
Alpha Prince Eclipse

Alazne "You ask me how I am bleeding even though my blood is dripping from your claws" "You demonstrated how to stab someone in the chest, but you still asked where I got the knowledge to do it." "You destroy the light inside of me, but you ask why I have so much darkness around me?" "Now that I am who you have made me to be, embrace it and take pride in it" Eclipse "I will never be able to take pride in my accomplishments. A cruel joke from fate is that happiness I will never experience with you. "If I have extinguished that light in you, I will return the way I came and light it again." "Being consumed by the gloom of the past, we have unknowingly turned into shadows of each other." "Yes, you were made by me today, but I promise to make the best version of you tomorrow."

Gold234 · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Shopping For His Mate

Alazne licked her lips, her thoughts running miles away from where she sat, her eyes kept flashing to the suitcase and to the face of the young man standing in front of her, at some point in her thoughts, she contemplated if she should kick him out of her house or not.

She didn't understand why the man could just enter her closet and pack up some of her stuff into a suitcase without talking about it first, she took in a few deep breaths, trying not to be mad at Eclipse who was nervous under her intense gaze. Slowly but carefully, he walked towards her, dragging the suitcase along with himself.

He let go of the suitcase, sitting down, he took her hands into his, "Listen, I need you to come with me," Eclipse said looking into her eyes, her forehead furrowed, a clear sign of apprehension, she did not trust him.

"Why should I come with you," She asked, beneath that single question lay thousands of hidden questions and Eclipse wasn't too dumb to know.

"Can you please trust me, just this once," Eclipse stated, it wasn't even a question yet it came out as a demand at the same time, Alazne's head shook at his words, she couldn't find it in herself to trust Eclipse, there was something about him that made her distrust him?

"If you want me to trust you, you have to earn it. I can't just trust you blindly, we are strangers," Alazne addressed the elephant in the room, Eclipse felt a sharp pain in his chest, her words were akin to daggers being stabbed in his chest yet he knew she was right but he didn't feel any better even with the truth glaring directly into his eyes.

"You are right but can you please believe in me, I promise, everything I'm doing right now, I am doing it for your good," Eclipse stated, his eyes held a lot of sincerity, and she could not utter a word of protest, besides believing him this once won't hurt her yet she knew that the last time she heard those words, everything ended badly.

"Okay, just this, one time, and if you lie to me, I will not take it lightly," She warned tonelessly, her eyes illuminating a fierce light making him aware that she was not playing around.

"Okay, that's fair enough," the young man mumbled accompanied by an understanding nod. He was glad she didn't argue with him. Alazne stood up, slipped on a hoodie, gathered her work equipment, ent and walked out of the bedroom with Eclipse in tow, she led him to her garage where she had a sleek black car parked, Eclipse was surprised when he saw her car, the young woman must be filthy rich, he thought as they drove out of her perimeters.

Alazne's heart raced as she sat in the passenger seat, her mind filled with questions and uncertainties. Eclipse drove in silence, the tension palpable in the air between them. The road stretched out before them, the scenery changing outside the car window as they journeyed on.

After what seemed like hours, Eclipse finally broke the silence, his voice soft yet determined. "Alazne, I need to take you somewhere safe. There are people after you, and I need to protect you."

Alazne's grip on the door handle tightened, her eyes widening in shock. "People after me? What do you mean? I just got here a few weeks ago, and I don't remember provoking anyone" she whispered, fear creeping into her voice yet the firmness in her voice didn't waver.

Eclipse spared her glance, his expression serious. "I can't explain everything now, but trust me, Alazne. I'm here to help you. Please, just trust me a little longer." He repeated the same words he said earlier

Alazne swallowed hard, her mind racing with a thousand thoughts. Should she trust this stranger who appeared out of nowhere, claiming danger was lurking around her? But something in Eclipse's gaze reassured her, a flicker of sincerity that she couldn't ignore.

Taking a deep breath, Alazne nodded slowly. "Okay, I'll trust you," she said, her voice barely above a whisper, she shouldn't be trusting Eclipse but what choice does she have?

Eclipse nodded appreciatively, a sense of relief washing over him. He knew the road ahead would be filled with challenges and dangers, but having Alazne's trust gave him the strength to face whatever came their way.

As they continued driving into the unknown, Alazne couldn't shake off the feeling of uncertainty, but deep down, she knew that with Eclipse by her side, she might just have a chance to unravel the mysteries that lay ahead. And so, she leaned back in her seat, her gaze fixed on the horizon, ready to face whatever awaited them on this unexpected journey.

"Where are we going?" She finally broke the silence as she looked out of the window.

"To a friend," Eclipse answered gently, Alazne frowned upon hearing his statement. She didn't want to stay with someone she was not familiar with.

"I want to stay with you, turn around please," She responded, her reply came to Eclipse as a surprise, the way she said those words reminded him of the fact that she was not a woman who liked the idea of having strangers close to her.

"Are you sure?" Eclipse asked, turning the car around. "I'm very sure," came a Curt reply. The car was once again shrouded in silence, this time around, there was no tension just a peaceful silence as Eclipse drove to the pack house, Godfrey and they were shocked shock to see Alazne walking into the living room with their first Alpha Prince.

Eclipse took her upstairs to his room and was glad she didn't protest about staying in the same room as him. After making sure she was sleeping soundly, he walked out with a skip in his steps, happy with the way things were going.

"How is this possible," Gabriel asked the question the others were about to ask as Ecmadese made his way out of the golden elevator.

"I don't know how but by some miracle, she didn't argue with me when I told her," Ecshruggedshrugs as the words left his mouth, Godfrey shook his head trying to make sense of his Alpha prince's statement.

"Where is she sleeping?" Gabriel's mate asked with a curious smirk, the others leaned forward, not wanting to miss Eclipse's reply to the question, and  Eclipse gave them a knowing look.

"No way," his friends yelled as realization dawned on them like daylight. Eclipse had a victorious smirk playing on his face, he hummed softly confirming their thoughts. Never in their wildest dreams did they fathom the young woman agreeing to come with Eclipse without arguing much. Alazne was not that kind of a woman or did she have a hidden agenda?

"But don't get your hopes up for she doesn't like me," Eclipse clarified, his friends hummed in disappointment, they were expecting Alazne to start liking Eclipse by now but she clearly doesn't.

"Not even a bit?" Gabriel's mate asked, they all kept their gaze on Eclipse, he shook his head which told them that Alazne was not yet into but come hell or high water she would only remain his for the rest of their lives yet he knew winning her heart would never be easy for Alazne was a hard but to crack. Her heart was frozen and around it was many high and strong walls, he could not connect with her well, they are not even friends yet.

The next day, Alazne descended from the stairs, she walked into the living room, huffing in  annoyance, Eclipse who walked out of the kitchen was on a call when he got interrupted by her, he had to hang up and listen to her.

"Where are my things?" She asked, her head titled to one side, her sapphire eyes piercing his emerald green ones.

"They're in your suitcase?" Eclipse answered with a smile, a sigh of annoyance left the lady's mouth, her eyes hardly glaring at Eclipse, she looked at him as if he was dumb.

"Mr. Man, what I meant was, where are my undies and my braziers?" She rephrased her question looking at him intensely. Eclipse's eyes widened in shock, he actually forgot to pack those because he was preoccupied with getting her to safety that he forgot that he didn't pack any inner wears for her.

"I'm sorry," He apologized remorsefully. "I'm still quite naked and I can't wear my jean and shirt without my inner wears so do something about it, please," She shamelessly said to him, just as those words left her, multiple throats were awkwardly cleared.

Eclipse looked at the people behind his mate with raised brows but saw Gabriel's mate gesturing toward what Alazne was wearing, Eclipse then noticed what Alazne was wearing, she only had a towel wrapped around her, her slender legs were exposed including her shoulders and chest, she was breathtaking, he was too busy talking to her earlier to noticed that she wasn't wearing a dress.

"Are you going to get me some or are you going to keep staring at me for forever?" She asked interrupting his stare and thoughts, Eclipse glared at his friends who kept looking at Alazne  but successfully holding himself back from growling. He told her to go upstairs and that he would get her what she needs which she did with a nod.

Eclipse walked out, took Alazne's car, drove to the closest mall and got her her inner wears, for the records, he got a lot of them. The attendants in the mall were so shocked, an Alpha Prince shopping for panties and bras was too much yet amusing.

Returning to the pack house, Eclipse handed Alazne the bag filled with her new inner wear, she thanked him quietly as she took the bag from him. Eclipse couldn't help but notice the blush that crept onto her cheeks as she looked through the bag, it amused him and he couldn't help but find her adorable.

As the days went by, Alazne worked tirelessly from home, Eclipse didn't allow her to step out without his permission. She got to know more about Eclipse's friends, and Eclipse's determination to protect her. And in return, she observed and obeyed his rules.

With each passing day, Alazne waited for Raja to attempt amending their friendship , and she found herself slowly being dissatisfied. It wasn't easy, and there were moments of doubt and hesitation, but Eclipse's unwavering dedication and loyalty took her mind off Raja, sometimes.

As for Eclipse, he knew that he had found someone worth protecting, someone worth fighting for. She was everything he ever wished for but he wonders if he was something or someone she wishes for.