
Alpha's Unwanted mate

"The pain in my body is nothing compared to the pain in my heart seeing my mate making love to his lover" ~Mina She drowns in pain as her honey skin is covering with the Burns and bruise, she did nothing wrong than being his mate, She is an unwanted mate, a girl he'll never love. She can't accept rejection, how can she when he is the last person in her thoughts before she goes to bed and first person to think in the morning. She'll accept to live in hell if he wants her to, how to call her naive or stupid. Mina a beta by rank is mated to the future alpha of the pack Mile,who already have a lover. He tries to reject her but she doesn't want it and bears the pain which feels like death whenever her mate sleeps with another person. Mile needs mina's help to capture the throne so he makes move for it and in the process of it he gets close to her. Will he realize his mistake or will he hurt her even more. Warning: This is a very short story with only 8 chapters.

Adalyn04 · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs


The silence of the forest is disturbed. A large black wolf  tumbled through the forest and crashed its body on a large tree. It let out a loud wail due to the pain which was unbearable at that point. Freshly made wounds decorated it's body. It lost all it's strength to change back to it's human form..but nevertheless it tried, it tried it's best to change and by moon god's grace it succeeded.

There lied a beautiful woman with black hair and captivating brown eyes. Fortunately she had her clothes on, which covered the burns and wounds created by the sins of her mate. She wanted to have a normal life but moon god had other plans I guess.

She gritted her teeth to bear the pain and stood up, panting hard. She blinked the tears away before putting a fake smile as she didn't want to look weak. She sprayed something on her before walking towards the school.. Not a normal one but for the werewolves.

She entered the class with a wide fake smile on her face. "Good morning" she said in a cheerful voice. She is good at pretending, pretending like everything is alright. The students returned her greeting with a smile. She is a popular kid because of her cheerful nature. The Respect they had for this kid is immeasurable.

She sat on her place and began talking with her friends. Her eyes drifted to the couple entering the room. Her heart ached at the sight. A reserved girl entered the room holding hands with a blond haired guy. 'Mate' Mina thought.

The girl's neck is decorated with some freshly made love bite, her pale skin didn't help either. Pretty much everyone noticed it. His hair kinda ruined and his shirt which was always neatly tucked now left loose. Class became silent due to their entry. Everybody in the class guessed what happened and of course mina felt it.

The couple made their way towards the last desk. The murmurs started again.

"Dude, she already lost her mate. now you wanna lose yours too. How would your mate feel when she finds out you are in a relationship with one who's mate is already dead." One guy asked making all the eyes divert to the couple.

The Pale one couldn't meet the gazes,  she looked down her feet. The guy beside her fumed with anger.

It's none of your business and if you dare to speak anything about our relationship or her mate, I won't hesitate to kill you with my bare hands" his words pained mina's heart. She sighed before starting to speak.

"And what about your mate Mile?" She asked looking into his eyes. A wave of electricity passed through him but as usual he ignored it.

"As if I care... Well about her, I hope I don't have one or I hope she's already dead" he said making others gasp.. mina blinked her tears away before anyone could notice it.


This world of werewolves is kinda weird. A wolf is destined with it's mate at the moment they were born but they have to wait till the age of 18 to find them. Everything is scheduled here. They were born, grow up waiting for their mate, when they reach the age of 18 they identify their mate, enjoy beautiful moments with their mate, make love, make their own pups, grow old together and this cycle repeats.

"But what if this cycle breaks, what are the consequences if they go against the wish of moon goddess" a tiny cute kid asked her mother being genuinely curious about it.

"Hmm..my little mina is curious... I see" she patted the kids head before speaking again.

"If this cycle changes....." The mother hesitated speaking in that topic..

"C'mon mina, I tell you about this once you grew up" her mother said making the kid whine..

"Mom....please....."she showed her beautiful doe eyes.

"No...now sleep" she said before kissing her forehead.


You were scared to even say it, but now I'm already living with it mom.