
Hidden Colors

Caesar's POV

I watch as Max leaves me with the lizard. I curse myself silently as I watch the girl claws at the collar more frantic. It's not to restrain her or to keep her track, hell we don't need to worry about that. She'd think twice before trying to escape once she sees what we're really like. The collar is more to protect her actually. As much as I hate to admit it, I rather not have out mistress find out about her being a full shifter. My brother and I might be insane but we still have some feeling. One thing we can both agree on is our food and how no one should have to suffer the same fate we both are facing now. Although, despite even this, we aren't the good guys and we never will be. We've done too many wrongs in our lives. We know what we do is wrong but,... it's such a god damn thrill.

I smile to myself as I remember all the victims and mission Max and I have done, suddenly I'm ripped from those thoughts as a sharp pain travels through my arm. I growl lowly as I look at my arm seeing..an iced dagger through it. I turn my attention to the only other person in the room, Akiera. I growl at her as I stand ripping it out easily.

Akiera's POV

I hate collars, I always have. No matter if it was what people called a necklace or and actual collar. They are all the same to me. Freedom stealing enchantments. When Max had put the collar on me of course I panicked. The last time I had one on was when...well...let's just say it wasn't a good memory, but this collar, it's different to the ones before. I don't know how but it gives me the feeling of...emptiness? I tense finally realizing why. I can't hear or feel Glacier any more. It's like she's completely gone. No matter how many times I try to talk to her or how many times I try to see her, nothing happens. I can't help the growl and whine mix that escapes me. I don't know what to do. I hate being alone, Glacier is the only one who always stuck by me, despite being in the same body. She always supported me when things were bad. She could've been like the other dragon sides. She could've taken my body over and made my side disappear completely whenever I showed weakness, but she didn't. Instead she would help me get stronger and in turn, that made us stronger than other dragons despite powers. We always helped on each other. Now, she's gone.

With a final whine, I look around the cooler, noticing Max had left at some point, leaving me with his satanic brother. I tense and slightly back away from him and watch him closely. He suddenly gets a smirk on his face yet his eyes were slightly glossed over. He seemed to be daydreaming. I frown and hesitantly shift into my human form and watch him. I snap my fingers in front of his face then quickly moved out of his reach, yet I got no reaction. It was like he didn't even know I was here. I let out a shaky breath and look around again. The door had been shut, but with him distracted I could make my escape. I smile slightly then frown and feel the collar around my neck. It feels different this time though. Instead of the cold metal like feeling it has a softer touch, almost like silk. Standing, I move closer to the door and look at my warped reflection. The collar had changed to a form of choker around my neck when I shifted. I frown and wiggle my fingers between the fabric and my skin before trying to yank it off. After a few tries, I'm left with a small bruise forming and the choker still on. I sigh and try the door only to find it's locked. I curse softly and look back at the devilish man, who still sits in his own world. Slowly I go over to him. Looking him over, I notice he has no weapon. I take a deep breath as a slightly large dagger form in my hand. My only thought is to injure him and escape. I continuously repeat that as I roughly shove the dagger into his shoulder. Quickly I shift and moves away as he flinches and growls before standing up and glaring down at me as he rips the dagger from his shoulder with ease. I tense realizing my mistake. I watch as he reaches towards me quickly only for me to bolt away from him. The scent of his blood quickly fills the cooler. I listen as his dark growl echos and sends a violent shiver through my body. Then my body suddenly goes rigid as I can no longer move. I try to shift but nothing happens as I feel Caesar's hand slip under my scaley stomach and roughly yank me from the ground before I can move again. As I wiggle, trying to get free, his grip tightens till his nails dig into the softer parts of my underbelly making me whine. He turns me so I'm eye to eye with him making me stop my movements. His eyes are a bright red, the look of murder and rage cloud them as he darkly growls sending yet another violent shiver throughout my body.

"You really want to be testing me little lizard? You can't even see a bigger picture here, can you runt?"

I flinch but don't look down. I refuse to give him the satisfaction of my submission, even after they've taken Glacier from me. I glare back and suddenly shift in his hold. His hand releases from me as I move away again. He growls at me and reaches out to restrain my movements once more, but I spin halfway making him stumble into the freezer door. I laugh softly as he rubs his forehead standing up and glaring once more at me. I stick my tongue out and turn my back to him running to the back of the cooler as he tries recovering. I can shift once he gets closer, play cat and mouse till he gets exhausted, then I can make my escape. He already seemed pissed so everything is already going smoothly. I just need to count on my surroundings. Only thing I didn't count on, was his own speed, however.

Before I could even reach the back wall, I feel a sharp tug on my hair pulling me back and into a hard chest. I tense but don't look up.

"How the hell..."

I speak softly as he wraps one hand around my waist tightly as he speaks lowly near my ear.

"You're going to regret your trick runt. How about a little trip to the cells before you see the mistress?"

I find it hard to breathe as I glance back at him. My body feels numb yet I can't help but challenge him again.

"There's no way in hell you're getting my back there without a fight."

I growl and stomp on his foot and ripping my body away from his. I hear him hiss softly as I move farther away from him. I know it's useless but I refuse to give up. I match the glare he gives me as he stalks closer. Each step he takes I take one back, not long after, I realize I've cornered myself. I curse to myself softly and silently wishing for Glacier to be back. In my moment of distraction, I notice Caesar has gotten much closer than before. I growl at him and try to shift, but for some reason, I can't. I hear his laughter near my ear making me jump. I don't move far due to his grip on my arms.

"Wondering why you can't shift right?"

I look at him with distaste as his smile just grows bigger.

"Know that little collar Max put on you, it does as we wish. Want an example?"

I growl at him not giving an actual answer as I try pulling away, only for him to spin my and yank my right arm painfully between my shoulder blades. I yelp and stand on my toes trying to relieve the pain and tension. I feel his other hand grip the hair close to my scalp and yank down, forcing my head to snap back.

"Good choice kid."

His voice is deeper than normal. Each syllable sending shivers down my spine and my lungs clench in anxiety. I feel his chest vibrate slightly as if he was quietly purring. Yet there was no sound from him nor did his voice give the action away when he spoke.

"Ready to learn?" he gives me no chance to answer before speaking once more "Wings"

I feel an excruciating pain rip through my back as he releases my arm. I feel a scream tear through my throat, yet I hear no sound over the ripping of flesh and a burst of sickening laughter echoing throughout the room. The pain is never-ending for me, even after I feel a heavyweight and a heavy thud behind me. Every breath, every movement, every heartbeat, hurts. I can't move nor do I want to, so I remain in a crouched position on the floor. I can hear Caesar's heart falter for a moment before I feel a hand land on the middle of my back making me flinch and shutter. A loud whine escapes me at the pain that follows quickly behind. My body shakes from all the pain that continuously floods my nervous system. Squeezing my eyes shut, I try to focus on anything and everything else but the pain. That's when I notice a new scent. It's sweet, like freshly bloomed peach flowers mixed with honey. It reminds me of home. I feel my body slightly and slowly relax as I focus on that smell. After a few moments, I open my eyes and notice a female sitting next to me. My body tenses again as I move away only to freeze and bite down on my lip rough as yet another course of pain rips through my back. I feel something brush my hand and jump looking at it. White wings with pale purple swirls and small designs lay against me. I just look at them. I know they're mine but I could never accomplish a human half shift. I was so busy focusing on them I didn't notice the body lying nearby. When I finally do I see it's a now knocked out Caesar.

"How are you feeling Akiera?"

I flinch at the sound and look tot he women in front of me. I recognize her from the cells. I tense and scoot farther away from her growling softly at her defensively. She gives no reaction as she watches me. She doesn't move for a few minutes before reaching into her pocket and rolls me a small ball.

"Here. I want you to squeeze this."

I let the ball bounce slightly off of my leg but never taking my eyes off of the women as she sighs

"Suit yourself then. Return"

The same pain as before floods me as I feel my wings slowly sink into my back. I don't realize I'm screaming again until I feel my throat burning and my lungs begging for air. I pant and hold myself tightly trying to stop my body from shaking. My vision becoming blurry and the corners becoming dark. I feel myself swaying, yet I know I'm planted firmly on the ground. I growl quietly as I try to keep my body still, failing. The same calming scent floods my senses making my body relax.

"Small shift"

I don't even register the women's voice as I feel my body shrink and shift small. I feel the coldness creep over my left side up to my right. My left-wing feeling numb. I slowly lift my body until I'm standing. I hear and feel nothing aside from the cold and the calming scent. Next thing I know, I'm being held by someone and for once, I don't care as I fall into a deep sleep.