

Its my first try on writing something and also English is not my mother language so please don't be harsh on me :)) Henry Kowalski was a junior grade programmer with few hobbies but with grand future dreams. After headhunted by Triad Corporation. He was more than sure about those dreams.. (the process of rewriting, editing and polishing released chapters never ends)

Demastikus · ไซไฟ
12 Chs


Harry moved to a seemingly empty part of the laboratory and unsheathed the sword. He started doing some standard moves involving parrying, cutting and stabbing. His face showed no emotion while his eyes burned with fever. His speed kept increasing and his movements became smooth with every move to the next. What he intends to do as a short demonstration. Five minutes after it started, it had turned into something else his speed increased and his moves start to change. It was smooth, There was no delay between the moves his doing. Every move was connected and he was creating something like a symphony with these parts. He was becoming better and better by the second

Elizabeth watched with interest the first five minutes somehow amazed by his movements of him, after about ten minutes, she began to wonder, 'Is this not having as much time with the sword as he wanted?' Around fifteen minutes Her face looked as if she had seen something incredible. She was thinking 'Is this what they call 'enlightenment at the moment he had an epiphany while showing me what he can do?'

Harry's movement began to slow down after twenty minutes and then suddenly stopped. Surprisingly, even after his exaggerated sword practice, he did not grasp. His face was not much different from Elizabeth's. "Damn what was that. I never knew… I didn't know I could do this much. All the moves became like this if you do this and that wowww. So that's what they were talking about. 'Do or do not. There is no try' " he stood there stunned, staring at the sword in his hand.

Elizabeth did not disturb him and waited quietly by the side. Her thoughts were in chaos 'Is this a software engineer? seriously? I'm not too far from reality to notice that there's something odd here. I don't think even those special ops can do this much with this sword. Of course, that's not their area of expertise, but they should be better than a software engineer who has no time for sword art. What I'm seen is not like that.

Elizabeth did not notice like Harry. the security cameras in the lab were focused on the Harry the moment he unsheathed the sword

# Otawan Complex Secondary / Emergency AI "Emmy" – Need to find a way to improve this report thing-

# North Section Otawa Research Complex 21:40 Hours Floor D Low level classified zone – Equipment Lab D5

# Security Report.

Security is compromised in multiple sections. Security personnel is unresponsive.

Working security cameras 126.

# System Report

Arc reactor in failsafe mode.

Mainframe needs urgent repair

# Classified Section Authority Level Omega

Otawa Complex Research division's 500 Members employee's status report.

212 employee corpses were counted in the observable area of still active security cameras.

176 employees' life signs were detected in the observable area of still active security cameras.

23 employees confirmed the death

86 employees still unaccounted for

Selected Employee 'Harry Kovalski' for the "Protect the light" Protocol started showing abnormal changes; a small amount increase in strength and speed, heightened senses, and faster than a normal thought process. There are no behavior changes as of yet.

The employee is aware of changes related to himself. Still, there are no behavior changes as of yet

Emmy system will try to manipulate his circumstances and keep these changes at nominal levels

# Mr.Kovalski there should be other Melee weapons at other lockers that use the same password.

Harry looked even more enthusiastic. "Wow Emmy you didn't mention other ones"

# D5 is one of the Melee weaponry labs so there should be other melee weapons.

Elizabeth looked around "Well I'm not a sword fighter like you but it does not hurt to have something that helps to defend myself"

Harry paused and turned to Elizabeth: "It'll hurt, it has potential. Don't underestimate it as it's a melee weapon. Considering they're pretty sharp, you might cut yourself before anyone else if you don't know what you're doing with them. You need a blunt weapon not sharp that focuses on bashing not cutting"

While Rolling her eyes "Yeah yeah as an expert says"

With twinkling eyes, Harry starts checking every locker inside the lab that he can get his hands on. "Wow, a pair of daggers with more durasteel these are worth a fortune. They look good the way they are, even though they're nothing artistic. Too bad I don't have any experience on using a dagger as a weapon let alone dual daggers." Nevertheless, he stuffed daggers into his sides and moved to the next locker. "It's like a birthday party opening birthday gifts one after another." he kept opening lockers with expectations "More data disk here and more disk here too"

After opening all the lockers they got an Electro Sword, 2 Daggers, and 2 Short swords. "Nice haul I would say. For this small place, this much melee weapon is more than good" Harry said while playing with short swords. "What you want dagger or both daggers maybe a short sword till we find some blunt weapon kiddish thing for you?" Harry asked Elizabeth, as he kept playing with a short sword.

Elizabeth with a sigh "You liked these things aren't you? I don't know as you said I have no experience with these things and I may cut myself before doing anything useful with them. You can keep all of them" said as she comes closer to him.

Harry nodded and walked towards the executive Workstation. "I wonder if there's a working computer around here" he stopped by the table. He got down on one knee to check the computer case and tried to open the computer. "Nothing. All of these became garbage Maybe with some proper utilities and spare hardware we can replace the burned parts and get this thing started. Wish we had time for this." Shaking his head, he stood up.

Startled, Elizabeth turned to the door. "What was that?"

"What are you talking about?" Harry said with a surprised look. Elizabeth trembled a little and said, "I thought... I heard something and like. Like I felt something from that side Like a cold wind blew"

Harry tried to look beyond the glass wall to see if anything was coming through the lab door. "I don't see anything, is it the cold wind here? Well, if you say a cold wind blew, maybe it is. Unless it's a post-adrenal chilly feeling." Looked around to see if there was an outfit suitable for Elizabeth.

Elizabeth stood there trying to calm herself. "I don't know, it was more than cold. It suddenly got cold. I felt something. Something I've never felt like. " she looked around " Now it passed I think." Said and moved to the next chair to harry

Harry "Let's rest a bit we have a long way to go. By the way. What is the 'Biomechanical Engineering Specialist'' do for this project?"

Elizabeth, with a distinct sadness in her eyes. "The part of the project that was given to us consisted of armor material. We were working on creating some kind of biomaterial and a few days ago we made a breakthrough. My mentor was called to floor J. He mentioned adapting this new material to one of the prototype armor there.

Harry was intrigued "What kind of biomaterial and what it can do? Floor J is only 5 floors down. It's on our way if it's something usable we should get it.

She gathered her thoughts "It's a light material that's for sure. Its hard carapace part is similar to kevlar. It is bulletproof. Well, it's used for Level IV Body Armor. It can repair itself if there are enough nutrient packs around it. We just managed to create a nutrient formula and a system. Well it's a bit gross but you may be able to use any biomass for regrowing biological parts of it"

He was playing with one of the daggers while listening to her and hearing the last part startled him" Ouch that hurt. Damn I cut a small part of my finger I think." waving his hand" What do you mean by Any Biomass?"

Elizabeth averted her gaze. "Anything biological can be used as repair material after the device at the backpack turns them to nutrient pack"

He thought for a moment and said "You guys created a living armor kind of thing that can sustain itself and repair itself via anything biological. Well if there are any alternatives. I'm not sure I would choose to use that one."

Defensively, Elizabeth said, "It was designed for special forces that need absolute stealth. With its shell structure, it is almost impossible to detect with existing sensor systems. It is light. Its hardness gives ample protection. Also, the self-healing ability gives the user advantage on the field. It's also easy to upgrade. In summary, we can say that it is a revolution in light armor."