

  If you wouldn't have accepted the proposal of marrying my sister ,then she wouldn't  be in this condition,angrily he said to me

   I accepted the proposal because dadi and abba  wanted this marriage to happen ,they all were so much happy when I accepted her proposal.I didn't knew that leaving her will  destroy her life.I said to him.

Oh!you just shut up he said pulling my shirt's collar ;

you just know how to destroy life's, stop your so called drama;he said to me

What!drama; are you crazy,I know before our engagement I didn't like her , but after our relation changed I started getting feelings for her ,

At  the day  of our engagement when I have seen her I fall for beauty,her reserved nature,her everything .  she is the important  part of my life,then

how I can think of hurting her or giving her pain  ,I said

to her brother with lot of hidden emotions .

If you have really loved her then you wouldn't have invited her to that bloody party nor you had broke the  relation with her. he said me.

I didn't invited her all alone it was family get together,and about breaking relationship with her ,I can't tell you that reason ,I'm  sorry . angrily I said  him controlling my anger.

So here is a short glance of the story .

So what will be the reason behind it ?

What he is hiding with him and why he break the relation with her ?

To know more join the happy-sad journey of Shazil and queen of his heart.

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