
Alpha's Seduction

Alpha Lilibet falls in love with Alpha Ray who she rescued thinking he was an Omega. Little did she know that the person taking refuge in her pack is one of the most dangerous Alphas who was there to conquer and capture her pack. As the Moon Goddess would predestine, they're mates and must claim each other to stop a bloodbath in future. Note: The picture on the cover is not mine.

LanaSteele · สมัยใหม่
2 Chs



"Mom! Dad! You know how much I hate these suitors! Why do you keep pairing me with them?" I flared at my parents.

It's not like I was the only female Alpha that hadn't gotten her mate. There were several females out there!

"Young girl, you will stop talking to me like that! Even if you are the Alpha, I am still your father!" My father bellowed in anger.

It wasn't that I don't respect my parents, but whenever they mention those arrogant alphas coming for my hand in marriage, I can't keep my anger in check.

"I am sorry, Father. Mom, I am sorry I snapped at you both," I apologized, yet not backing down from my decision.

"That's better. You had better start choosing who you want as your chosen mate or else, we would do it for you!" My father said, sternly.

But I didn't budge at his expression. I wasn't going to be tied down to some arrogant jerk!

" I need to go hunting with my warriors. I am already running late, dad" I said, escaping from their talks.

" Don't think you have escaped, girl!" I heard my father say. But who cares? I am out of there!


Trudging along with my warriors, I swore I was going to rip someone's head off. How could my parents arrange for another suitor when they knew how much I hated those males and their egos?

"Calm down, Lily. They are only concerned about you. If only we have gotten our mate, there will be no more suitors," Aria comforted me.

She was my wolf and the only one that hears and knows the feelings etched in my heart. She had been a source of strength for me and also, may I say, she had become my confidant too? That's since Lisa left for the countryside for a visit to her grandmother.

I missed her, but then I had so many things to think about too. For instance, the issue of my mate or suitor had been paramount in my parent's every word spoken to me.

"Aria, you know how much I hate those arrogant and perverted males who parade themselves as a male god or whatever. I just need a calm and obedient male as my mate or chosen mate," I told her.

"And what if our mate turns out to be the opposite? Are you going to reject him and pay the price?" Aria asked. I detect a mocking tone in her voice, but I ignored it.

"The goddess would only grant me my heart's desire, Aria. She knows the type of mate that I want and that fits me too," I responded, shutting her out.

I have had enough of those talks for today. Why was everyone telling me the opposite of what I truly wanted?

Sometimes Aria can be annoying and at times like that, I prefer to shut her out except if it's necessary or an emergency. I knew the moment she resurfaced, I was going to have it hot from her. But who cares? We both have the advantage of shutting each other out!

As I was grinning to myself about my wolf, I heard light footsteps drawing close to me. Without turning around, I already perceived the scent of my best friend apart from Lisa.

"Don't think I don't know it's you, Max!" I said, turning around to face him.

"Such a killjoy, Lily B. Can't you just pretend for once?" Max asked, throwing me a dirty look.

" A minute off guard can cost my life or ours together. So, I can't do that, sweetie," I said, shaking my head.

" I can't believe you have such…"

"Shhhh! I think I heard a sound just now. Everyone, on your guard!" I hushed the talkative Max while sending a mindlink to all my warriors.

There was total silence everywhere as my ears tried to pick the direction of the sound.

"Move stealthily in the east-west direction. Kill on sight, if it's a rogue. But wait for my command if otherwise," I ordered.

As I was moving slowly toward the direction of the sound, I suddenly staggered as if I was being struck by an arrow.

" Arrrrrrggg!" I held my chest tightly.

Seeing me in sudden pain, Max, who was closer to me, held me tightly. The pain was excruciating before it disappeared again.

"What happened to you?" He asked, worriedly.

"I don't know, Max, but the pain was so excruciating. I can't feel it anymore," I explained, a little confused.

Before Max could respond, we received a mindlink from one of the warriors about some group of people surrounding someone. I quickly rushed there alongside Max.

As soon as I got there, my eyes scanned the group of people surrounding the person on the ground. These weren't rogues but were likely warriors from a pack. There was no rotten smell of rogue around.

Just then I perceived a peculiar smell of lavender tree coming from the man who lay on the ground battered and bruised with blood gushing from his body. The scent was drawing me close. Alongside, was anger and pain directed at those people.

I signaled to my warriors to attack without a second thought. My wolf was howling in my head. I knew at that instant that something was wrong. Who was the person on the ground about to be killed?

I didn't give Aria the chance to say anything as I lunged forward with my men, snapping and breaking them into pieces. I guess they didn't realize they were in another territory because they were a little surprised at the sudden attack.

"You wouldn't want to mess with us, you bitch! We are from the crescent moon pack!" One of the men, whom I assumed to hold a powerful position, sneered.

I could hear the angry growls from my men, but I shushed them. All his men were dead. Killed by my fury and my men's anger. I smirked as I drew closer to him.

"Oh! Alpha of the crescent moon? Who the hell is that? Never heard about him. Have you heard about him, Max?" I asked, my eyes fixed on the man.

" I wonder if he is talking about the son of a bitch that uses tricks in defeating people?" Max sneered.

I saw him clenching his fists tightly, but I ignored it. Instead, I drew closer to him with my super alpha speed. He looked startled, but that wasn't my business!

" I will spare you, so you deliver the message to your Alpha! No one touches anything that is mine!" I whispered in his ears.

Before he could say anything, I knocked him off with a strike on his neck. I didn't want to kill him. I just want to teach him a lesson and also sound a warning to others.

"Take him out of the border and throw him anywhere. I am sure he will relay my message to his Alpha. What a bunch of useless cowards!" I spat out, walking towards the weak-looking man.

The smell of the lavender tree came rushing in again. I felt Aria howling in my head again, but I wasn't ready to let her out. His eyes were still open, but he was looking frail too. I saw the pain in those emerald green eyes that were filled with hidden pain.

"Who are you?" I asked, trying to keep my wolf at bay.

I saw he was struggling to keep awake. My heart felt his pain and right at that moment, Aria managed to break through my wall and said the words I never dreamt of saying.


He was my mate? I sniffed him to get his aura, but he was just an ordinary Omega. Why would the warriors of the Crescent Moon go after a lowly Omega?

Just as I was thinking, I saw his eyes closing slowly, and it felt like I was losing him. What the fuck was the goddess up to? I just met my mate, and she was trying to take him from me.

"Get him quickly to the salutary! I want him revived!" I barked, my eyes spitting fire.

Max immediately changed to his wolf, and we strapped him on his back. I also changed to my wolf as we ran as fast as we could toward the pack house.

I wasn't ready to lose my mate.