
Midnight Omelets & Petty Insults

Jiyeon cracked an egg into the bowl, her wrist flicking with the kind of precision only a professional chef could muster, but Yura wasn't paying attention to Jiyeon's technique. She was busy glaring at the pan in front of her like it had personally offended her.

"Yura, I've seen you give death stares at business meetings, but this is an omelet," Jiyeon remarked, her lips twitching with amusement.

Yura huffed, flipping the spatula in her hand. "It's your fault for turning me into an insufferable perfectionist. I used to be content with instant noodles."

Jiyeon snorted. "You still eat instant noodles, don't even lie."

"That's beside the point," Yura said, her tone all high-and-mighty as she finally poured the egg mixture into the pan. "You've infected me with your standards."