
Am Drag in the Downworld

Jake is friends with Simon and Clary, before they get introduced to the downworld. Jake is the same age as Clary and the others and his family has mostly passed away. He, being a self proclaimed dragon acts as a protector of the downworld. Pairing: Jake x Izzy Jake Long inspired MC

Grimm48 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
15 Chs

healing Luke

Clary, Simon, Jake and Jace arrive at Magnus' and bring him up to his suit with Simon and Jake carrying him.

"What happened?" Magnus asks them, putting down a sheet on his couch for them to lay Luke down on it.

"He was attacked. He needs a Warlock, he needs you." Clary tells him frantically while the two boys lay Luke down on the couch while he's having some kind of vision and mumbles things like "where are you?" To himself.

"Luke it's me Clary, can you hear me?" Clary asks Luke holding his hand.

"Clary, you have to listen to me. Just in case. You need to know." Luke tells her waking from his vision, making Clary worry about him even more."

"Was he bitten by an alpha?" Magnus asks them.

"Yeah." Jake confirms it.

"3.2.1." Magnus counts down before Luke's eyes start to glow green and he lets out a roar and starts to thrash around with Jake holding him still.

"Hold him down, we don't have a lot of time." Magnus tells them and gets something from his medical ingredients, making Luke bite down on it.

"It will take a few minutes to take effect." Magnus informs them.

"What's happened to him?" Clary asks worried.

"Random werewolf transformation, it's a side effect from the poison of an alpha bite." Jake tells her.

A few minutes later Luke lost consciousness and Magnus starts to gather the things he needs for an antidote for the posion.

"Hey, are you OK?" Simon asks Clary, seeing her stare at Luke sadly.

"How could I have doubted him. He's the only father I've ever known. I can't lose him." Clary says hugging Simon.

"Magnus knows his stuff if anyone can help, it's him.

"the bark will stop the transformation, what we need to worry about is an antidote for the poison and I don't have all the ingedients here." Magnus tells them putting down some things on a table in the room.

"Just tell me how to get it." Clary tells him.

"No, Luke will need you if he wakes up." Magnus stops her.

"I'll go." Simon and Jace offer simultaneously.

"What do you need for the antidote?" Jace asks.

"Phoenix eyes, Moon Salt and Idris Volrite." Magnus tells him.

"I know a guy. I don't need him." Jace says nodding at Simon.

"Too bad you're getting me." Simon protests.

"One more thing. I need Alexander." Magnus tells Jace.

"Why do you need Alec?" Jace questions.

"Virgin Shadowhunter energy." Magnus replies.

Jace then calls Alec and asks him to come to Magnus apartment to help Luke, but Alec refuses to comply.

Jace and Simon then leave to fetch the ingredients Magnus needs for the antidote while Clary, Jake and Magnus try to relieve Luke's pain as much as possible.

At the Institute Izzy is informed by her parents that she will be appointed ambassador with the Seelies while Alec will have to marry quickly to strengthen their bond with the clave. She relays this information to Alec, who gets angry and goes to help Luke despite his former protest. After the Wolf is treated Magnus tries to get closer to Alec and drinks some cocktails with him until his mother informs him that he's needed at the Institute.

Izzy, after seeing her brother leave and after her talk with her mother decides to present a more serious demeanor and gives herself a makeover, looking basically like her mother.

After getting the potion Luke wakes up and informs Clary about his and Joselyn's past with Valentine and Clary accidentally discovers her special power to put objects into drawings.

Meanwhile Jake, who gave Magnus some of his magic to help Luke gives his father and Clary some privacy after making sure they are going to be alright and texts Izzy, asking if he can come to the Institute.

She texts him that they should meet elsewhere and agrees to come to Jake's place after he suggested it.

"Welcome to my humble abode." Jake says opening the door for her, having met up with her at a closeby park.

"It's comfy?" Izzy asks looking around the small apartment compared to her room in the Institute.

"I know it's not as big at the rooms in the Institute but hey, it's all I can manage with my meager salary as a cop." Jake tells her.

"I don't mind. Anyways, how is Luke?" Izzy asks him, taking a seat at his living room table.

"He's out of the woods. Still has some healing to do but now that he's the alpha he shouldn't have any more problems." Jake replies.

"Want something to eat?" He then offers, going into his small kitchen separate.

"Sure." Izzy replies.

"So, don't misunderstand, but did something happen? You're somewhat different and I'm not only talking about your dresscode." Jake asks her while he starts cooking for them.

"You can say that. Well first off my parents want to marry of Alec." Izzy tells him.

"What? Do they know he's gay?" Jake asks her shocked.

"I don't think so and Alec isn't too happy about it either." Izzy replies.

"Understandable." Jake says.

"Secondly my mother basically told me I'm immature and not responsible enough as a Shadowhunter, which resulted in my change of clothes and I'm trying to be more serious as you`ve noticed." She continues.

"I know I'm not the right person to say this, having no mother but your mom is kind of an ass right?" Jake asks her, making her laugh.

"Yeah and that might be an understatement, she says she means well but who really knows? At the moment it looks like she only cares about the family name and how the Clave thinks about her and dad." Izzy tells him.

"Must be hard having to put up with that." Jake says.

"Yeah it often is, but luckily I now have you to moan and bitch to." Izzy tells him with a smile.

"And hey if you ever need to piss of your mom for payback for some reason, you have the perfect person for the job." Jake tells her pointing a thumb to himself.

"I'll keep that in mind." Izzy replies chuckling to herself.

"Anything else on your mind?" Jake asks, finishing up the meal and brings over the two grilled cheese sandwiches to the table, sitting down next to her.

"Well, I'm appointed the ambassador to the Seelies apparently but I don't think it will be too bad right?" She asks him and then starts to eat her sandwich

"Hard to say, I know some cool Seelies but I also know the Queen and Meliorn quite well." Jake tells her.

"Why are you mentioning Meliorn?" Izzy asks surprised.

"Because, despite him being charming and honorable, he's quite the practical man, meaning if he gains from it, he'd sell you out without a second thought." Jake informs her.

"Really?" Izzy asks shocked.

"Yeah, I've seen him do it numerous times when I was assigned as a bodyguard on his detail." Jake tells her.

"And what about the Queen? What is she like?" Izzy asks.

"Hard to say, she likes me but I know that in general she's quite the bitch and stabs backs like breathing air." Jake replies.

"What do you mean like you?" Izzy asks wearily.

"Not like that, she collects unique things and people and tries to get them to reach their potential and what is more unique then a dragon?" Jake says with a smirk.

"OK, so be careful when dealing with the Seelies." Izzy says finishing her meal.

"Jup." Jake agrees and gives her a quick peck on her cheek before getting up and washing off their plates.

"So, do you want to stay over? My bed isn't too big but I can take the couch, I don't mind." Jake offers.

"Thanks Jake but I think I should sleep at the Institute. In fact there is something I have to tell you. After my mother told me that I need to be more serious and respectable I've started thinking that maybe we should…" Izzy says while patting the seat beside her for him to sit back down.

"You're breaking up with me?" Jake asks stunned.

"No, god no. I'm just saying maybe we should slow it down at least for a while, while my parents are here." She tells him, caressing his hand to reassure him.

"Phew. Sure if that's what you want. On one condition though, if you think you're about to do something dangerous don't leave me aside. I know you're a strong Shadowhunter but with Valentine out there chances are you and the others will run into a trap and I want to be there to help you." Jake tells her in all seriousness.

"OK, fair enough I guess." Izzy agrees.

"Great. So, does this slowing things down start now or tomorrow?" Jake asks her, leaning in for a kiss.

"How about once I leave this apartment." Izzy replies with a big grin on her face as she captures his lips and slides off her chair into his lap.

The two of them make out for a while until Izzy looks at the clock Jake has in his apartment.

"What it's 2 am already?" Izzy says disappointed.

"Sorry Jake, I'll have to go. See you when I get the chance?" Izzy tells him, getting up from the couch they shifted to during making out and goes to his door.

"Yeah and don't forget to call me when you guys need help." Jake reminds her, pulling her in for a hug before he opens the door for her.

"I promise." Izzy replies and leans up to give him one more kiss.

"Man, I better get Magnus to teach me how to portal soon. That would make meeting up so much easier." Jake mumbles to himself and closes the door.