
Balkan peninsula

We have a couple hours before nightfall, so Rees takes me back to his cave in the mountainside that he had taken me to previously. At least this time I entered the place on my own two feet. It seems just as lonesome and empty in here as it did before, but I suppose he doesn't mind it. 

He bends over to sort through some of his belongings for a moment before standing straight once more. In his outstretched hand he holds the potion for a portal bomb but it is housed in a small vial rather than the typical. 

"It seems like everyone has spare portal bombs but me," I complain. 

"A what?" Rees asks with his lips twisted in displeasure. 

I shrug my shoulders. "That's what I've been calling it, anyway," I say and point to the item in his palm. 

"It's just a portal potion," he walks over and places a hand on my head. "You really don't know much." 

"That much should be obvious," I scoff, pushing his hand off of me. "Where are we going?"