

Hazel a 23 years old lady, was forced into pretending to be her twin sister, Harriet,who was one of the contestants for the concubine selection ceremony,organized by the Alpha’s mother for her son. Being selected as the Alpha’s concubine marked the beginning of her woes and troubles. Carrying his child,she was sent away from the pack by her mother and sister who wanted to keep their dirty secrets hidden Few months later, after she arrived to her aunt’s pack , Hazel gives birth to her son, who she named Axel. A calamity struck Shadow pack and the only solution was for the blood roaming outside the pack be brought back home. Plotting and scheming,Harriet’s mother abducts Hazel’s son and gives to Harriet who claims him as her son, and peace was restored to the pack. But long will Harriet’s joy last? Only time will tell how this web of lies and deceit will be untangled.

solo_Ohwofasa · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Chapter TWELVE: The lie became the Truth


"Why were you at the hospital, Luna?" Alpha Kain asked, his voice stern and his gaze fixed on me.

 I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, my heart racing. I could not tell him the truth, not without revealing the truth about my sister and her unborn child. I had to come up with a plausible excuse, and act very fast.

 "I ..I...I...I was feeling unwell,"I began, my voice faltering. "I thought I might have a fever , so I went to the hospital for a check up." 

The alpha's expression did not change, but his eyes bleed into mine. "That is not a sufficient explanation, I have heard that you were seen coming out of a specific ward. The ward for women who are with child." He said.

 I felt my stomach drop. How had he found out about that? I had to think quickly, or I would be in serious trouble. "I...I..I was visiting a friend," I stammered. "I...I...I...I.. I did not realize it was the women's ward. I...I...I just want to visit my friend."

 "And Who is this friend of yours?" Alpha kain asked, his voice cold and hard. My mind raced , but I could not come up with a name. I could also not reveal Hazel's or her unborn child's identity, without endangering myself.

 I had to come with something, something tangible or the alpha would see through my lies and I would be serious trouble.

"Her..her..her name is.." i hesitated, thinking of a name, then a name popped into my head. "Keira! Her name is Keira." 

 The alpha looked at me, and I could see the doubt in his eyes.

 "I do not know any woman named Keira," Alpha kain said. "Is She a member of Vixen Pack?" 

"N-no," I said, my voice shaking.

"She is not from our pack? Then how do you know her?" The alpha's tone was skeptical.

 My mind was racing, trying to come up with another lie, one suitable and perfect enough to back up my other lies. 

"She.. she is a friend from my childhood," I said. "I have not seen her in years, but I heard she was ill , so I went to visit her."

 The alpha studied me for a moment and then he said, "I am still not convinced. I will need to verify this information. For now you are confined to your chamber until further notice."

 I felt my heart sink. I was trapped and I did not know what to do. But I knew I had to do something, or my silence would be taken as confirmation for whatever the alpha was suspecting me of.

"That is not fair!" I protested. "I have not done anything wrong. Please you have to believe me." 

 The alpha looked at me, and for a moment I thought I saw a flicker of compassion in his eyes. But then he spoke, shattering my rising hopes with his cold and hard words. "You have lied to me, and I can not trust you. Until I have confirmed your story, you will remain here." He turned and faced a guard.

"Take the Luna to her chambers, and ensure she speaks to no one till I give my approval." 

"Yes sir." The guard replied.

 "Do not do anything funny, or the consequences would be grave." He said in a low and dangerous voice, he turned and left the room.

 I felt a wave of despair wash over me. I had Sure myself into a hole, and I did not know how to get out.

 Slowly I dragged my feet to my chambers, with two guards keeping an eye on me. I felt suffocated and uneasy. My stomach churned and I felt like I was going to throw up.

Locking me inside my chambers, the guards stood outside, keeping an eye on whatever I did or said. The minutes passed slowly and I was starting to lose hope. I thought of sending a word to my mother, pleading for help, but the Alpha's orders were not to be disobeyed. 

 I wondered what the alpha was doing and how he planned to verify this information. I felt as though as I was trapped in a prison. I had no one to talk to and the walls of my chambers felt like they were closing in on me.

 As I laid down on my bed, I tried to think of a way out of this situation, but nothing came to my mind. 

I rolled on my bed, praying that a miracle happens and it saves me from the Alpha's wrath and fury.

 Just then, as I finished praying, there was a knock at the door.

"Come in," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. The door opened, and to my surprise, the alpha himself entered the room. He stood in the doorway, his eyes fixed on me. " I have received confirmation of your story." He said, his voice calm and measured.

"You are telling the truth. You are free to leave your chambers."

 I was stunned. I had not expected him to believe me or even confirm my story. I rose from the bed, a thousand questions on my lips.

"Thank you your highness. But I must say, your lack of trust has hurt me, deeply." I said, my voice trembling.

 "I feel so dirty, my Alpha does not trust me. Anyone can bring any news to him about me and he would believe in an instant as he does not trust me." I said, my eyes welling with tears.

"Do not say that Luna, I did what I had to do . And if it hurt you I will send you gifts , to calm your mind and pay for the damages." Alpha kain said and left the room.

Wiping the single drop of tear beneath my eyelid, I smirked. 

"Now he will feel so guilty and trust me blindly." I spoke to myself.

"But ...how? Who confirmed my story? Or could this be a trap ? What if he has not confirmed it and only said this, so he could keep an eye on me?"

 I knew I had to be careful, for many eyes watched me from the shadows.