
Alpha's Sex Slave:You Always Turn Me On

“I bought you at a very high price and I expect you to fulfill your duties as my slave,” he reminded her before throwing her to the bed and pinning her to it. “Get off me,” she demanded. He chuckled dangerously, “I bought you to satisfy me in bed and you tell me to get off you?” She squirmed beneath him as he held her neck, “You will do as I ask, Diana. I own you,” he stated in anger. After seeing her younger sister get murdered before her eyes, Diana was sold to the highest bidder as a sex slave. She tried countless times to escape Alpha Rolex who had bought her but it was pointless until she had a vision. Then she vowed to avenge the death of her family and ruin everyone who ever hurt her.

Universeleap · แฟนตาซี
60 Chs

Chapter -4 Truth

Diana walked to the window and watched the full moon, remembering when she and her family would sit outside and watch the moon together. It was as beautiful as ever. She suddenly felt a sharp pain in her chest, "When did I start having chest pain?" she complained as she massaged her chest and continued watching the moon.

She felt the pain again, but this time it was worse, "What is going on?" she wheezed as she fell to the ground. She felt as if her entire body was being struck by a large boulder continuously as she rolled around the floor.

She tried to scream for help but her words got stuck in her throat, "Help," she mouthed before passing out.

It was dark. Pitch black. She kept walking despite not being able to see anything and not knowing where she was headed.

"Am I dead?" she wondered aloud as she kept walking.

"Diana," she heard the voice of her mother call out to her.

She turned left, in the direction of the voice and everywhere became bright. She saw her parents with Jamie and with tears in her eyes, ran to them, "Mum, Dad, Jamie," she cried as she hugged them.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect Jamie. I'm sorry for being such a disappointment," she apologized.

"It's not your fault Diana, there was nothing you could do then," her father comforted her.

"Don't put the blame on yourself darling," her mother added.

Jamie punched her playfully, with a smile on her face, "You didn't kill me, Kira did. She's the one who should feel guilty. I don't blame you for anything, sis."

"Am I dead? Will we finally be together?" Diana asked, a hopeful smile on her face.

"It's not your time to die. You couldn't do anything back then because of the generational curse that had been placed on you," Her mother started.

"What curse?" she asked in confusion.

"Just listen to me Diana, we don't have much time left," her mother said and Diana saw they were starting to fade.

"I don't have the time to explain what the curse entails or how it came to be but the curse has been lifted from you so you're no longer incapable of fending off enemies and avenging us," her mother said.

"Live and protect the heritage of our pack," her father said.

"Live and avenge my death," Jamie added.

"Live and be the strongest were-wolf the world has seen," Her mother said as their bodies began fading away.

"Wait… Wait, you can't leave me," she cried.

"We'll always be watching over you," her mum said as they completely faded away.

Diana shot up from the floor, breathing heavily as she remembered what she has heard, "I won't let you down," she promised.

(In the meeting hall)

"What is it this time Devon?" Rolex asked as he heard his Beta enter his study.

Devon bowed his head respectfully, "Alpha, I come with news from… the Divine pack," Rolex stiffened at the mention of the pack, "They requested a meeting with you tonight,"

"Why would the enemy want to speak with me? What do they want this time?" he growled.

"I'm not completely sure Alpha, but I heard they want to make peace with us,"

Rolex snorted as he shut the book he was reading, "Peace? What a joke,"

"Alpha, I know you hate them especially after they…" he paused.

"After they murdered my parents and took my mate from me," Rolex completed his words.

"Forgive me Alpha for bringing back bad memories," Devon apologized.

"You don't have to apologize. I never forgot and you weren't the one who took away everything I love," he said

Devon cleared his throat, "I know you hate but making with them will be what's best for us right now. The war between us is making our pack members suffer as well. Making peace with them will benefit us greatly," he advised.

Rolex thought about it and hated the fact that he was right. He's have to make peace with those who ruined his life, "I can't believe this," he groaned, "Where is the meeting place?" he asked.

"A small bar that is located between our pack and theirs. Their pack doesn't want to create a fuss yet because they don't know what the result of the meeting will be so their Alpha is coming alone, but he'll most likely bring a guard for protection," Devon explained.

Rolex thought about it, "He's coming alone, huh? Which means I'll have to go alone as well," he mused. He had fought with the Alpha before so he wasn't bothered if they tried to attack him, but he still felt unsure.

"I know what you might be thinking Alpha. I doubt they'll attack you. They wouldn't stoop to such underhanded means. If you still feel unsure, I could arrange for some guards to come with you or I could accompany you," Devon suggested.

"It's okay, I can handle whatever they throw at me," he assured him, "Tell one of the maids to get my things ready."

"Yes, Alpha," Devon made to leave.

"Hold on," Rolex stopped him, "Also tell her to get Diana ready. She's coming with me,"

"Diana?" Devon questioned.

"She's a sex slave I bought at an auction. Since I'm meeting the Alpha of Divine pack at night, I'll have to lodge at hotel and I'll need company," Rolex briefly explained.

"You bought a sex slave?" Devon was beyond shocked because he knew how much Rolex detested Sex slave auctions.

"I'm also shocked. Just tell them to get her for me. I'd like to leave now," he replied and got up from the couch he was seated in.

"Yes, Alpha," Devon left.

Divine wolf pack.