
Alpha King's Dark Love

Her simple lonely life turns upside down when she is pulled into another world only to be met with a fate that is much more cruel than the one she faced before. She is forced to marry the Alpha King of the werewolf kingdom in the place of the human Princess and unknowingly breaks the curse of Alpha King and becomes his mate. Frederick Quinn, The Alpha king, is ruthless and powerful and rules the werewolves's world. He has everything he needs and trusts only a few people. The only thing he doesn't have is a mate. The Alpha King's generation is cursed with no mate. What happens when a human that he looks down on becomes his mate? What happens when he learns her real identity? Let's get into the world of Alpha King falling in love with a human from the other world.  ---------------------------- "My mate? are you fucking kidding me?! This useless human is my mate out of all the she-wolves in this kingdom!" His dark voice echoes in the room as he argues with his wolf. I flinched and stepped back in fear, not daring to look at him. My whole body is shaking at his Alpha voice, which is stronger and scarier than anything I have heard. He grabbed my arm and pulled me closer. I shot open my eyes in fear and saw his ferocious dark green eyes for the first time. It was so gorgeous and at the same time so scary, and before I could react, his words shocked my entire body. "Do you really think I need a mate?! What if she disappeared into thin air?!". Wh... What....He... He wants to kill me...? I tried to take my arm back and run from him, but his hold on my arm was painfully strong, that I stopped trying. I don't know what his wolf is telling him but his eyes shined and his lips curled into an evil smirk as he brought his face closer to mine and closed his eyes, inhaling my scent. I flinched at this action and didn't understand his intention. Then he opened his eyes and looked at me, from top to bottom, roaming his eyes around my body, making me feel naked, and replied in his seductive calm voice, "Not bad! I will accept your offer". Then said, looking at me, "If you follow my order, then you don't have to worry about getting killed. You and your people won't get a painful death. Remember this".

hannaswethaAuthor · สมัยใหม่
19 Chs

You look beautiful tonight

Frederick Quinn's POV

Is this how being with our mate feels like?

I questioned myself and my wolf, staring at the disappearing figure of my mate, walking away from me with her maid, not knowing that I was watching her. A strange feeling filled my heart, as it felt heavy with an unknown feeling. 

A feeling that I couldn't describe.

Like the one I felt when she entered this palace, it is different this time.

Everything about her seems so different. I never felt this comfortable and happy with someone just by their presence.

I know being with a mate is always a beautiful feeling, just by the look on everyone's face who has a mate, but after experiencing it for a few hours makes me wanna relive that moment.

Want to hold her close to my heart like she belongs there. 

I shook my head, getting out of those thoughts, and returned to the palace, knowing that I was already so late that all my guards could have been searching for me. 

I heard the faint voices of my guards calling me while entering my room in the secret passage. 

I stripped from the one I was wearing, took my royal dress from the bed, and started to get ready. I continued to hear my guards knocking on the door "Your Highness.... Can you open the door?".

Judging from their voice, it seems they have been staying out and calling me for a long time. They still remember my warning of never entering my room If I walk in and lock myself. 

I don't want anyone to see or find the secret passages I use and if they did, then it won't be secret anymore. 

Which means I don't have any other way but to kill them.

I walked up to the door and opened the door, revealing all three guards that stood in my corridor for my protection. 

"What's wrong?" I asked in my cold voice, walking out and locking the door. 

"Mr. Johan is waiting for you, Your Highness," the guard said, taking a step back and bowing his head. 

"Yes, you guys can go back to do your work," I replied while nodding my head, walking towards my office, as I saw Johan waiting there for me. 

"Greetings, Your Highness. " Johan bowed and greeted me like he always does. 

I nodded my head and entered my office with a refreshed feeling.

After a long time, I walked into this office with a smile, not caring about anything, not even Johan, who was following behind me, trying to report something important, or should I say he was trying to report what Alandra said.

I sat down in my seat and turned to look at Johan, who stood there reporting "Your Highness, General Gabriel asked to meet you tonight unofficially". 

"Fine, tell him to wait at our usual place at 12, I will be there" I replied after thinking for a few seconds. Gabriel is not someone who asks for an unofficial meeting and; if he doesn't then it must be serious. 

"Yes, Your Highness," Johan replied and started to report other things. 

I just heard and replied only for the important one and the other things are just a report. 

Then he closed his document and looked at me, saying "Your Highness, The Queen requested to meet you tonight for dinner in her palace".

"Fine, tell her I will be there," I replied with a nod and returned to work. 




"Welcome Your Highness, The Alpha King" the soft voice of Alandra reached my ear as I turned to look at her beautiful honey-brown eyes that showed nothing but the warmth that I always see from her. 

Those beautiful lips of hers gave me a smile that emitted the same warmth, as she stood in front of her palace and greeted me with a smile on her beautiful face as she waited for my arrival. 

Her beautiful dress was shining in the middle of dark nights like she just descended from the sky even though it was not like the one she always wore. This dress is something she used to wear when she was young while waiting for me in front of my training ground. She was there to witness all parts of my life, both happiness and pain but never used them against me. 

My lips widened with a smile, and all those memories flowed back to me as I stared into her beautiful face, her light makeup showing her youthful look, her beautiful features just like the way she used to be before becoming a Queen to support me. 

She always showed her best side to me, both before and after the marriage, showering me with her love even though she knew that I couldn't fall in love.

She reached out to my hand and I gladly took her, just because I don't feel the same way doesn't mean I will push her away. She gave up everything in her life, including her mate, just to be with me. This is the least I can do, giving her the name and honor as the only woman that I can or ever trust after my mom. 

She stared at me with those beautiful eyes and gave me a beautiful smile that could capture anyone's heart, but sadly not mine. She is my best friend whom I can share anything with, but she can never be the one I love. 

She knew it and still accepted to marry me and became my queen because I couldn't trust anyone but her. She took responsibility and stood by my side from a very young age so she is my most important person. I gave her a smile as we walked towards the garden, saying "You look beautiful tonight"

"Thank you, Your Highness" She replied with a smile, a shy smile to be specific, just like the way she used to give. 

Just now I understood that I actually miss being the way we use to be before.