
A New Mother

When I come to, I find myself lying in a soft bed on top of a pillow. The room is cold and pleasant on my scales. I slowly lift my head, but a rush of dizziness attacks my skull making my small body sway. Shaking my head, hoping to clear the feeling, but I only make it worse. My vision blurs as I stumble around the large bed. My back legs collapse under me, forcing me to sit down. Growling softly I close my eyes trying to get the room to stop spinning. My body shakes as I force myself to stand again. I hear a soft laugh before feeling myself being picked up. I tense and wiggle, only to stop shortly after. The same intoxicating scent from before feels my nose making me gently purr and slightly nuzzle closer to the person. I feel their chest slightly vibrate as if they were laughing. I make the mistake of looking up as I notice the women before. I try flying off, but she only holds me tightly in her embrace smiling and humming softly. Her scent slightly changes making me tense lightly

"I see you enjoy my scent, aside from when it changes. Careful how you feel around me. It might make or end your day."

She gives a menacing snicker as she looks down at me. I simply stare at her, unsure of her motives. I don't want to end up back in that room, and I also don't want her touching me. In times like these, Glacier was gratefully useful. She always knew what to do in these kinds of situations, but now, she's gone. Shivers rack my body as her hand slowly trails over my scales. I tense and shutter looking away from her.

'Please, let go of me. I don't like being held.'

I link to her mentally. I shutter as a growl rumbles and rips through her chest. The feeling unpleasant and chilling. She holds me tighter against her chest, squeezing my ribs making me yelp in discomfort.

"I don't care what you don't like. From now on it's what I like and what I want. Understood pet."

Venom drips from her voice as she hisses through her teeth. I refuse to be anyone's pet. I'm not a feline or mutt. Growling softly I bite her arm roughly till it bleeds. Injecting a liquefied ice particle hidden withing my fangs. I hear her growl before feeling my body roughly slam into a hard surface. Her hand tightly around my scaled throat, tightening antagonizing slow. Her grow is the only thing I hear along with my own heartbeat and gasps for air as her grip turns to iron. I feel a scale chip off making my body shudder as her nails dig into the now tender flesh till it bleeds. My back continuously crashes against the wall multiple more times, each time my body jerks from the impact till I can hardly see. Moments later I lay on the floor, shifted back to my normal form. My long white hair slowly being stained blue from my neck. Everything becomes blurred as I watch two figures argue and fight. Yet no sound reaches my ears aside from the loud ringing and my heart beating quickly. Another form crouches near me, stretching their hand towards me. Out of instinct, I flinch and quietly growl at the person pressing more against the wall. I feel nothing but pain shoot throughout my entire body making me whimper in pain. I feel someone's hand touch my shoulder making me flinch back as my breathing becomes heavy again. I can hear soft humming as something warm touches my neck making it sting. The warmth didn't help with my pain, only making it worse and more intense. I watch as the blurred being retracts his hand as I hiss at the contact. Muttering a soft 'warm'. Slowly, my body began to relax as my vision began to clear, showing a worrying max kneeling in front of me. I still feel my body shaking as I lie still, I didn't want to risk moving to make the pain worse again. A soft rumble escapes from my chest as he gently runs his fingers through my hair. It reminded me of the times with Augustus and our parents..before everything went bad.

I feel something go under my knees making my body tense once more. I watch as max slowly and carefully picks me up and cradles me against his chest. His body was too warm making my pain sore higher, but I couldn't bring myself to say anything. I couldn't even when I tried. Everything hurt. I hadn't realized I was crying or passed off to someone else till a hand gently touches my face, gently wiping my tears away. Flinching instinctively, I close my eyes before looking up at max only to see Caesar looking down at me blankly. His body feels much colder than Max, making my body slowly relax as the pain began to subside slightly. I watch his mouth move but no sound reaches my ears. I watch as his eyebrows knit together as he speaks again, however, this time within my mind

'Can you hear me, dragon?'

a shudder ripple through me as his voice echos through my head making me since again. I feel his chest vibrate as he softly laughs at my reaction.

'You're fine lizard. Max will be looking you over shortly. You're lucky we were granted permission to help you.'

he gives me a smirk as I frown, quietly humming at the coldness against me.

Caesar's P.O.V

Her spine was clearly injured. She had shifted at an off-angle after she had fallen to the ground. Her shudders, flinching and quiet whining was an all too clear factor of such. I petty her yet applaud her. She has only been present for two total days and had already angered Carmine. Not just angered but pissed off to the point we had to intervene to prevent her from killing the small thing. I don't feel bad for her, on the contrary, I am entertained. She provides good shows since she had arrived. As long as she doesn't piss me off at least, I will tolerate her.

Crouching next to the little dragon, I hold my hand out only making her flinch. However, her body seems to relax as slight frost flows from my fingertips. I left Max to calm our mistress while I examined her. Her eyes had glazed over. Frowning, I speak to max through a private injured

'Her spine is injured.I believe carmine had harmed her occipital lobe as well.'

I hear a soft rumble as max kneels next to me. I watch as he touches the girl's shoulder and neck gently. She shudders and pulls back but stops as max picks her up gently. Her body going tense and her face full of pain.

It's quite entertaining seeing someone hurt. The faces and noises that they max in reaction to their discomfort are intriguing to me. I wonder how long she could last with max and I slowly removing her scales, or even carving designs into her pale white skin. I shutter softly as Max brushes against me. He frowns, but his eyes show the same thoughts I had just been interrupted from. I smile and step towards the door only to be stopped by Carmine, out mistress.

"Not yet boys. Be patient and remember your orders."

a soft growl laces her words as she spoke, her right arm half-covered in frostbite and a deep purple bite mark. With a simple nod and frown to her, I guide max to the infirmary with the girl. The walk was silent but comforting. I watch from the corner of my eyes Max struggling with the girl and her blasted long hair. Sighing softly, I stop and gently remove the girl from his hold. Careful of her hair and spine as I do so. The transaction was silent. Despite my willingness to carry her, my body tenses as a soft, almost silent, purr reaches my ear. The girl's body slowly relaxes and melts against my frame as I continue forward. I can see Max smirk and stifle a laugh. Simply glaring at him, I smirk as I speak through our link once more,

' Somethin funny max.'

he quickly shakes his head before looking down

'I swear I could see you trying not to laugh at your patient.'

I watch as he frowns and tenses at what I had said. A soft gulp was his only answer as he nods and walks into the infirmary. With a final victory smile to myself, I follow and lay the girl on the bed so we could begin to check her injuries.

Tell me what you think or feel should be changed.

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Instagram:-> alpha_dragon_story or ives.davaya3448

Email: -> ives.davaya3448@yahoo.com

ShiNoRedcreators' thoughts