
Alteration: Divinity Of Change

Any art made and shown belong to there rightful owners. I am NOT the creator of any Art seen or shown. ———- what would you do if you woke one day and found out you have been sleeping for 20 years? if the world now had magic? And that demons and other things existed? John decided to just get back to his life. The gods had other plans though. John is the most dangerous demon known. So the only question now is who will live to see tomorrow him or the gods? Was it just gods that wanted his head though?

Kedari · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Chapter 13: The New Normal

John awoke from his slumber and he saw Alex and Ezra about to wake him to leave. He slowly got out of bed and wiped his eyes. "Should we get going," Alex asked as Ezra waited by the door waiting to go with them.

"Yeah let's go," John quickly got up and straightened out his clothes. Ezra opened the door and the three of them navigated to the elevator. As they were headed there they noticed a lot more students everywhere. They also had noticed that they were further from the elevator than a while ago.

"Is it just me or did we get further from the elevator?" Alex said as he felt crazy.

"Yeah, that's probably because these halls shift around. They work like a clock they rotate to the right about every hour I think." Ezra's words came as a shock to John and Alex.

'How the hell does that even happen?' John thought quietly as they reached the elevator. They took the elevator down to the bottom floor where the lobby was lively as some students were talking and chatting before heading off to the ceremony. Different races were seemingly split into groups. Humans talk to humans and so on. There didn't seem to be a lot of different races talking with each other. They quickly made their way through them and they got some weird looks from people as they passed. They walked out quickly behind Ezra as he was taking the lead.

"Why were they looking at us like that? It was so creepy they looked like they would eat us or something," Alex said. Ezra looked back at him weirdly since this was common nowadays.

"It's common for people now. People normally get along with their race and have issues with different races." Ezra sighed as he explained. It was true for him as well.

"But why we were all human once doesn't matter," Alex said.

"Well, now it's looked at different people and started believing they are not human. A lot of people believe that this is what they were truly meant to be. Even my family is like that." Ezra looked almost sad at his words.

"That doesn't make sense since what happens if their parents are a different race? Do They just hate their parents?" John asked good questions but Ezra was surprised they did not know of this.

"Well it's known that it's called a Random Awakening but it's more to do with your family. If you awaken as a Vampire your family would also be vampires. There has never been a case where this isn't true." As Ezra said this Alex looked right at John. John knew why if he was a demon why was his brother a human? John's thoughts were racing but he kept himself calm. He knew that he should just question his brother. They had walked to the back of the middle building where classes were held. To the open field in the back where magic and other things were practiced. It was where the ceremony was being held. Tons of people were there talking. They were sitting on the ground in their friend groups.

The ground was made of what looked like concrete and marble mixed. It held a pitch black color and was smooth but for some reason, it wasn't slick to walk on. "John over here!" A voice sounded. John turned and spotted Aria sitting with A girl with short black hair. She would seem like a boy from the hair but it complemented her green eyes and beautiful face. When Alex saw her he almost forgot to breathe. John even looked at her more than he cared to admit. They walked over to Aria with Ezra and sat down. That's when John Noticed the girl had pointy ears like Aria.

"Hey John, I would like to introduce you to Jade. Jade is one of my roommates. Jade, this is Alex and John, the one in the back is Ezra," She said Although she was surprised to see Ezra with John and Alex.

"Nice to meet you all," Jade said her voice soothing to the ears.

"So you're an Elf like Aria?" John said.

"Yes, I assume you are Human yes?" Jade was annoyed a little that he was pointing out her race. Humans were normally like that when speaking to other races like they couldn't stand other races in Jade's experience. She was one of those who believed Race didn't matter. She couldn't tell that John was a demon because he didn't show the same traits as other demons. He couldn't control his Demon eyes; they had a mind of their own. Before John could say something A loud clap boomed that felt as if it shook the whole world. All the students stopped talking. The ceremony was about to begin.