
Alternate Naruto.

Boruto: My dad is Hokage, my grandpa is Hokage, my grandpa's master's master is Hokage, my dad's master's wife is Hokage, my dad's master's wife's grandpa and uncle are also Hokage, and my dad's teacher is also Hokage. My whole family is Hokage! Shikadai: Can we not talk about Hokage? Boruto: The Six Paths Sage is my brother. Shikadai: ... Let's talk about Hokage. Boruto: My whole family is Hokage! Shikadai: ... This is a story about Naruto who accidentally broke the seal when he was a child, leading to Naruto having two dads. (Chapters every Friday and Monday)

SimpleTranslator · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
28 Chs

Chapter 4: The Fearless Uzumaki.

"Boss, what does 'marriage mean?" The next day, during a break, Naruto asked.

"Marriage? It's probably about marrying a wife from another family," replied Tsukikanami casually, unaware of why Naruto was asking.

"Oh, I see. If I want to 'marry,' do you have any suggestions?" Naruto had some understanding of marital relationships, it involved living together and having children, a simple concept in his mind.

"Well, if you're talking about 'marriage,' you should consider marrying into a prestigious clan. The Uchiha clan, the top clan in Konoha, has been lacking in female heirs. The youngest one is already ten years old, so it's not suitable for you. If we're considering other options, the second-largest clan, the Hyuga clan, would be a good choice. Byakugan is a great ability, and their clan head recently had a daughter who is the same age as you," Tsukikanami analyzed seriously, thinking that the Hyuga clan would be the most suitable option.

"Hey, kid?"

Since he didn't hear any response, Tsukikanami pushed Naruto's body, and suddenly there was a 'thump' sound as Naruto's body turned into a wooden post. "Substitution Jutsu? You brat, how dare you skip work!!!"


"Is this the Hyuga residence? Great!"

As the second most prestigious clan after the Uchiha clan, the Hyuga clan naturally had a large estate, and their residential location was very close to the village center, even better than the Uchiha clan in that regard.

"I'm here, ah, ah~" Naruto, holding a three-meter-long bamboo pole, ran for more than ten meters on the road, then inserted the bamboo pole into a corner of the wall. Leveraging the force of the pole, he effortlessly leaped over the Hyuga clan's wall. "I can't stop, ah, ah!" While in mid-air, Naruto realized a serious problem. He had no way to land properly. As a result, his body followed a parabolic trajectory, and as he instinctively looked toward the ground, he saw two people standing in the courtyard. A boy and a girl seemed to be preparing for a practice session. When they saw Naruto suddenly flying in, their mouths instinctively fell open.

"Thud!" His body landed on the roof. It was safe to say that it was the Hyuga clan's house. Apart from a few broken tiles, nothing else moved. Just as Naruto was relieved that he hadn't fallen to his death, more than ten burly men instantly surrounded him and tightly bound him before taking him into the main house.

"A spy?" A middle-aged man sat in the main seat, his eyes different from those of an ordinary person, with white irises tinged with a hint of gray.

He was Hyuga Hizashi, the head of the Hyuga clan. The Byakugan might not be the strongest bloodline limit in Konoha, but it was undoubtedly the most useful, versatile bloodline limit for support, reconnaissance, and combat. There were certainly many who coveted it, and ensuring the defense of the main family had always been the responsibility of the clan head.

"A spy? Are there spies so foolish in the world?" Another middle-aged man who looked very similar to Hizashi stood beside him, looking at Naruto's young face and asking.

"I'm not a spy. I'm Naruto Uzumaki!" Naruto squirmed his body and wriggled in front of Hizashi like a caterpillar. From a young age, he knew that when speaking, he had to look into the other person's eyes and speak with confidence. That way, even when getting beaten up, he would maintain some dignity.

"Naruto Uzumaki, the Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails... Do you have any business here?" Hizashi muttered Naruto's name and remembered his identity. In a calm and composed manner, he asked without any unnecessary hostility. The Hyuga clan hadn't suffered significant losses in that disaster, and he had confidence in the seal created by the Fourth Hokage. There was no need to trouble a child who knew nothing.

"I'm here to 'marry'!"


"You mean you want to marry into our family?"

"That's right."

"Clan head, do you have such an idea?" Hizashi looked at his elder brother, puzzled as if he mistook Naruto for a prospective son-in-law who had come seeking a marriage.

"No, I never said I wanted to bring in a son-in-law But, Hizashi, have you felt a familiar feeling from him, like someone with the bloodline of the Byakugan?" Hizashi looked at Naruto in confusion. He had felt this sensation from the moment he first saw him. As the clan head, he knew this feeling, as if Naruto was a child of the Hyuga family.

"Byakugan!" Hizashi immediately activated his Byakugan. The chakra network around his eye sockets became visible under the influence of chakra, and he stared at Naruto for a long time before deactivating it.

"No, he's not our family member. I haven't felt the familiar sensation you mentioned."

"Hey, Uncle, can you agree to me being a son-in-law?"

"I'll consider it. Take him outside and make sure not to harm him." Hizashi pinched his brow. His first child was a daughter, and judging by her displayed potential, she was far inferior to Neji, who belonged to the branch family. While considering bringing someone into the family, the ninja world valued strength above all else. If they could bring in a powerful jonin, it wouldn't be a bad idea, but definitely not someone with the power of a Jinchuriki.

"What? I'm very strong! Don't brush me off. Just let me be a son-in-law!" Naruto was carried out of the main house by a burly man with Byakugan. He had only yelled a couple of times when he saw the two children in the courtyard standing by the main house, especially the little girl whose face turned red. She probably heard what Naruto said, and in that instant, their eyes met.

"Hinata, don't look. Your eyes will get dirty." Neji blocked Naruto's line of sight, disdainfully glanced at him, and took Hinata into the house.

"What do you mean by 'your eyes will get dirty'?"


"Stinky brat, how dare you skip work!" As soon as Tsukikanami saw Naruto coming back, he kicked him in the butt. Although Naruto wanted to dodge the kick, the foot followed him like a shadow, and in the end, he was kicked hard and sent flying.

"Ouch, why can't I dodge the boss's foot?"

"If you could dodge me, then I wouldn't be hanging around here. Now tell me, where did you go?"

"I went to the Hyuga house." Naruto rubbed his butt and stood up, telling Tsukikanami about his experience.

"You really dare to do anything, you stinky brat." Tsukikanami was speechless. This whimsical stinky brat really had the audacity to do whatever he wanted. It was a miracle that the people of the Hyuga clan didn't beat him up.

"Alright, it's none of your business anymore, so get lost." After a day of work, Tsukikanami didn't pay Naruto his wages and once again kicked him out. Naruto returned to his empty home and lay down on the bed.

"Nine-Tails, thanks for the suggestion. I went to the Hyuga house today, and it felt pretty good." As he fell asleep, Naruto returned to the place where the Nine-Tails was. He climbed onto his paw with a smile on his face and a glint in his eyes.

"Mmm, as long as you're happy." The expected embarrassment didn't happen, which annoyed the Nine-Tails. At this moment, he wasn't in the mood to play with Naruto anymore. He continued to ponder how to manipulate him.

"The Hyuga clan, if they are willing to take in Naruto, it wouldn't be bad, but he would have to change his name. I wonder if Kushina would kill me if she knew, even though she's already dead..." Minato rubbed his chin and muttered to himself. When he was alive, he had a good relationship with the Hyuga clan, and they were loyal and honest to Konoha. There was no need to worry. Naruto Hyuga, it sounded good.

"Oh, by the way, brat, that Hyuga brat did say he would consider it, right?" The Nine-Tails' mind was working quickly, and he quickly found a way to trick Naruto, like the whispers of a demon luring him. In terms of age, Naruto Hyuga was just a little brat.


"Actually, what he meant was to sneak into their house at night. If you can pass through their heavy defense and reach his daughter's room, then you will prove yourself. You have seen their defensive strength, haven't you?"

"Oh, I see! No wonder you're the Nine-Tails!" Naruto's eyes widened with realization, and he looked at the Nine-Tails with sincere eyes. The Nine-Tails also felt a little confused under such a pure gaze. How long had it been since he had seen such pure eyes? Since his birth, except for that old man, people who looked at him either feared him or coveted him.

"Anyway, don't oversleep. Get up and get going. I'll assist you from the sidelines."

"I understand!" Naruto woke up from his dream, put on his clothes, and jumped out of the window. He moved agilely across the rooftops of various houses. Although he was still young, he already had excellent ninja basics. The Hyuga clan, even in the middle of the night, had strong defense forces. However, Naruto's Nine-Tails had reached a point where it could sense chakra to an extraordinary extent, and it guided him step by step. It didn't take long for Naruto to enter the residential area of the Hyuga clan.

"Brat, it's time to sprint. Don't worry about anything else. Run with all your might and listen to me."

"Okay!" Naruto assumed a stance and started running in the corridor, abandoning all thoughts and handing everything over to the Nine-Tails.





[Open the door]


As the Nine-Tails uttered its final words, Naruto opened the sliding door of a room and pounced on the person sleeping on the floor.

"Ah?" The white-eyed youth, awakened by the sound of the door opening, rubbed his eyes and sat up, becoming dumbfounded as he saw Naruto pouncing towards him. Half a minute later... "Palm Rotation!"

"Ah!" With a cry of pain, Naruto crashed through the second-floor window and flew out, landing in the pond in the courtyard.

"Naruto, what happened?" Hizashi rushed out of the house upon hearing the noise, looking at Naruto in the pond and a furious Neji, he asked in confusion.

"This fool sneaked into my room, I don't know what he was up to." Neji's Byakugan eyes were wide open in anger, and if not for his status, he would have already gone into the water and drowned Naruto.

"Pah, who entered your room? I came to find Hinata." Naruto spat out water plants from his mouth and retorted loudly.

"Hinata? Why?" If it were someone else, Hizashi would have made him understand the consequences of infiltrating the Hyuga household at night. However, the vague familiarity he felt from Naruto made him patiently ask.

"Well, isn't this your test?"

"Is that how you interpreted it? But come to think of it, whether it's because the Hyuga clan is too lax or because you're too strong, you were able to bypass so many layers of defense." After listening to Naruto's explanation, Hizashi frowned. The several guards on duty for the night quickly kneeled down. No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't explain how Naruto managed to sneak in.

"Neji, how do you think we should handle this?" Hizashi waved his hand, giving up on punishing the clan members. He turned to Neji and asked. Naruto's nature was unique, and the presence of the Nine-Tails made it difficult to punish him at will. Moreover, as the head of the family, it would be unsightly for him to make things difficult for a child. The best choice was to leave it to someone of the same age, like Neji.

"Let's do it this way. He'll stay like this until dawn, and let him learn a lesson." Neji pulled Naruto out of the pond and tied him to a wooden stake used for training.

"Hey, don't do this." Naruto pleaded.

"Hahaha, did you see that? This brat actually went and did it! Hahaha!" Inside Naruto's body, the Nine-Tails laughed so hard that it almost rolled over, pounding the ground crazily. It replayed all the images from Naruto's journey for Minato to see, and in the end, it couldn't help but burst out laughing. "What's wrong? Are you upset?" After laughing for a while, the Nine-Tails noticed that Minato didn't seem frustrated or furious. It stopped laughing and asked, retracting its smile.

"No, it's just that I didn't expect to see that expression from you. I thought you only knew how to get angry." "Hmph, boring." The Nine-Tails was rendered speechless by Minato's comment and rested its head on its paw, beginning to fall asleep.

Disclaimer: This is just a translated version of the Chinese Web Novel!

I am not the author. I am just translating the story.

If you like my editing/translations, consider visiting my kofi for additional chapters, and please comment on mistakes that I missed!


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