
Hotel Room.


The men began to attack again, but Razor handled them effortlessly, his movements swift and powerful. I watched, swooning hard at the sight of him. Despite not being aware of his wolf, my man was still so strong. The men soon realized they were outmatched and fled, disappearing from our sight.

"Thank you so much," I muttered, smiling at him, but his frown deepened as he looked at me.

It suddenly hit me—he was eyeing my outfit. Memories of my disastrous outing to the club resurfaced, and I began to tremble slightly.

"Why are you here?" His voice was low and cold.

"I came here to look...to look for you."

"Where are the men who were with you?"

"They went somewhere," I replied, giving him my best smile, but his frown only deepened.

"Is that why you came here dressed like this?"

I laughed in amusement. Even while suffering from amnesia, he still disapproved of my dress.