
Alpha For Human Mate

Mate - Theo declared once more. His glee budding over into my chest. But within that same moment, the scent clears itself to reveal that the sweet aroma was coming off of a human. Once again, a human.   You have to be fucking kidding me. Before my dread can fully form, my mate begins to scream at the top of her lungs making me jump back in surprise. My eyes shoot up in alert as she screams bloody fucking murder for the world to hear, then barking begins and I release she has a dog with her. A dog which wasn't my biggest fan apparently, both of them working together to make the greatest amount of noise they possibly could.  "Woah, Woah. Hey, it's okay. Calm down, I'm not going to hurt you." I say lifting my hands in a gesture of surrender but the screaming continues. "I'm not going to hurt you," I repeat taking a step forward but that seems to only make it worse. I take several steps back, heart thumping in my chest, every cell in my body fighting against the distance I'd put between us. But it seems to help, her screaming stops suddenly when I was back to the roadside while she pants breathlessly in her place. Her pants make room for sobs, small sobs that were hidden just behind the fucking barking that wouldn't stop. I take a hesitant step forward but she just pulls into herself with a harder sob, so I quickly stop. My heart clawing at itself to stop scaring her, but I didn't know what I was doing that was making her so frightened. "N-No." She begs through her sobs. "Don't come any closer."

ris_wandi · แฟนตาซี
62 Chs


Wilona's P.O.V

I wanted to run. Wanted to run all the way back to my apartment and slide under my sheets, hiding from Damon and everything I knew wanted to hurt me in this world. Wanted to be alone and away from here. But I couldn't, the sun was a bit past setting and I knew there was no way I could make it back without ending up in the same place I was the night Damon found me.

"It can't wait Damon." The guy presses with a hint of aggression. "It's about your family."

Damon's entire body tightens at that moment, becoming a hard, rigid thing as he turned back to face his friend. Fear for him pools inside, the need to reach for his hand and show him I was there strong, but it was shut down the moment I remembered him pulling away from me.

Damon may be okay with what we were in private, without the eyes he knew on him but he clearly wasn't when they were. That was something I couldn't ignore, even if I wanted, I couldn't do that again.

"I'll meet you back at the complex Will." Damon says through gritted teeth as he turns to me once more.

This time I have to look at him, because I couldn't help the shot of terror that ran through me at the implication of his words. I couldn't help the way it made me feel weaker than ever before as my eyes darted between him and the darkening sky. Memories and fear pushing up to leave me frozen in my place.

I stare at Damon, hoping he would see my silent plea for him not to make me go back on my own. Needing him to see that right now I really needed him, needed him to be the person he said to trust. Needed him more than I could even voice, I needed him.

"Mekhi, I really can't do this now," Damon says making relief flood my chest as I release the shaky breath I didn't know I kept locked inside. "Later I ca-"

"Damn it, Damon," The man groans with frustration. "Your parents a-" He stops himself, looking to me as if remembering my presence.

The two words were enough to sink Damon though, I didn't have to see his face to know that he already made his decision.

"I'm going back." I manage, biting my lip to silence the rush of tears as I turn to leave.

"Will, no," Damon says grabbing my arm. "Just wait for me on one of the benches and I'll walk you back. I'll be quick and I'll take you back."

I yank my arm free of him, keeping my face away from him with the tears building quickly now.

"Wait alone on a bench in the dark? Not knowing if someone is in front of me until it's too late?" I ask incredulously hating the way my voice trembled. "I'm going home."

Damon reaches for me again but I push him away and start walking. Walking hard and fast with only one goal in mind - making it back to the apartments before the sky was completely coated in darkness.

My heart only tears more when I don't hear him coming after me.

I brush it aside as I wipe away the tears, chest heaving as I looked around frantically, trying to familiarize myself with the slowly darkening spaces. Sassy tugs me forward and I follow, until I'm almost running against the darkness to make it back.

But I couldn't run fast enough and like always, the darkness swallows me whole.

The sky heavy now, tempering my vision as it weighed down on me. My sight only illuminated by small glimmers of light that came to me as blurred bulbs of light in the distant.

"I always knew you were soft but I didn't think you were actually a fucking btch!" Father boomed while my cheek throbbed the way his fist did. "I'd rather have no daughter at all than a piece of shit like you."

I shake my head through the sobs, trying to make the voices stop mixing together to hit their punishing blows. Tearing running freely down my face as I tried to make out where I was, but my thoughts were loud and my heart was hammering for freedom, everything was just too much.

I was relieving the night where everything went wrong, back to when I didn't know Damon and lived in the agony of being this way, pretending it didn't hurt so much. But it was worse this time around, so much worse because I knew now how it felt to not be alone all the time. I knew the way it felt to laugh freely with someone, spend time with them and even, see again.

Now it was all gone.

"You deserve this."

I press myself against a stone wall, chest heaving as I welcomed the cold rush of the surface. It calmed me, though small, to have my back protected because then nobody could come from behind me. But with my eyes wide and frantic, it barely made a difference whether my eyes were open or closed because I couldn't see a single thing.

"I'll be there with you."

I sink down with a sob, back digging into the wall as tears flowed freely at the reminder of Damon's fruitless words. Words I chose to trust knowing that I shouldn't, knowing that they always let you down eventually. Knowing things always ended up with me afraid and alone.

Sassy brushes up against my legs, whimpering gently as she brushed against me. I wrap my arms around her and press my head to her's, body trembling as I cling to her.

"Please girl," I sob against her, holding her tight as I pray she understands. "Please get me home. I-It's only you left, please I-I'm begging you... t-take me home."

Sassy keens as she pushes against me, wetting my face gently before moving to tuck herself under my arms. She pushes gently, whining and pawing at me with all her effort. She pushes and pushes until I stand up, hand tight around her leash as she begins to tug forward.

I take a step and then another, praying to everything that this would work. My tears don't stop as my vision brings me nothing so I close my eyes, preferring a darkness of my own making than one meant to torture. Sassy leads and I follow, follow as quickly as I can needing to feel safe again.

I fall a few times but Sassy turns back each time to help me back up, only stopping when we were standing in front of the complex. I all but break down at the sight of the familiar building, rushing to get inside and to our home. I slam the door shut behind us and lock every latch for the first time in months.

I switch on all the lights, falling to my knees when light graces me once more and reveals the space I knew to be familiar and safe. Sassy comes straight to me and I hug her tighter than ever before. Sobbing against her as I croaked words of thanks that I knew didn't fall upon deaf ears.

I hold tight, keeping myself against the one thing keeping me afloat in this abyss.

I was done falling.


Damon's P.O.V

I watch Will walking away, instincts blaring at me to follow her and make sure she made it home okay.

I shouldn't have let go of her hand.

I take a step forward but stop when Mekhi reappears in front of my path.

I look over his shoulder at Will's receding back, Theo whines loudly at the space growing between us with every step.

Each one tearing at me until she's out of sight.

I fix my eyes to Mekhi, feeling them glow as I glare at him. My talons extend slowly with my canines, the anger rising as I pin him under my gaze.

"Someone better be dead or damn close to it," I growl lowly making him take two careful steps back.

"The pack was challenged to the arena and we couldn't turn it down, Alpha Julian had to represent because Alpha Aiden... he hasn't been himself since you left." Mekhi scrambles quickly, his words only slowing towards the end. "Alpha Julian had to face a new alpha, one much younger than him."

"But he won." I finish crisply, fists clenching with the need for it to be so.

"Barely." He admits with a pained expression. "He took one hit in particular, it was really bad Damon."

I blink at him, mind clearing as my heart stops just like everything around me, suddenly coming to an overbearing halt as I stare at him. I blink again, hoping the action would clear things, but it doesn't. I try to breathe and fail, not a single capsule of air willing to fill my lungs. I stare at Mekhi, his face showing that he saw the pain, the agony that rippled through me at the thought of my father hurt.

"Is he okay?"