
Alpha x Alpha (BL)

[ NSFW chapters: 5-6-7, 24-25, 63-64-65-66 ] . Alphas are naturally attracted to Omegas; that's a fact of life. Liam is an alpha male, one of the best in his generation, so why is he head over heels for another alpha male who lives next door? Alphas are supposed to be attracted to Omegas, so it makes no sense for Liam to swoon over his best friend Mar. Besides, Mar's already courting a female omega, so it's kinda hopeless. Hope came up again when the female omega broke up with Mar. Mar the alpha male is single again, so Liam's gonna shoot his shot. Wish him luck. Meanwhile, Mar is hiding secrets of his own. No matter how much he tries to deny it, he finds himself falling face first into Liam's comfort. It's both of them against the world, but they're not as alone as they thought. Will they survive as their families and their lives are falling apart piece by piece? ______ A/B/O, Omegaverse, World building, Family Drama, Slice of Life ! Please keep in mind that this book's A/B/O dynamic and biology is the author's interpretation, so it might be different from what readers of this genre are used to. !

Twelve_Cats · LGBT+
74 Chs

Chapter 25: Best Friends

His best friend's erection grinded against his abdomen, and the platinum blond alpha held on to Mar's ass as his own little prince was being squeezed in between those heavenly thighs.

"Ugh..." Liam let out a breath, then he bit his tongue when his dick was pushed up against the base of Mar's family jewels. Then, he bit his lower lip to keep a moan from escaping.

"So considerate..." The black haired alpha whispered into his companion's shoulder blade; his nose was sniffing the dip in between his collar bone and his neck. "You don't want people to hear us, do you?"

With the position they're in now, Liam just wanted the other alpha to bite down and claim him right there...

Slender fingers pulled platinum blond hair back, and teeth clashed into the taller alpha's mouth. He was so close to releasing. Without a warning, those things clammed down on his erection, and Liam spilled. His blue eyes rolled back in pleasure, and his moan was silenced by their kiss.

Magenta eyes were locked with sky blue as Liam came back to his senses. He could feel stickiness on his abdomen even though they're still well submerged under water, and his dick is still being held tightly in between those thighs. The platinum blond alpha remembered that his hands are still groping his best friend's rear, but he's not letting go any time soon.

"Good boy." Mar whispered, his eyes lowered and his wet hair sticks to his forehead. The small praise made Liam's face heat up so fast, and it didn't go unnoticed by the other alpha.

"Mar..." The platinum blond alpha mumbled, his brain fried and he couldn't find a word to say. "That was hot."

"You're fucking adorable." The black haired alpha pecked his lips one last time. "Let's clean up for real this time."

Shit... This is gonna be the death of him...

Both of them ended up in the shower after they drained the bathtub. Their sin was washed away, and they're ready to get out again. This time, Mar picked their outfits.

With a towel around his waist, Liam sat down on his bed. The fresh bedsheets made him feel like a princess ready to take a nap, but it's almost 4pm, so the Devins will be here soon.

"Okay... All black." The black haired alpha dug through his suitcase with his phone in hand. "Blue's wearing black, too. So we're going all black."

"Whose funeral are we going to?" Liam joked as he began opening up his own suitcase. Rex was also dressed in black the last time they saw him, and he won't change anytime soon.

"The last strain of sanity left in my family." Mar replied with a laugh.

"I thought it died years ago, but here we are." The platinum blond alpha chuckled as he pulled out a black T-shirt. Next to him, his best friend was putting on his own black T-shirt.

Without another thought in his mind, Liam naturally picked a pair of black underwear along with a pair of black sweatpants. He has a collection of sweatpants ranging from white to grey, to a slightly darker grey, very dark grey, a shade lighter than black grey, and actual black. His T-shirts, shirts, shorts and trousers all follow the same pattern of colors, and the only colorful thing about his wardrobe is his socks. Meg likes to send him gifts containing very questionable but high quality socks that are horribly comfortable despite their appearance. However, right now he's going for a pair of black socks which will blend in well with his dark-gray-but-not-black laceless loafers.

Meanwhile, his best friend opened a box inside his suitcase, revealing the darkest pair of sneakers Liam has ever seen. Mar really stuck to his word of going all black since he went the extra mile to put on his favorite darkest shade of black shoes.

It's gonna be hot out there, but a little heat won't stop them from doing this.

"I'm kinda hungry." The platinum blond alpha stood up from his seat on his bed. He picked up his phone from the desk nearby and deposited it in the safety of his pocket.

Purple eyes turned to see him, and a smile came on Mar's face. "Let's go annoy the kitchen people to see if we can get anything."

"Brilliant." Liam nodded wisely as he opened the door.

They were greeted by the sight of Arkham, texting on his phone and sitting on a chair at the end of the hallway. The new butler was startled by the door opening, so he quickly got up from his seat on the armchair, looked back at the armchair and the decorative dresser next to it before turning his head at the two young alphas.

"Greetings, young master!" The new butler greeted them, his phone is still in his hands.

The two alphas blinked at the butler, then they looked around the hallway before their eyes were on him again.

"Arkham, have you been waiting here this entire time?" Mar asked.

"Kind of? Yes..?" The new butler chuckled nervously. "You told me to rest before the busy dinner starts, so I stayed here. If I reunite with the others, they will give me something to worry about."

"Fair point well made." Liam sighed. The poor guy, new to the mansion and probably getting indirectly bullied by his fellow more experienced butlers who take pride in running the mansion. "Well, we're going to the kitchen to grab a snack. You coming?"

"Sure...?" Arkham sounded unsure of his decision.

Well, he was given the required etiquette training, but nothing can really prepare anyone for the chaos that's about to come. The platinum blond alpha learned to be more sympathetic to the butlers and maids of the vacation houses after a year or two of visiting, because really, he'd rather die than deal with spoiled rich kids, mostly teenagers, screaming at each other and trying to get their father's attention.

The situation kind of worsened now that those teenagers are adults because even though they're not actively causing property damage or trying to accidentally kill each other, they have more power when it comes to things such as criticizing a meal they don't like or reporting that a maid or butler isn't doing their job up to the standard. Because they're no longer "unreasonably destructive teenagers", they have the rights to fire someone for no reason, and Mr. Aster would support them. Last year, one of Mar's older brothers, Nox if Liam remembered correctly, was complaining about his food being delivered to his room too early. The next day, the butler in charge of his room was gone. Needless to say, Nox was horrified.

There's also the case of Madison kicking out any workers, no matter if they're a butler, maid or private flight attendant, as long as he finds any black mail material. Mr. Aster no longer calls out this behavior because in his words, "They're adults, so they know what they're doing."

Liam was so caught up in his head that when his eyes readjusted to the new room they just walked into, he realized that they had arrived at the smaller dinning room. Arkham was skittishly following behind them, unsure of where this is going. Mar was on his phone, texting Blue.

"Ms. Lin!" The platinum blond alpha called out to the head chef when she's bringing out a tray of desserts to put on the table. Usually, when a lot of people are coming like today, most dishes are stored in the smaller dining room before being taken out into the main dining room.

"Oh! Hello, little ones!" A smile came on the old woman's face as she greeted them. She's dressed in the standard maid uniform, which is just a lovely long deep blue skirt and dress shirt, covered by a white apron.

"Ms. Lin! Ms. Lin!" Mar made his way towards the old maid and gave her a hug.

"You grew up so fast!" The head chef patted Mar's head, it's quite a sight considering the fact that she barely reached the black haired alpha's shoulder.

The taller alpha giggled to himself before he bent over so he's short enough for her to pet his head too.

"Are you two hungry?" Ms. Lin ushered them into the kitchen before they could answer. "Come, come, little ones. I made some apple pies for you. It's quite a long journey to get here."

They didn't enter very deep, just enough to see the counters. The head chef took out two plates and placed them in each of the alpha's hands. Arkham was watching from the entrance, and he wasn't safe either since Ms. Lin waved for him to come in.

With a fork and a huge slice of apple pie in hand, Liam sat down on the kitchen counter with Mar, happily enjoying their snack. Arkham the new butler was also given a slice, but he looked rather confused.

Ms. Lin handed the beta butler a fork. "Here you go, dear. It's a tough job taking care of everyone, so you need the energy."

Blue eyes moved from his snack to the entrance when he heard small barely audible footsteps coming to the kitchen. A grin came on the alpha's face when he saw familiar black eyes and a head of light brunette hair skipping towards the kitchen. Her sleeveless black sundress fluttered as she stopped at the entrance, waiting to be invited in like a vampire going to a house party.

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