
Chapter 183 Home Sweet Home

Beth's POV

  Aaron tried to comfort me, yet he couldn't find the right words, so he chose to put his arms around my shoulders silently.

  I looked down at my stomach anxiously, stroking it with my hands, worried that the baby inside would have a life different from the ordinary.

  As a mother, I hoped my baby would have a healthy body and a safe and happy life, instead of shouldering a huge responsibility and becoming a sacrifice to protect the pack. I even felt guilty, wondering if it was because of me that he had to suffer.

  "Don't be afraid. She was probably just saying that. Don't take it seriously."

  Aaron comforted me. Meanwhile, Peter pulled a long face, stood not far away, and looked at us hesitantly. "Aaron, she said it was going to be one of the newborn wolf cubs in the pack. April's baby is due as well. Could it be her?"

  Peter frowned and clenched his fists nervously. Obviously, the prophet's words got to him.