'm trying to stop her." Raphael tells him.

"I warned the mundane to stay away but after he got a taste of Camille's blood he came back for more like an addict." Raphael explains.

"The only reason Simon ever tasted her blood was because of you. You kidnapped him and delivered him to Camille." Clary says in tears.

"I never meant for this to happen." Raphael says.

"There is a way to bring him back." Raphael then tells them, sitting down on a bench.

"How?" Clary asks.

"He's a fledgeling. It's a state of transition your friend can be resurrected." Raphael explains.

"No!" Jace says, knowing he'd come back as a vampire.

"So I can have Simon back? Alive and breathing?" Clary asks Raphael with hope.

"That's just it. He wouldn't be alive or breathing. He'll be a vampire." Izzy tells her.

"It's already sunrise, Simon must be turned into a vampire by this night or staked through the heart." Raphael tells them.

"And if I do neither?" Clary asks.

"His soul will be trapped for eternity. You have little less than a day to decide, the clock is ticking." Raphael tells her.

A couple of hours later Izzy and Alec are in a meeting with their parents who explain to them that due to the resurfacing of Valentine and them doing unsanctioned missions all over New York a envoy is being send to the Institute.

After the meeting Alec tells their brother to stay low for a bit, while the onvoy is there when he sees Valentine walk into the Institute, right through the front door. He immediately summons his bow and an arrow and fires at him, only for him to catch the arrow and use a rune on his arm, which turns him into a good-looking blonde girl.

"That reaction time was abysmal. Except for you, I'm Lydia Branwell envoy from the clave." She tells the gathered Shadowhunters, complimenting Alec while she walks past him.

"Maryse, the clave has ordered me to take temporary control of this Institute." Lydia tells the woman when she sees Maryse and Izzy arrive.

"Nobody informed us." Maryse says disapprovingly.

"The clave doesn't need to. And to repeat myself it's only temporary." Lydia replies and takes command of the Institute by entering her clearance code on a display.

"Where is Clary Fairchild?" Lydia asks.

"She's in the field, training." Alec answers.

"You're telling me she's just out and about in the streets of New York? Valentine's daughter." Lydia asks.

"She's with Jace." Alec replies.

"The same Jace who decided to lead an unsanctioned raid against the vampires?" Lydia questions.

"Jace might be unconventional but he's our best soldier if he's with Clary, she's in good hands." Maryse cuts in, defending her adoptive son.

Across town A warlord collaborator in league with Valentine brings two forsaken into the city and lets one loose on the Jade wolf where Luke, Jake and a few pack members are eating.

They hear something walk across their roof and then crash through a window, landing in the storage area of the kitchen.

Looking towards the noise the group of four werewolves and a self-proclaimed dragon see the white ghoulish creature walk towards them while wielding a spiked club.

The group gets up and walks towards the creature.

"Want me to handle it dad?" Jake asks, cracking his knuckles.

"No, we got this." Luke replies, shining his eyes and transforms with his pack and they start to attack the unforsaken until he's lying dead on the ground.

"Want me to inform the Institute of this?" Jake asks once the wolves step back into the customer area, treating their small wounds.

"Sure, you got relationships afterall." Luke says teasingly.

"Hmpf." Jake grunts and goes to the back, snapping a picture of the forsaken, sending it to Izzy's phone.

"So, anyways as I was saying before white and ugly over there crashed the party did you know something about my dad leaving me an inheritance?" Jake asks Luke.

"No, why?" Luke asks surprised.

"Well a lawyer came by and informed me that I have an inheritance waiting for me, he didn't manage to find me earlier because I took your name and wasn't of age yet." Jake explains.

"Hmm I mean your father was a warlock, it'd be no surprise that he has money but many never really show themselves to the human world at all. But then again I hadn't known your dad that long." Luke tells him.

"Yeah well, I'm going to meet with him soon but from what he told me I'm getting quite the inheritance so I guess the question is, what kind of car would you like?" Jake asks jokingly.

"Haha, well that is good news for once." Luke laughs.

"Yeah, I have been thinking though, I think I'll leave the NYPD and open a pi business. That way I can deal with downworld cases without being restricted by a daytime job. What do you think?" Jake asks him, slurping on his drink.

"I guess that's a good idea. I mean I'm going to miss you in the ballpin but that would probably be a good move for the downworld, seeing as you are the famous dragon knight and all." Luke tells him teasingly.

"Hey, I was 12 when I came up with the name." Jake says.

"Though you're still using it." Luke says.

"Shut up and eat your pork." Jake grumbles.

A couple of minutes later Alec and Lydia arrive at the Jade wolf to investigate. On the way Lydia explains that she was in the same position Alec is now in but chose her own path and married for love, only for her husband being killed.

"Hey, who's she?" Jake greets the two Shadowhunters with Luke following him.

"Lydia Branwell and you are?" Lydia answers.

"Jake and Luke Garroway." Jake replies, pointing at himself and his father.

"Ah you must be the former Lucian Graymark." Lydia says.

"That's correct. The thing is back here." Luke tells them and brings them over to where the dead creature is lying.

"It's got characteristics of a forsaken, definitely used to be human but was runed." Lydia says inspecting the attacker.

"It was more focused, more determined, it attacked like it had a plan. Plus a normal forsaken wouldn't have been so hard to kill. It took four wolves to take that thing down." Luke explains.

"I offered to do it…" Jake mumbles.

"We'll take the body back to the Institute, do a full autopsy." Lydia says.

"Hold up, I get that I called you. Actually Jake called Izzy, but what I didn't want is for someone to come down here and take over." Luke protests.

"Yeah, that's kind of her thing. She's the new institute head, temporarily." Alec remarks, inspecting the forsaken's weapon.

"Look, I can come across abrasive. But we're all on the same side here. Can we agree on that? The Institute has the resources to find out what that thing is." Lydia tells them.

"Izzy is an expert pathologist, highly trained in all the creatures of the shadow world." Alec tells them.

"Fine, you win just let us know what you find." Luke agrees.

"Do you thing Valentine was behind this?" Alec questions.

"No question, that's definitely his work." Luke says.

"What do you think he`s after?" Alec asks.

"Honestly, payback." Luke answers.

"So you think he's going after former circle members?" Lydia questions.

"Possibly, but with me it might be kind of personal." Luke tells her.

"We'll put extra wards on the Institute." Lydia says.

"Right, for Hodge." Alec agrees.

"And your parents." Lydia says, getting a shocked stare in return.

"Did they conceal that from you?" Lydia questions surprised.

"Uhm, if you're going to put up wards I'm guessing you'll ask Magnus?" Jake asks, hoping to postpone the drama about to break lose.

"Yes, so?" Lydia asks confused.

"Then I might as well come with you. I'm his protegee so to speak." Jake tells her.

"A werewolf? What would he train you in?" Lydia questions.

"Oh you know, a thing or two." Jake says, summoning a ball of magic in his hand and showing her his dragon tail.

"He is right, he is Magnus's student and to be honest it wouldn't hurt to have him learn to set up wards as soon as possible." Alec grumbles still angry about his parents, but supports Jake having grown to accept the warlock to some degree after he saved them down in the tunnels.

"Great, then lead the way." Jake says, throwing the dead forsaken over his shoulder with ease and follows the two back to the institute.

"We need to make sure no magic was used to make this. Magnus should check on that first." Lydia tells them while Jake is putting the corpse on the medical table.

"I'll go tell him." Jake says, leaving the room to wait for Magnus at the Institute's entrance.

"Alec, I'm sorry. You shouldn't have had to find out about your parents. Not like that." Lydia apologizes once Jake left.

"You mean from you?" Alec says.

"You know there has been a ban on talking about the circle." Lydia tells him.

"Yeah, how convenient for my parents." Alec grumbles.

"This doesn't feel how I think about the lightwoods. Your family has always had a strong alliance with the Branwells. We've been a powerful force in the shadow world. Praised for their devotion." Lydia tells him.

"Devotion? My parents were in league with Valentine!" Alec says angrily.

While Jake is waiting for Magnus Izzy walks by and spots him.

"Jake? What are you doing here?" Izzy asks, refraining herself from hugging her boyfriend, looking over to her mother.

"Oh, uhm… Should I have called? I came to observe Magnus, with him training me and all. Plus it wouldn't hurt to have another Warlock at the Institutes disposal right?" Jake says, following her line of thought and waves at Izzy's mother, who only turns her head and walks away.

"Urgh, she still hates me?" Jake says.

"She thinks of all downworlders as lesser beings, it's nothing personal." Izzy says.

"That makes it soo much better." Jake says sarcastically.

"Anyways, good to see you. I better catch up to him. We're supposed to start with inspecting that forsaken thingy." Jake tells her, nodding at Magnus who just arrived.

"Good, we'll meet down in the lab then." Izzy tells him and goes ahead.

"Jo Magnus, this way." Jake tells him and leads him to the lab, explaining the tasks he's got.

|Meanwhile at the Jade Wolf|

Clary and Jace arrive at the Chinese restaurant, having paid Simon's mother a visit beforehand.

"Luke are you OK?" Clary asks, looking around the messy restaurant.

"You should see the other guy. We were attacked by a forsaken. Anyways it's dead. Looks worse than it was." Luke tells them.

"Luke you're hurt." Clary says, seeing blood on his shirt.

"Already healed, see." Luke tells he,r pulling his shirt aside.

"Anyways Jake called Izzy and Alec took the forsaken back to the Institute for an autopsy. What are you doing here?" Luke says.

"I needed to see you. Luke it's Simon, he's dead." Clary says tearing up and hugs her father figure. The two then sit down with Clary asking Luke for advice on what do to and he tells her his story of how he turned and tells her that if she let's Simon turn it should be for him, not for her sake.

|Back at the Institute|

When Magnus and Jake arrive at the lab they see Izzy looking over the corpse already, dressed with a white labcoat over her blue dress.

"Magnus." Izzy greets the Warlock.

"Izzy. Good to see you. Alright, I'll get ready and you two can have a few minutes to yourselves before I take him and show him how to set up wards, not that that dummy will get it." Magnus replies and gets a snarl from Jake with him transforming his mouth into that of his dragon form.

"Jake, I have to tell you something." Izzy tells him, pulling her boyfriend aside.

"What is it?" He asks, hearing the seriousness in her tone.

"Simon is dead. Clary is out right now deciding whether or not to bring him back as a vampire." Izzy explains.

"I see." Jake says, tensing up with anger directed at the vampire clan.

"Raphael brought him to us and told us that Camille's going rouge and he wants to stop her." Izzy says.

"Yeah, he told me that before." Jake sighs.

"I'm sorry. I know you were close to Simon." Izzy says, giving him a hug.

"Yeah, I was." He says, pushing back his emotions having learned on a mission long ago that acting on emotions can easily get you or someone else killed.

"Thanks for telling me. I think I'll let Clary decide this on her own though. I was born a downworlder, I know nothing else so for me it's not that big a deal, for mundanes and shadowhunters it is." He says.

"Alright, I'm finished, come with me. I'll deliver the preliminary findings and then let you observe as I set up wards." Magnus tells Jake, finishing his examination of the body.

Jake gives Izzy a quick kiss on her nose and goes after Magnus.

Magnus gives Alec the findings, that the creature wasn't created with magic and Alec tells him that he's going to do what he wants from now on, giving Magnus hope that Alec will respond to his feelings soon.

Alec goes to deliver the findings to Lydia, as the head of the Institute and overhears her telling his parents that the Institute is under her control indefinitely now with his parents asking her why the clave is punishing their children when they were the ones who were stupid enough to join the circle a long time ago. Upon hearing this Alec hands the documents to his mother to show Lydia that he stands behind his family name 100%.

After his parents have gone Alec suggests to Lydia that they should get married to strengthen their position and take control of the Institute themselves.

Meanwhile at the graveyards on the Insitutes' grounds but outside the perimeter Clary, Raphael and Jace are readying themselves to either kill or turn Simon when Camille shows up. Raphael overthrows her, with his fellow vampires containing their former leader. After that Clary buries Simon, deciding to resurrect him as a Vampire. When he comes back he freaks out and runs away with Raphael trying to follow him but Simon escapes and flees to his home. Clary and Jace also follow Simon.

At the Institute the second forsaken infiltrates the facility and heads for Hodge, attacking the man who fights back the creature but only manages to low it down and is loosing until Jake, who noticed the commotion goes to help the man and slices the forsaken's head off with one of his wings. Izzy who realized why the forsaken has angle blood rushes to warn Hodge only to see Jake has already taken care of it.