
Am Drag in the Downworld

Jake is friends with Simon and Clary, before they get introduced to the downworld. Jake is the same age as Clary and the others and his family has mostly passed away. He, being a self proclaimed dragon acts as a protector of the downworld. Pairing: Jake x Izzy Jake Long inspired MC

Grimm48 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
15 Chs

Camille and the Vampires

As they arrive the group of four is talking about what just happened.

"Look, they won't do anything to Simon, they just wanted to draw you out. They want the mortal cup and they think you have it." Jace tells Clary.

"But why would they think that? Why does anyone think that? What my mom lies to me my entire life, except oh by the way there is this magic cup that I've hidden like in the planet Bongo but don't tell anyone. What am I supposed to do now?" Clary asks downcast.

"We have to report to the Clave and tell them all we know about Valentine." Alec says and leads the others further inside the institute headed to the computer stations.

"What that he's my father? Great, fine tell them. What good does that do Simon?" Clary asks annoyed.

"Clary, it's all connected. The vamps want the cup." Jace says.

"Why? It makes new Shadowhunters." Clary argues.

"Nobody wants Valentine forming an army loyal to himself." Alec explains.

"Plus it controls demons." Izzy adds.

"They'll propose a trade, Simon for the cup. If Jake doesn't get them killed first." Jace says.

"So the vampires will trade Simon for the cup and Valentine will trade my mother for the cup, either way I loose someone I love." Clary sums up her situation dejectedly.

"Clary, I'm sure Jake will find a way to get Simon back, in fact I'm gonna go check if that vampire belonged to the clan in Hotel Dumort while you guys are arguing." Izzy says, going over to a computer and searching something in the database.

"While she does that, we need to come up with a plan." Clary says.

With Simon in Hotel Dumort

"Hello, anyone? I'm just an accounting student, I have no value to anyone and I barely saw your faces, so I couldn't even identify you." Simon says scaredly while knocking on the metal door that leads out of the room he's in.

"Not that I would, cause your vampires. Who would even believe me, I didn't even know you existed until yesterday." Simon continues his rambling until the door swings open and Raphael Santiago, the vampire who had taken him hostage walks in.

"Whoa, If your goal is to scare the crap out of me mission accomplished. And as far as I'm concerned you can hack it out with those shadowhunters, especially the blond one. Simon says backing up.

"I don't." Rapahel replies before snarling at Simon and then dragging him along, taking him to Camille, the clan's leader.

Back at the institute

Izzy has just finished her research on the vampire and send Jake a text, confirming that they are from Dumort.

"So what does the database say?" Jace asks his sister, walking over to her with Alec and Clary.

"They are with Camille, like Jake says their base is the Dumort." Izzy tells them.

"Alright, we know where to go. Let's go now come on!" Clary says rushed.

"We need a Clave resolution for that." Alec explains.

"We can't declare a war on the vamps all by ourselves." Izzy says.

"And we can't react without considering our options. Downworlders are slaves to their impulses.

"We're not." Alec adds.

"Alec, you can't just jump at all the downworlders." Izzy cuts in.

"Oh that's right, Seelie's have their charms apparently." Alec replies smirking at his sister.

"Seelies?" Clary asks not knowing what they are.

"like fairies, the fair folk. Pixies, nixes, elves. Anyone who's half angel half demon. It's pretty much the casual term." Jace explains.

"Izzy can tell you all about them, she's got a thing." Alec says tauntingly.

"We've all got our things don't we? Also I think Jake might be considered a Seelie as well, just my type." Izzy replies, saying the last part more to herself but the others can still hear her.

"While I'm listening to this, Simon has been kidnapped by vampires, guess I'll just take care of this by myself." Clary says annoyed and start to leave.

"Clary, you're gonna get yourself and Simon killed." Jace says stopping her, getting her to come back over.

"Then help me." Clary demands.

"Clary's right. They've made the first move and we're gonna take care of this by ourselves right now." Jace tells them.

"What about Jake? I think he really meant it when he said he'll take care of it by himself." Izzy reminds them.

"We can't trust that he'll actually succeed, no matter how much you like the guys." Jace replies.

"This is a bad idea." Alec offers his opinion.

"You got a better one? Look the vamps broke the accord, they kidnapped a mundane, that's a big no-no the Clave will give us a lecture but then be glad we did it." Jace tells his brother.

"Even if that's true, how are we gonna get out of here without explaining where we're going? We need weapons and can't let anyone see us get them." Alec reminds Jace.

"I know where to get what we need." Jace replies and they all leave the institute, following Jace to a local graveyard.

With Simon

"So how does this end? Do I get out of here or what?" Simon asks walking into Camille's chambers, lead by Raphael.

"The answer to that is above my paygrade." Raphael replies.

"Paygrade? They pay vampires?" Simon asks surprised.

"Let's just say we invest early and often." Raphael tells him while Simon is looking around the room, inspecting all of the antiques interested and picks up a knife, throwing it at Raphael, hitting him in the heart, making him laugh before he realizes that his Jacket has a cut now.

"Honestly, I just got this Jacket. There is no way out and you're a hostage, so accept it." Raphael tells him.

"I'm a hostage, that means you won't kill me right?" Simon asks cheering up.

"Won't kill you? Who said that?" Camille questions, walking into the room.

"Oh, look how sweet, you're bleeding. I'm so looking forward to getting to know you." Camille says suggestively, tasting Simons blood, which is dripping from a headwound.

With Clary and the others

They arrive at the graveyard and start to look for a specific grave, where a weapons cache is hidden. Izzy leaves after getting a text from Meliorn, who she's going to to get some information on how to get into the Hotel safely. Meanwhile Alec leaves to go back to the institute since the weapons cache doesn't have a bow, his weapon of choice and Jace teaches Clary a few basics about fighting with seraph weapons, before taking a few blade's for himself and closing the cache back up.

After that he goes to a biker bar, which is filled with vampires and makes Clary fall under the incanto of one of the vampires before stealing his bike. After getting the bike they drive to the top of a building across the street of the Dumort.

With Izzy

After leaving the others to go talk to Meliorn, putting on a suggestive dress along the way she arrives at a big tent with music coming from it.

Walking in, Izzy alerts her presence "Meliorn, it's been a while."

"Isabelle, it's great to see you." Meliorn says walking over to her and embracing her.

"None of that today, I need some information on how to get into the Hotel Dumort. I've know that you have a special entrance since you can't just waltz into the vampire's den whenever you meet up to sleep with Camille." Izzy says stopping him from kissing her.

"Do you blame me? She is a beautiful woman." Meliorn asks sweetly.

"No, I've heard about it before we first hooked up but I hope to get something out of you sleeping with her." Izzy replies.

"Still you know we could do this as usual, as you know the Seelie's specialty is distraction after all." Meliorn suggests flirtingly.

"No, I think I'll pass." Izzy replies.

"Well that's a first, how come?" Meliorn questions surprised.

"It's just a feeling I have, plus I'm kind of in a hurry." Izzy answers.

"A feeling huh? You mean feelings towards someone else I presume. Well I will respect your wishes, but you know how it goes. We each take turns asking questions." Meliorn says.

"Good, so how do I get into the Hotel Dumort undetected?" Izzy asks and starts a game of questions, where Izzy gets her information about the hotel but also has to reveal some general information about Clary and the cup.

With Jake

In the meantime, after breaking off from the others Jake flies home and gets a big cloak which covers his whole body, other than his face. He uses this cloak as disguise to pass as a Warlock while he's transformed.

After getting the cloak and throwing it on Jake concentrated for a few seconds and yells "Dragon up!" transforming into a dragon-human hybrid where he has the statue of a human but is covered with dragon scales and has his wings out, along with his long tail. There are now also a few runes visible on his arms and upper body.

(AN: dragon form from Jake Long: American Dragon show, also his full dragon transformation will be basically a red Porunga with legs, from Dragonball Z)

After getting his disguise he leaves home, having gotten a text that the Hotel Dumort is the right place and takes off towards it, flying with greater speed than before.

Once he reaches the Hotel, Jake walks in through the entrance and immediately gets snarled at by a dozen or so vampires.

"Hey, hey, hold it guys I'm looking for Camille, Magnus Bane send me." Jake lies, making the vampires back off a bit and one of them leaves to inform Raphael and Camille.

A few moments earlier with Simon

"I hate throwing things. I literally hate throwing things, even at my own bar-mizwa I didn't throw spitballs at the other table, I'd never throw things. Honest to god. Oh god you guys can't say god right?" Simon rambles, freaking out and pacing in front of Raphael and Camille.

"For god's sake, what are you trying to say?" Raphael asks.

"I- I didn't mean to throw that thing." Simon says.

"Of course you did darling, that's what makes you so amusing." Camille says.

"I don't find any of this amusing." Raphael disagrees.

"Me neither, I can't say how sorry I am and I can pay to have the whole thing fixed, or just buy you a new jacket." Simon says, still rambling until Camille snaps her fingers, making Simon freeze.

"Thank you. The living are so exhausting." Raphael sighs.

"But this one could be useful." Camille says.

"I don't know, I'm not sure breaking the accords was the best idea, if you forgive me for saying so." Raphael.

"I disagree, you know as well as anyone that Clary Fairchild will come for her dearest friend, whatever he is. All we have to do is take her, either she has the cup or we'll make her tell us exactly where it is." Camille explains.

"She'll bring those shadowhunters with her." Raphael warns her.

"They won't get passed the front door, even if they do, we have them vastly outnumbered." Camille tells him.

"Still isn't this the wrong time to be antagonizing the Clave? They're our best hope to stop Valentine from taking over." Raphael asks.

"How much longer have I been at this then you?" Camille asks.

"I don't know 3-400 years?" Raphael replies.

"You weren't supposed to answer that, suffice to say, she who controls the mortal cup controls the shadow world." Camille says before going back to her original position and 'reactivating' Simon.

Raphael leaves, having heard enough stammering from Simon and Camille uses incanto to make Simon bend to her will and drink some of her blood and fool around with her. During the incanto she also questions him about the mortal cup and Clary and Simon tells her that Clary has lost her memories making Camille curse Magnus Bane for making things more difficult.

Soon after a vampire comes in saying "Camille, there is a warlock downstairs claiming to be send by Magnus Bane, I've never seen him before though."

After a second to think Camille answers condescendingly "bring him to me, he's probably one of Magnus's strays who has heard about me from Magnus and wants to see if the stories are true."

A few minutes later Jake walks in, still in his disguise.

"What do you want?" Camille demands form Jake.

"So you are the Camille, I've heard about?" Jake asks faking interest.

"Yes, now state your business or prepare for a bad surprise." Camille answers.

"Alright, I've come to get the mundane." Jake says.

"What does Magnus want with this mundane?" Camille asks doubtfully.

"Nothing, Magnus is just taught me a few tricks and I remembered that you and him had a thing so I thought I'd use this to get to talk to you." Jake tells her honestly.

"What makes you thing then that I'll give you the mundane instead of just telling my men to drink you dry?" Camille questions.

"Have you heard of the dragon knight?" Jake asks her.

"The mercenary? Yes, but what does he have to do with anything?" Camille asks surprised.

"Well, I'm him and the guy licking your neck is my buddy." Jake says shrugging of his cloak, spreading his wings for a few seconds.

"So you really exist. But even if what I heard about you is true against my whole clan it would be impossible even for you to get a win." Camille says confidentially.

"That might be true if I were to fight fair, you see I can just bring this whole building down, letting you guys fend for yourselves against the sunlight, which has just come up." Jake tells her.

"How about this, I give you the mundane and you have to offer your services to me on one mission." Camille says trying to strike a deal.

"You now, that that's not how I work, I represent whichever side is in the right according to my own personal view, and since you just broke the accords I'm not sure I'd choose your side." Jake explains.

"So, what do you suggest then or are you only stalling time until you bring the building down?" Camille asks.

"No, how about this, you're after Clary Fairchild because of the cup correct?" Jake asks her.

"Yes." Camille confirms making Simon stop nibbling her neck, because she's intrigued now.

"I can tell you for a fact that Clary doesn't know where the cup is, so give up the mundane he has no value to you other than a ticket out of building rubble and a sunlight bath." Jake replies

"Prove it." Camille demands.

"OK, use your incanto on me, I won't be able to lie to you, but remember it'll only last a minute tops against me." Jake tells her and then gets put under her spell, where she asks him about the cup, confirming that Clary doesn't know about it.

"OK, I believe you." Camille says snapping Jake and Simon out of the incanto.

Simon now getting aware of his surrounding sees Jake in his dragon hybrid from standing there and yells "What the hell, are you gonna feed me to that thing?"

"He just got you your freedom, now get out of my sight. Both of you." Camille orders and Jake takes Simon up to the roof after putting his Cloak back on, but before he can leave Raphael stops him.

"Wait!" Raphael yells.

"What?" Jake asks, pushing Simon through the door to roof.

"I want you to know that this is all Camille's plan, we others only follow her orders, but I'm trying to bring her down, but please don't accuse us of breaking the accords otherwise she'll be free to do what she wants as long as she can evade the shadowhunters." Raphael says.

"I believe you and I'll talk to the others about it." Jake says and walks out of the door himself. Once outside he looses his transformation, other than his wings.

"Holy fuck, Jake? What the hell man?" Simon asks looking at his friend weirded out.

"Calm down man, now let's get you to Clary and the others before they do something stupid." Jake says and calls Clary.

"Hey, I got Simon where are you now?" Jake asks.

"What? Simon?" Clary asks excitedly and Simon hears her, stealing Jake's phone.

"Hey Clary, I'm OK but did you know that Jake is some kind of Dragon monster?" Simon asks her with his back turned to Jake who winced at being called a monster.

"What? What are you talking about?" Clary asks but Jake takes back his phone asking "Once again, where are you guys? Knowing you I'm sure you didn't want to wait around and are about to storm the building."

"We're on the building across form the Hotel." Clary answers and Jake hangs up, slinging Simon over his shoulder and flying across the street, over to Clary and Jace.

Once on the ground Simon runs over to Clary, hugging her.

"Where are the others?" Jake asks Jace.

"Oh shit, they are in the Hotel's basement supposed to be a distraction." Jace answers hurriedly.

"Alright, I'll get them." Jake replies, transforms into his hybrid form and flies off the building to the entrance of the Hotel and upon entering gets greeted the same way as before while Jace and Clary stare after Jake shocked.

"Really guys?" Jake asks looking at the vampires with fake disappointment.

"Look, I'm here to rid you guys of the shadowhunters that infiltrated you." Jake tells them and once they heard this they led him downstairs, stopping at a corner and telling him that they are down the corridor.

"Alright, I got this you can go back to your usual business now." Jake tells the vamps who have taken cover.

Jake then walks down the corridor the vamps pointed him to and is greeted by an arrow flying at him.

Reacting in the last second he manages to stop the arrow with his warlock magic, just before it hit him in the eye but looses his cloak with the sudden movement

"Seriously?" He asks laughing to himself at the weird situation and then sees another arrow flying at him, this time stopping it a few feet away from him.

"Guys? I come in peace." Jake yells down the corridor putting his hands up in surrender and hears Alec and Izzy with his enhanced dragon hearing and sees them peek around the corner of a door quickly.

"Alec, stop I think that's Jake." Izzy tells her brother.

"Are you crazy, that monster has a tail for gods sake, it's a demon. How is that supposed to be Jake?" Alec asks doubtfully, peeking at Jake who is still holding his hands up, the two arrows now in one of them, making Jake wince at being called a monster and demon again.

"Just trust me." Izzy says and shouts "Jake? Is that you?"

"Duh. Jobs done, I'm here to bust you out." Jake yells back.

"Prove it." Alec yells demandingly, stepping into the corridor, arrow aimed at Jake.

"What does everyone have with proving stuff today?" Jake grumbles and looses his transformation.

"There happy? Now can we get out, all this shifting is making me hungry." Jake says sounding annoyed.

"I knew you would do it." Izzy says cheerfully, jumping at Jake, hugging him and clamming her legs around his waist while thinking 'I think Meliorn might have been right about me having feelings for someone else.'

"Woah, you aren't shy that's for sure." Jake says laughing lightly while lifting her off of him, hugging her normally once she's on the ground whispering "I'm glad you guys are safe, you especially." poking her arm and then notices her dress as they are making their way outside.

"By the way, what's up with the get up? Did I miss anything?" Jake questions.

"Oh, she went to her Seelie boy-toy." Alec teases his sister.

"Shut up, I told you I broke it off and got the information by normal means." Izzy yells at her brother embarrassedly, blushing slightly.

"Alright, well let me help you guys up to the others." Jake tells them once they've reached the surface and sprouts his wings again.

"Does that hurt?" Izzy asks him.

"Not really, it's actually quite freeing." Jake replies grinning at her and then motions for her to get on his back and once she's on his back piggyback style he starts to flap his wings, flying and grabs Alec by his shoulders, carrying him along, dangling under Jake, making Alec shout in protest but he refrains from trying to get free, so he won't get dropped.

While Alec protests against being flown over to the others Izzy is hugging Jake's back enjoying the wind rushing past her and tells him "This feels great, we'll have to do it again sometime."

"sure thing, I'm looking forward to it." Jake replies thankful that at least one person other than his dad isn't scared shitless by him.