
Alpha x Alpha

What happens when a dominant Alpha Wolf is paired to an equally dominant Alpha Wolf by some twisted form of fate? Well, only Hell breaks loose! Will Blake and Aries break the boundaries and let their pride down to admit their love for each other before one them reap their throats out? Most likely not.

TracerArt · แฟนตาซี
61 Chs

Green: Out of Breath

I started to hurl against the sink once again as the unsettling feeling keeps getting back even worse every time. It seems I ate something's bad though some people thinks otherwise.

"Are you sure you're not... You know." I could hear Canis calls outside the bathroom.

"Don't be ridiculous, Canis." I heard Zephyr growl, quite annoyed. "He might have eaten something bad."

"How sure are you?" Canis groans. "He might have swallowed something good..."

"Canis!" I heard Zephyr scold.

"Aw come on!" Canis teased. "This is bound to happen sooner or later. Since you know... Alpha Blake and Aries are..." I don't have to see what Canis was doing to know she was doing kissy gestures with her fingers or something else more suggestive.

I was about to say something when I felt another one rising towards my throat. I immediately sank my head first into the sink once again. Shit! I'm starting to think Canis is right.

But my brain tells me otherwise. We only did it twice and both of them were just blowjobs. Do male wolves get pregnant just by swallowing the cum of their mate's?! I clutched the side of my head with my right hand as I felt a slight throb. Why am I'm thinking it this way? It's impossible! Or is it.

"Just... Just give me a sec." I manage to call out.

"You've been there for 30 minutes, Aries." Zephyr answers back, his voice quite unamused. And by the looks of it, he also thinks I'm pregnant at the back of his mind. "Just come out already, I have the meds here already."

"Aaaawww... I want to see how Alpha Blake would react to this when he comes back." Canis giggles. "Oh, better get my camera! Got to take pictures for memories!" Then I heard footsteps leaving the room.

I flushed the contents of the sink down the drain before exiting the bathroom. And when I opened the door I was greeted by a scowling Beta.

"Don't lie.". He starts. "You're not pregnant, right?"

I was surprised though I did know he was thinking that possibility. I placed my hand over my abdomen and looked down.

"I can't really tell." I shrugged. "We haven't had done it yet. Well, we did but it doesn't involve anything you have thought."

"And that is?" Zephyr glares at me.

"Oh, come on, dude!" I roll my eyes. "I don't need to read your mind to know what you're thinking." Zephyr sighs and looks at the opposite direction.

"Can't blame me." Zephyr states blandly.

"And besides..." I started as I pat his shoulder. "I'm not the one going to be in the receiving end in our relationship."

Zephyr smirks and playfully smacks my abdomen. We then decided to enter the room where my mom was at. Though I still I have this unsettling feeling in my guts and the anxiety at the back of my mind.

"I heard you're not feeling well." Mom speaks making me look at her. She was struggling to hide an obvious smile on her lips. "Does Blake know?"

"Mom!" I groan. "Not you, too."

"What?" She smiles coyly. "I didn't say anything."

"You didn't but I know you're thinking about it." I scowled, crossing my arms. She looks at the door and Canis entered with her video cam dangling over her neck. "Canis..." I groan.

"What?!" Canis asked surprised. "I'm not doing anything yet."

"I'm not pregnant." I state as I look at each of them and tried to gauge their reaction. "We didn't even have sex yet!"

"Suuuureee.... Don't be shy, Aries." Canis smirks. "You're 18 and we all know you two are fucking like bunnies when no one's looking." Her eyebrows wiggled suggestively.

"We don't fu-..." I bit my lower lip as I try not to be swayed by their teasing. "I don't know why I'm even arguing with you guys." I sat down at the nearest seat as I started to feel this dizzy once again and that unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Then why do you smell like him yesterday." Zephyr eyed me with his ever poker face. "We literally could smell his scent over you even without him being in the same room as you."

I rolled my eyes. What do you you guys want me to say; Hey guys! Blake and I've been sucking off each other that's why I smell like him. I guess not.

"Can't we just not talk about it." I groaned, massaging the pain that started to sting on my head. "I..." I hurled but managed to stop myself from throwing up.

"Are you sick?" I heard my mother ask, concern laced in her voice. "You had a tough time yesterday with your mate and the Prince. Maybe you should take a rest, sweetheart."

"I'm fine, mom." I smiled at her.

"Or you want me to look for your mate." Zephyr suggested, his voice came forced. "He didn't even say he was leaving last night."

I eyed Zephyr but sighed. I brought my hand over my chin and pondered at what Zephyr said. Blake did left without saying anything last night.

Not that I even cared if he stayed. For the night. In my -

My cheeks heats up as my mother seem to stifle her giggles. No. Why am I even thinking about it.

"It's normal for you to feel that way, sweetheart." My mother cooed as she looked at my direction smiling. "Not the dizzy spell or anything you are feeling after coming out the bathroom." She smiled.

It took me a few seconds to comprehend what she meant. Zephyr and Canis looked at me expectantly and when I finally got it, my cheeks were so warm that I had to grab the nearest pillow in the chair and bury my face in it.

"Aaaawww... Aries' blushing." Canis points out. "It's cute!" And I heard a clicking sound followed by a flash of light. I groaned. She just took a picture. "This one's going on one of your scrapbooks.!"

"Where's Blake when you need him." I groaned. Clutching my abdomen as if something has or will happen and not in a good way.

"I bet he's out fucking some random..." Zephyr paused as he sighed, knowing well I don't want anything remotely Blake sexcapades related. Well, which mate in their right mind wouldn't be. "He might have that "relapse" from last time."

"Relapse?" Canis asked curiously as she stopped looking at the camera to change her focus at me.

"The rejection a few weeks ago." Zephyr said plainly, his tone full of spite. "How sure are you he suddenly decided to forget you again."

"I'm sure he won't." I replied though my in my head I felt unsure. Someone sure messed up with Blake's memories pretty bad. And I'm not going to let someone touch what's mine. "God damn."

"Shoot! Aries just cussed!" Canis points out excitedly.

"Sweetheart, I'm sure Blake's fine." Mom spoke. "You're mates after all." Her voice cracked a bit in the end as she pursed her lips before looking at Canis' direction. "Canis, Honey, could you help me to the kitchen. I'm going to bake some coconut pie for later."

Canis immediately jumped up upon hearing mom baking, her smile literally could be reaching the back of her head. She reached out to her and lead her towards the door.

"Don't eat all of it, Canis!" I yelled as the door closes. "Leave some for the rest of us."

"No promises!" I heard Canis yelled back as the door finally closes.

I shake my head and looked at my feet. The hurling has stopped but I can't brush off the unsettling feeling building inside me.

"Alright spill!" Zephyr stopped in front of me as I look up at him glaring down at me. "What had Blake done this time?"

"I told you already. Blake's done nothing." I counter with a scowl. Though technically he did something good last night. "Maybe he just went back home. We're not a couple you know."

"And being mate's isn't a reason for him to be here?" Zephyr asked.

"I don't get why are you so against Blake?" I raised a brow in confusion. "You're my Beta and my friend but we should be over this already."

"I would be if he's not such an asshole." Zephyr growled as he rain his hair with his fingers and walked over the other side of the sofa. "What kind of mate leaves his mate for a bitch!"

I raised a confused brow at Zephyr as he slumped down at the sofa and ran his hand over his face.

"I know Blake did that but I'm certain he was already mind wiped before that." I replied. "But I'm not sure why are you so pent up..."

Zephyr slumped back, his eyes closed and was breathing hard. He was cursing between his teeth.

"Are you alright?" It was my time to be concerned about my friend. "You don't look so well."

"I'm fine." Zephyr groaned. "Just be on guard with Blake." His eye twitched while closed as he deepen his scowl.

"You don't look fine from where I'm standing." I state and was about to touch his forehead when he jerked away from me automatically. "O-k." I hummed.

"Just-ju-just give me a minute." Zephyr raised his index finger at me. He was catching his breath when he rests his head once again over his hands. "Ho-how far did you two have do-done it?"

"Huh?" I try to play dumb though I know what he really meant it.

"Answer the question, Aries!" Zephyr growled before whimpering back in silence.

"Alright, if you like to know..." I started and started to make sucking actions with my hands. Zephyr looked at me with confusion. I rolled my eyes. "We did fellato." I state as plainly as I can.

"Ha! I don't believe you." Zephyr chuckled dryly. "You smell like him. How is it possible if you two didn't -"

"There might be some swallowing involved." I croaked, my cheeks flaring up.

"You." Zephyr looked at me surprised as his eyes kept looking me from head to foot or like I've grown an extra head.

"Yeah." I groaned. "You don't need rub it in my face."

"Shit." Zephyr groaned. "That's why."

"What's that's why?" I asked as I looked at a defeated Zephyr.

"Nothing." Zephyr groaned. I crossed my arms at my Beta and glared at him in confusion. I didn't even noticed him reaching for his phone in his pocket and placing it over his ear without looking at the number. "Hey." He greeted the person on the other line.

His eyes seem to widen and he immediately stood up and made a bee line towards the farthest corner of the room. His hand cupping the speaker of the phone. I roll my eyes at him.

This gave me time to ponder the problem at hand. The person who brainwashed Blake. The first on my list would be Lance as he doesn't approve of his son having a male mate. I know I'm thinking wrongly at my father-in-law but I can't help but assume he has to do about Blake.

The look he was giving off towards me when we ever be at the same room together or the death glares he keeps shooting at me when I'm not facing him. He sure kept that grudge when I defeated him at his border.

I should ask him when Blake comes back or at least when Blake calls me. We can discuss this as mate's should. Well, as civilized as we two can. It's about his father after all.

I look at my Beta's back and how he was so focused on the phone. I'm sure it's something important or maybe his mate. I don't like to pry on his privacy. He can tell me when he feels like it.

In a matter of seconds I saw his shoulders stiffen. I heard him growl before letting out a low whimper. I raised a brow. That's new.

I reached out for my phone and hoped to see even a text from Blake. But to my dismay, found nothing. I forgot he might have forgotten it as well. No need to feel down, I told myself. Blake is fine.

I took a calming breath in. Trying to calm my nerves. Only a night with Blake and I'm feeling this anxiety building inside. The weeks we've been together hasn't made me feel this troubled.

It might be because we are beyond what normal mate's would have been apart. I try to process the scenarios and try as I might to make it all make sense.

But it all ended up in a big pile of confusion.

I haven't even felt Zephyr sitting beside me. I almost jumped in surprised as he handed me his phone. His expression stoic.

I took it with a nod and greeted the person on the other line.

"Alpha Aries!" Came Frank's voice as he heard me. "Is Blake with you?"

"No he isn't, Frank." I answered, feeling the unsettling nerve building in my gut. I swallowed hard, expecting the worse answer on my next question. "Isn't he at home? "

"No Alpha." Frank answered, my face went pale. "Alpha Blake hasn't return since last night. And Alpha Lance has been..." He paused. "Alpha hasn't been... hasn't been himself since last night."

"What do you mean?" I asked curiously, while my mind is running a mile already thinking of what happened to Blake.

"He's stressed for some reason. He snaps easily and has attacked some of the pack this morning." He states. "It's like he ... just changed overnight."

I paused for a minute to assess the situation. Blake's disappearance and Lance' sudden change in behavior couldn't be just a coincidence. And the unsettling feeling in my gut has somehow has proven me that is the case.

"Has no one tried to calm him down?" I asked. Trying to help as much as i can that Blake was nowhere to be found.

"Uhm... Luna did." He answers but his voice indicates that there is more to that answer. "But it didn't end well."

"What happened?!" I stiffen as concern laced my very being. I would be if it's my mother who has been in the same boat. "Is she alright?"

"Lu-luna's fine, Alpha. She's resting now." Frank answered back. " Alpha knocked her when she tried to calm him down. I know it was an accident. He really didn't mean that."

I heard Zephyr click his tongue and mumble a, "I'm sure he did." between his breath.

I tried to ignore his banter. He hasn't left my side after receiving his phone.

"Good to hear that, Frank." I smiled. Thanking him as well. "I was worried there for a second."

"You don't have to worry. Luna's resting well." Frank replied. "And thanks."

"For what?" I asked confused.

"For your concern. I know Blake and you aren't in such a stable relationship right now but you're still here and willing to listen to another pack's problem." Frank states as I shook my head, knowing he can't see me do that. "And for that I, we thank you."

What Frank said brought a smile on my lips. It felt nice receiving compliments from other people other than my pack.

"You're welcome but actually it's nothing, Frank. " I said in response. "It was nothing special I did to be given thanks for."

"So, uhm, about Blake." Frank continued. "Are you both...you know in good terms?" Zephyr grunted something upon the end of the sentence.

"We are. It seems odd he didn't came back to either packs last night." I state. "Does he usually do that often? Or at least when he..." I paused. "... When we broke up?"

"Not that I could think of." Frank replied. "Blake's a lot of things but he doesn't go missing without me knowing or tagging along with him. Specifically if he decides to go hitch with some women across town to..." Frank might have felt something that a pause came before he answers back. "I'm sorry Alpha."

"Don't be. I know too well most of Blake's adventures." I replied. But deep inside it still stings that I still feel the pain whenever that thing is brought up. I push the unwanted feeling down and composed myself. "It doesn't faze me much." I lied.

"Still, it was wrong of me to have brought it up." Frank apologize. "Uhm, I don't know if you already heard but ..."

Out of nowhere Zephyr snatched the phone from my hand and covered the speaker as if I couldn't hear Frank. He glares at me then brought the phone to his ear to answer him. I rolled my eyes as he scolds Frank over the phone about something.

I stood up and stretched my arms and decided to grab a bottle of water over the fridge when I heard Lance' voice over the phone and it wasn't pleasant.

"Frank! Frank!" Zephyr yells at the phone between his hands before the line went dead. "For the love of -!" Zephyr growled as he clutched his phone in his hand. "He better be safe or someone's going to get there throat slit open." He gritted as he stood up.

I looked at him surprised as his eyes were filled with so much rage. I grabbed his shoulder as to try to stop him from doing something he would regret later.

"Calm down." I spoke with authority and Zephyr snapped and glared at me with his canines barring. "I said calm down!" I exerted more command in my voice as my fingers clamped down on his skin. "Don't make me repeat myself Beta!" I started to push him towards the floor but Zephyr is as much strong as any wolf. "Calm down!" I finally pushed him to one knee as I could still hear him growling under his teeth.

"He better be safe." Zephyr gritted again. His hands balled up into fists.

"Just calm down. You can't help Frank if you are like this!" I said sternly. He looked over his side towards the other door. I roll my eyes and clamped down at his shoulder harder as he hissed. "Don't even think about it. You don't want me to tie you over the wall..."

Zephyr growled but didn't comment for a few minutes. His breathing gradually even out after a few more as I loosen my grip on him but not entirely as I'm quite sure he would do something stupid if I do.

"Frank." Zephyr breathes out defeated. "I need to... He needs me. He might be in trouble." His shoulders sagged as he whimper. "I just need to know if he's alright."

"And we will." I groaned. "If you didn't snapped a few minutes ago, I would have allowed you eons ago." Zephyr groaned.

"Can we go now." He states. "He could be..."

"What are you doing then?" I asked as he didn't noticed I already let go of his shoulder. "Are you waiting fir an invitation, Romeo." I smirked stripping off my boxers.

Zephyr looked at me surprised but shook his head at the glint of determination sparked on his eyes as he started to strip off his clothes as well. We took the the stairs at the back of the house as no one would notice us leaving. And when we arrived outside, we immediately shifted and grabbed our clothes in our mouth.

Quickly we made pace towards Lance' land, avoiding scouts and guards along the way. It took as half an hour before we arrived at the main pack house. It has been quite long that I've been here and the last was full of bad memories.

We immediately crouched down at the tall grass as we scan the area and not worrying anyone would notice us as we masked our scents.

I looked over at Zephyr's grey wolf that instantly perked up in attention. Did he just found Frank's scent from all the people inside? That was quick!

He let out a menacing growl as he bare his canines and readied himself for attack as my head immediately snap towards the direction of his eyes and not a second too soon a wolf crashed down towards the ground. And by the look on Zephyr's eyes that wolf must be Frank.

It only took another minute before Lance' wolf leaped down from the window. The other pack wolves started gathering around the area but didn't dare attack their Alpha nor assisted on helping Frank's injuries.

I had to step in front of Zephyr to stop him from attacking Lance. As strong as Zephyr is, he doesn't stand a chance against Lance. Not even both in their feral state.

Lance approached Frank slowly, his eyes filled with or might I say lack of emotion. I haven't seen this kind of behavior from a wolf. The only time a wolf would act like this is when they are...

In my internal turmoil, Zephyr took the chance and leap from me and started dashing towards Lance. I mentally slap myself as I try to chase him down. Only to be stop by wolves I don't recognize. Definitely not Lance' pack.

The other tried to stop Zephyr but he was far to strong and agile for them that he expertly dodged their attacks. And no sooner he stood over Frank's bloodied body and snarled viciously at Lance. Threatening him that if he decides to approach he would be attacked.

The Alpha didn't even flinched at Zephyr's threats instead he leaped over and lunged down. Zephyr crouched down quickly, covering Frank's body with his own as Lance' fangs sink into his shoulder blades.

Lance bit hard that the bones literally echoed through the air when they cracked. And viciously he threw Zephyr over the air like paper over the other side. Zephyr rolled over the ground as his blood stained the path of his impact on the dirt.

I stomped over the ground and a sudden vacuum of wind swirled over the ground and knocked back the wolves around me. I took this chance and ran towards my friend but Lance might have anticipated it or at least I did that he caused the air Infront of me to burst into flames. As reflex, I closed my eyes at the contact making me stumble towards the ground as I landed.

Lance let out a growl and was about to attack me when Frank bit his right leg causing him to look down at him.

I tried to stand up as quickly as I could while looking at Frank who for all his remaining strength tried to hold his Alpha down. But I know he wasn't fazed at all. Frank was severely injured and his bite isn't even doing a dent. And in blink of an eye Lance sunk his canines over Frank's throat and threw him near Zephyr.

His gaze eyed them as Frank weakly coaches towards Zephyr. Tugging his nose over Zephyr' nearest paw with a nudge while whimpering. But Zephyr seemed out cold.

And that is when I started to see white.