

Victoria wasn't sure when she had fallen asleep. All she knew was that she had finally let herself break down in Asmund's tight embrace. It had felt like a shelter from the emotional turmoil she was in. How had he done that? He had made her feel heard for the first time in twelve years. She had felt safe and loved in his arms. And maybe that was all she needed. Maybe it was okay to be vulnerable in the privacy of his bedroom. Where not even the gods could see her shatter into a million tiny pieces.

For the first time in her life she wanted to believe that. Here, in this room, the world could not reach her. Not even the gods could get her in this place. So long as Asmund held her close she was safe. He could protect her from everything.

She stretched and sat up as she yawned. "Morning babygirl." She heard Asmund mumbel sleepily as he rubbed her back. "How are you feeling this morning?"

"Much better now. I'm sorry I unloaded all of that on you yesterday." She said as she slipped off the bed and went in search of the bathroom.

"Don't apologize for having needs, Victoria. It's all part of being alive.". He seemed to think for a moment. "I have to confess something."

"What is it?"

"I talked to Kathrine after you fell asleep last night. I told her some of what you told me and somethings that I noticed. She wants to talk to you today." He looked remorseful. "Are you okay with that?"

"Why did you tell her?" Victoria couldn't help but feel a little betrayed.

"Victoria please don't hate me. I don't think I would survive if you hated me." He said desperately as he got off the bed. He looked like he was about to hit his knees and start begging.

"Why did you tell her?"

"Because you need help Victoria. The kind of help that I can't give you." He finally admitted. "I asked how I could best help you with what you are going through and she made me see that I'm not qualified to." She stood there just staring at him in confusion.

"I'm not weak." She said as she started to cry. "I my be an omega but I'm not weak."

"Needing therapy doesn't make you weak Victoria. It is simply a way for you to talk to somebody who can help you work out what you're feeling and help to make you feel better." Victoria was furious. Nevermind needing to pee. She just wanted to run away. But he had moved to stand between her and her only escape route.

"So what? You want me to just go and hang out with the pack psychiatrist for an hour a week? Pay her to be my friend and listen to all my problems so you don't have to?"

"No! It's not like that! I want you to talk to me! I want you to tell me all of your problems! But I want to fix them! I want to take all your pain and make it go away." He had tears running down his own face now. "But you have demons I can't fight for you, Victoria. Trust me when I say that those demons will destroy you if you don't fight back. Therapy can give you the tools to fight back. Take it from me."

"How do you know?"

"Because two years ago I wouldn't even grunt to communicate. I was empty and lifeless. I was wasting away from the inside out. Then Kathrine started to talk to me daily." He chuckled as he thought back on that time. "It was a bit annoying actually. She'd just talk about how Drake was really annoying her and how my mom was getting on her nerves by asking for gossip about her patients. She say that if I didn't want to talk I could just listen. She tell me about which of her friends she was fighting with. She would tell me all the latest pack gossip and after six months I finally had enough and told her that if I had to listen to one more rumor that may or may not be true I would put my head through the window, bars and all."

"Did it help?"

"Kind of. That was when she found out the best way to get me to talk was not to isolate me and asking me about what I was feeling. But rather to annoy me so much that I couldn't keep quiet. And she pulled me out of the pack psych ward and forced me to be a part of the pack again."

"It sounds like she's just mean."

"Look I'm sorry I betrayed your trust but I really think she can help you work through all the emotional turmoil you are feeling right now. At least talk to her, for me."

"Fine. I'll talk to her. But you have to make it up to me." She pouted.

"Anything my you want just say the words and I'll do it."

"First never say that again. Second tell me where the bathroom is before my bladder explodes." She finished on a whimper as she crossed her beautiful legs and started to bounce up and down while clutching at her crotch.

"Oh. Yeah. It's right in there." He pointed at the door behind her.

"No that's a closet." She whimpered.

"You go through the closet and the bathroom is on the right." He explained and watched as she rushed through the door and into the bathroom.he chuckled as he entered the closet and set out an outfit for the day.

Two hours later She was sitting with Kathrine in Asmund's office. When The psychiatrist had showed up he had made a lame excuse about having something to do that he had not done the day before and left the two of them alone. Kathrine sniffed as she watched Victoria who looked at her. They had only been here for five minutes but Victoria was sure this woman would psychoanalysis everything about her. From the way she sat to the way she chose to not pull her hair back.

"This is getting awkward don't you think? I'm perfectly happy to sit here for the next two hours in silence if you want." She shrugged. "But it would be a waste of both our time, don't you think?" Victoria continued to stare anywhere but at at her. "Why are we here, Luna?"

"I promised Asmund I would talk to you for his sake." Victoria muttered.

"So, talk." Kathrine said as she began to scribble something in the notebook on her lap.

"Why? So you can tell Asmund everything I say?"

"Why do you think I would do that?"

"Because he's looking for a reason to reject me and a psychological instability disqualifies me from being Luna."

"If that were true I could disqualify you without even talking to you."

"What do you mean?"

"You want me to go there fine I will. I can tell you lack self confidence by the way you you refuse to look me in the eye. Further more you try to make yourself small while ensuring a route to escape. You are looking for a way to run even now. You constantly scan your surroundings for anything that could be a threat and you have an envyable amount of control over your wolf. Probably because your parents lack any kind of control over theirs which resulted in them lashing out sometimes with physical violence. This has led you to you becoming the adult you would have felt safe with as a child. How am I doing so far.". Victoria must have had a look of shock on her face because Kathrine Continued. "Further more you do everything you can to be unnoticed, you wear baggy shapeless clothing to and leave your hair down so you seem small and unattractive,but you feel unheard. You were most likely told to sit still and be quiet most of your life. This has led you to believe that you have nothing of value to provide to anyone which is why you believe that Asmund's affection for you is self serving. In short anyone of these things could be a diagnosis in and of them self but together they scream series of symptoms caused by something much worse. You are your own worst enemy Victoria. Asmund did not tell me about what you told him last night in the hope that a psychoanalysis would disqualify you as his mate. He did it because he truly wants what is best for you. He was looking for advice on how best to help you with what you are going through. I told him I wanted to asssess you. This was my idea. You have demons Victoria and Asmund can't fight them for you."

Victoria shot to her feet and sprinted out of the office and down the stairs. Past the former Alpha and out the door to the woods. She could barely breathe as she felt Cameron push for control of their body. She was sprinting through the forest in her wolf form before she even realized she had shifted. Their were three familiar wolves running next to her in the next moment.

Had the former Alpha sent them to protect her? She didn't really care. She ran until she collapsed in the snow. She lay there whimpering and wishing she was alone. Unfortunately the three warriors stood guard nearby. She closed her eyes and tried to be alone with her thoughts.

It wasn't long before Asmund's scent filled her nose and she felt him nuzzle her softly. She opened her eyes and stared up at him. He whimpered and motioned with his head towards the pack house. He then turned and waited for her to force her exhausted body out of the snow. When she was finally on her feet, they began the long walk home.