
Chapter Six


Life so far was challenging. Two months ago, I had been at one of my college classes when I saw that Brenda was calling me. I slipped out of class using the bathroom as an excuse to answer the call

"Bren, what's up?"

"Justin's awake, he's finally out of his coma! Can you drive over?"

"That's great news, Bren! But I can't leave, I have two more classes after this. Is he asking for me?"

"Uh, about that even though he's awake the Doctor diagnosed him with temporary memory loss. He said that there's an 80% chance that he'll regain his memories and a 20% chance that he won't. Anyways I told Justin that you came to visit him every day, but he doesn't remember you. I'm really sorry Lily, but come by after school anyways and maybe he'll know who you are after he sees your face."

My boyfriend doesn't remember me? Great, another challenge/obstacle in our relationship. All I had wanted to do when he woke up was rush over there, hug him and kiss him and tell him how much I had missed him and that I loved him and always will. All of this happened two months ago so Justin had been in a coma for six whole months.

Two months later, he was discharged from the hospital seven weeks ago and he went back to school two weeks later. So although I see him at school and Brenda and Kyle reintroduced Justin to me he doesn't seem to want anything to do with me. So I just watch him from afar, keeping my distance I don't hang out with Kyle and Brenda when they're together because it just makes me feel like a third wheel and it makes me miss my boyfriend even more. Kyle thinks our relationship is over while Brenda says that Justin and I are just taking a break.

It's hard watching other girls flirt with him just because they noticed that we don't talk or hang out anymore so they're assuming that we've broken up. No one's explained to Justin that I'm his girlfriend or how long we dated for because his Doctor said that we can't force him to remember something that his brain is shutting out or he could forget more and remember less.

As I was walking down the hallway of the college following a ways behind Justin who was talking to Kyle and some other guys, somebody walked up to me blocking my view of Justin.

I looked up to see who it was, but I didn't recognize this guy. He had a creepy smile and I was already getting goosebumps from the way he was staring at me. What was this guy's deal? I stepped to the side and was about to make my way around him when I saw his arm out of the corner of my eye reaching out to grab ahold of my arm, but I managed to dodge his arm by tripping on purpose over a random person's leg. As soon as I fell I felt excruciating pain radiating up my ankle and I heard a loud pop causing me to clench my eyes close.

I opened my eyes when I heard a familiar voice yell my name "Dawn! Are you alright?"

I looked up then around, but the guy was gone so I released a sigh of relief and looked up at Justin, our eyes locked on each other's. He reached me and knelt down beside me on one knee.

"Where does it hurt?"

I winced "My left ankle."

He gave me a questioning look "May I?"

I didn't know what he was referring to, but I nodded anyway because I couldn't say "no" to this handsome guy who is and always will be the only guy for me. The next thing I knew I was in his strong muscled arms which were carrying me to where his car was. I assumed he was taking me to the hospital and I didn't want to ask because I trusted him anyway and I was in too much pain to ask also. We arrived at the emergency room where Justin signed the papers for me.

Then when they came to get me he told them that he was my half-brother so they let him come in with me. I gave him a grateful smile. Then when they had an IV inserted in my arm they gave me an injection for pain then they left us alone for a few minutes.

Then it hit me "Justin, why did you call me Dawn?"

He looked confused "Isn't that what I always called you by?"

"Well yeah, but you still don't remember so how you do know?"

He got an intense look in his eyes the look he used to give me that would melt my heart and it still did "I may not remember you yet Dawn, but I know that you're my girlfriend and even though I don't know why my brain is blocking you out I'm determined to remember who you are and what you mean to me. I tried staying away from you so that my lack of memories about us wouldn't hurt you, but I can't stay away from you anymore. For some reason I just want to be near you." He stood up and took my hand in his "Just don't give up on me, on us okay?"

I shook my head slightly and smiled "I won't, I promise."

He kissed the back of my hand then the door opened and the Nurse and the Nurse Aides came in disconnecting me and wheeling me down to get x-rays of my ankle. Justin followed behind, never once leaving my side. Then when they told me that my ankle was broken and it was being positioned I passed out from the pain. Justin was the last person I saw before everything went black for the second time in my whole life.

I woke up with a start thinking that everything that had happened had been a nightmare, but when I tried to move my legs I couldn't move my left one. I looked down and saw that it was in a cast which proved that everything that I remember happening had actually happened for real. I felt a warm, familiar hand take ahold of my right one so I turned to look to see who it was and I was surprised when I saw that it was my Mom. She had a worried look on her face.

So I gave her a smile "Don't worry Mom, I'm okay."

She smiled and leaned in, kissing me on my forehead "I know sweetie, I'm trying hard not too worry, but just seeing you at a hospital again reminds me of the first time you were here eight months ago when it was possible you could've been in a coma too."

"Where's Justin?"

Mom glanced to my left where I saw Justin leaning slouched against a chair using his jacket as a pillow with his eyes closed. He looked so handsome and comfortable and I was planning on just watching him sleep, but then Mom's cellphone started ringing causing his eyes to open and our eyes locked.

Mom stood up "Sweetie, let me get this real quick I'll be right back."

I nodded without removing my gaze from Justin's.

He stood up and leaned in closer to me then he whispered "You do know that we're still a couple right?"

"Yeah, I know it's not like we ever broke up and as far as I know we're not taking a break."

He whispered "Then I have the right to make a move when I want if I want to?"

My heart was already pounding loud and hard in my chest, but when he asked me that question it sped up even more. I nodded then he looked at my lips and met my eyes and as he leaned in closer I closed my eyes and then felt his warm, soft lips against mine. He deepened our kiss when I kissed him back and I had my arms wrapped around his neck with my fingers in his hair. He had one arm around my waist and his other one behind my head, holding me with such gentleness.

When the door opened again and Mom walked in she caught us hugging.

She smiled then we pulled apart and I met Justin's eyes as he pulled back he mouthed "To be continued, part two."

I ran one of my hands through my hair smoothing it down as I sat back in the hospital bed to keep from laughing out loud. I don't know why I felt the urge to laugh, but maybe it was because of the way Justin still loved me and the way his kisses were still as addicting as ever. Or maybe it was because I was just happy to have him back in my life even though it had taken a broken ankle to bring us back together. All I know is that I don't care if he ever remembers me because as long as we're together we will always get through the challenges and obstacles that are trying to keep us apart, always.