
Alpha Prince Eclipse

Alazne "You ask me how I am bleeding even though my blood is dripping from your claws" "You demonstrated how to stab someone in the chest, but you still asked where I got the knowledge to do it." "You destroy the light inside of me, but you ask why I have so much darkness around me?" "Now that I am who you have made me to be, embrace it and take pride in it" Eclipse "I will never be able to take pride in my accomplishments. A cruel joke from fate is that happiness I will never experience with you. "If I have extinguished that light in you, I will return the way I came and light it again." "Being consumed by the gloom of the past, we have unknowingly turned into shadows of each other." "Yes, you were made by me today, but I promise to make the best version of you tomorrow."

Gold234 · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs


In the desolate expanse of the remote countryside, a solitary house stood ominously, shrouded in darkness. The absence of the moon and stars left the night sky void of any light, save for the faint glow emanating from a solitary table lamp within. Its gentle illumination revealed a chilling sight - a couple, drenched in a pool of blood, lay motionless. The pregnant woman's eyes, wide open, conveyed not shock but sheer dread. It was a tragic scene, the horror etched in eyes that would never witness the beauty of life.

Beside her lay a young man in the early stages of adulthood, the once pristine white of his shirt now tainted by the deep crimson of blood. A piercing scream, laden with anguish, despair, and sorrow, pierced the silence of the night - its potent intensity capable of unsettling even the most hardened hearts.

A young man awoke abruptly, his body drenched in sweat to the point where his bedding felt as if it had been soaked through. In the dim shadows of his room, his eyes, a piercing emerald hue, reflected bewilderment and disorientation. This recurring nightmare had haunted him for as far back as he could recall.

Although accustomed to witnessing such distressing scenes in his dreams, there was something about the cry that struck a discordant note within him. Each time, his heart clenched in his chest, as if recalling a memory from a distant past. The identity of the voice behind those haunting cries remained an enigmatic puzzle, leaving him with an unsettling sensation that lingered long after his restless slumber. It was as though he was reliving a harrowing event, a vivid and unsettling ordeal that felt all too real.

Upon rising from his bed, he proceeded into the bathroom and doused himself with a cold shower, attempting to shake off the remnants of the nightmare that eluded any trace he could follow, leaving him with a burning desire to uncover the connection he had to the unsettling dream.

Emerging from the closet, his eyes fell upon a set of formal trousers and a white hoodie, his dark hair pulled back into a ponytail with loose strands framing his sharply defined features. Exiting his room with a heavy sigh, he exuded an air of darkness and intensity, his piercing emerald eyes as chilling as ice, his presence so heavy and oppressive that maintaining eye contact with him proved to be a daunting task.

As he made his way to the kitchen, the remnants of the nightmare still lingered in his mind, the images flashing before his eyes like a haunting ghost. He poured himself a cup of steaming coffee, hoping to shake off the chilling feeling that had settled in his bones.

Sitting at his kitchen table, he tried to piece together fragments of the dream, but it was like trying to grasp at shadows. The only thing he could remember was a sense of foreboding, a feeling of being trapped in a web of unknown connections.

With a frustrated growl, he pushed the thoughts aside and focused on the tasks ahead of him. He had a busy day ahead, with meetings to attend, and projects to finish. But deep down, he knew that the nightmare would continue to haunt him until he found out the truth behind it.

As he drove to his father's stay, the image of a mysterious figure flickered in his mind, a faceless presence that seemed to hold the key to his nightmares. He could feel a sense of urgency building within him, a need to uncover the secrets that lay buried in his subconscious.

But for now, he pushed the thoughts aside, focusing on the road ahead. He couldn't afford to dwell on the past, not when the present demanded his attention. And yet, the mystery of the nightmare lingered, a puzzle waiting to be solved. And he vowed to find the answers, no matter the cost.

New York City

"I'll be departing in two days," a young woman with honey-colored hair, striking blue eyes, and full lips informed her companion, who was leaning against the bedroom wall.

"What? You're leaving and you didn't even tell me?" The other woman asked in surprise.

"Listen, Adia, I have everything in place for my business and I have to go. It's the only way for me to make a living, for both of us. Meanwhile, you take care of things while I'm away," the woman with honey-colored hair explained as she got up from the bed.

"But I thought we were fine here, living together," Adia expressed her disappointment.

"We are fine, but I don't feel comfortable here," she admitted softly.

"Where are you going?" Adia questioned, her voice echoing in the bedroom.

"Florence," she revealed, avoiding her sister's gaze.

"From New York to Florence? How?" Adia's voice filled the room with disbelief.

"What am I supposed to tell Mom and Dad? Have you informed them?" Adia suddenly realized.

"No, I haven't. I know they wouldn't approve if I told them. Can you help me out?" she pleaded, their parents were protective of them and they understood why.

"Are you sure this is the right decision?" Adia hesitated, showing concern. She has a bad feeling about her decision but she can't say it knowing her sister doesn't believe in instincts.

"Yes, I have to face my fears and move forward," she interrupted firmly, the firmness in her tone made Adia speechless.

"Okay, I'll take care of things at home. Just be careful," Adia agreed, understanding the deeper meaning behind her sister's departure.

"Thank you, sis. You're a lifesaver," she hugged her sister warmly. This journey was very important to her, she had to make peace with her soul.

"You're welcome. Stay safe," Adia cautioned, knowing there might be challenges ahead. She had a feeling that something unsettling awaited her sister in Florence, and she made a mental note to keep a close watch over her.

Despite her doubts, Adia watched as her sister packed her bags, her heart heavy with worry. She couldn't shake the feeling of impending doom, as if a dark cloud loomed over her sister's journey to Florence. But she knew she had to let her go, to follow her dreams and make a living for both of them.

As the day of departure arrived, Adia stood at the doorway of their small apartment, watching her sister leave with a heavy heart. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was not right, that Florence held secrets that would change their lives forever. But all she could do was wave goodbye, hoping and praying that her sister would return safely, her honey-brown hair shining in the sunlight once again.


Three men stood in the center of the woods with frigid auras and stiffened expressions, outraged by what had transpired. How could this happen right beneath their noses? Without them being aware? They simply failed to comprehend the entire picture.

"What exactly is going on here?" A voice rang out behind three individuals standing in the middle of the woods, sending chills down their spines.

"We found this here," said the young man with dirty blonde hair, presenting a piece of paper to the figure who now stood in front of them.

The words scrawled on the paper read, "I never knew your kind tasted so good." He clenched his teeth as he examined the blood stains on the floor, his aura becoming frigid by the second.

"Eclipse, this is getting out of control. Another young man with blonde hair replied with a determined gaze, "We must take action." He disliked how they were treated as if they were unimportant.

"Let us go back home; we will look into it later, but I want patrol to be tight; no one comes in or out without my permission," Eclipse stated coldly. The three men exchanged bewildered looks, wondering why he was saying these remarks.

"All OK, but what about the elderly man?" Another person with golden hair inquired with raised eyebrows.

"Do not tell him yet; he has too much on his plate, Zane," Eclipse said, pointing to the young guy with golden locks and eyes peering into the distance.

"Christoph, go take care of your mate and daughter; they need you. Inform me if you require anything," Eclipse said to the final man, whose shirt was splattered with blood; his appearance reminded him of the young man's corpse in his nightmare.

"Okay, bro, thank you," Christoph replied, giving his brother a brotherly hug in return. Christoph, the one with blonde hair, proceeded in the direction Eclipse had come from. Eclipse gave Zane and the other man a cold glance.

"Bring our best trackers here; I need results in an hour or two," Eclipse commanded the two men in a grim tone. The two nodded firmly, knowing what would happen tonight; Eclipse was not going to spare those involved in this heinous deed. Hell yeah, he would never spare his enemies.

He had no problems with them coming for him, but injuring his people is like playing with the tail of a rabid Alpha wolf, which he is. Eclipse returned to his house after sniffing around for twenty minutes; strangely, he could not detect any scents other than the smell of fresh forests, dry and fresh leaves, and moist dirt.

Two hours later, Eclipse was in the living room when a young man with dirty blonde hair entered; his expression was serious, prompting Eclipse to straighten up.

"We discovered this," the young man said, handing Eclipse a skull-adorned bracelet. He gave the bracelet a disgusted look.

"Dark witches, there is a hybrid among them, and we need to figure out who it is," Eclipse added darkly.

"And Gabriel, how long should tell you not to be formal around me?" Eclipse raised his brow in question.

Letting out a shaky laugh, "It is not as easy as you make it sound. Gabriel admitted, scratching the back of his head sheepishly, "Your aura is just too strong these days for me to act casually around you" Eclipse giggled lightly, but it came out darker than he intended sending shivers down Gabriel's spine. That was exactly what he was referring to.

"Okay, prepare some elites and notify the beta," Eclipse instructed Gabriel as he got from the couch. His dark emerald eyes projected a ferocious light as he strode upstairs.

"Okay, no problem," Gabriel said to himself as he stepped outside the living room to alert the beta about the upcoming task. His beta's name is Godfrey, and he is dark but not as dark as Eclipse. He is smart and strong, and he is not scared to speak his opinion in front of Eclipse. When Eclipse is wrong, Godfrey tells him without blinking an eye.

After Godfrey, Gabriel, and the elites were prepared, Eclipse joined them, and the ten men ventured into the shadows in quest of the dark witches and the hybrid who had touched their Alpha prince's tail. Everyone shifted into their beasts except Eclipse who didn't like shifting in front of others, no one could question why besides he was as fast as light on the foot.

Using the bracelet, they were able to identify the scent of one of the dark Witches; the ride was quiet, and none of them spoke because they knew their prince was not in the mood for humor.

After an hour of scouring the woods, the 10 men came to a standstill in front of a dead old Greek castle. The trees surrounding the castle had no life in them, and the branches and leaves were dry as if the slightest touch could split them apart.

Eclipse walked towards the castle doors, which were wide open as if to welcome him. He entered the living room, which was decorated with dull, lifeless colors and smelled of rotten flesh, blood, and sweat. Godfrey, Gabriel, and two elites walked in, while the remaining five men remained on standby.

"I have a feeling this is going to get gory, so be ready," Eclipse stated through their mental link as he approached an old portrait. The nails and fangs of the four men grew longer, giving them an animal-like appearance.

Before Eclipse could touch the image, a tremendous wind blew him away from it, throwing him across the room but landing precisely on his feet. "I adore ferocious," he mumbled with a nasty grin.

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