
Alpha's Seduction

Alpha Lilibet falls in love with Alpha Ray who she rescued thinking he was an Omega. Little did she know that the person taking refuge in her pack is one of the most dangerous Alphas who was there to conquer and capture her pack. As the Moon Goddess would predestine, they're mates and must claim each other to stop a bloodbath in future. Note: The picture on the cover is not mine.

LanaSteele · สมัยใหม่
2 Chs



One by one, I watched as my ten warriors slumped to the ground. The look of pain and agony etched on their faces. I wasn't any better either as I tried to suppress the wave of anger in my body.

What got me angry was the fact that they were slaughtered like chickens while I watched without being able to do anything.

"I swear, I will fucking kill all of you!" I swore under my breath.

You might be wondering why I couldn't do anything. That's because we were poisoned with wolfsbane. How they did it, still baffles me. But I know it was because of the bastard that sold us out!

If I can come out of this alive, I will make sure I wipe out all the people involved in this betrayal. With hatred brimming in my eyes, I sneered at Alpha Jax, the Alpha of the crescent Moon. He was among the most powerful Alphas eyeing my territory.

"You think you are powerful when you win with tricks? Aren't you being delusional?" I asked, glaring at the Alpha who got me surrounded. My tone was filled with disgust.

Instead of getting annoyed at my words, he chuckled evilly with his eyes boring through mine. I matched his stare with my glare. I wish I could tear that face of his or just snap his head off. But I was damn getting too weak to even defend my warriors!

"And you think I care? Do you truly believe people would be bothered about how I killed you? All they will hear is that the indestructible Alpha Ray was killed by the only powerful Alpha of the crescent moon! How about that?" He responded, a smirk on his face.

" In your dreams, moron! I believe that even in those dreams, you won't be able to defeat me!" I taunted. I watched as his expression changed to that of anger.

I knew it was hopeless to try to dissuade this barbaric tout, but I just wanted to mock him first. I have no one to blame except myself. I wish I had listened to my beta! That traitor lured me here, and I foolishly followed him to a death trap!

As soon as the words left my mouth, I felt a piercing pain shooting through my right leg. I looked down to see a silver arrow which I already assumed was laced with wolfsbane stuck to my leg.

"Cowards!" I spat out in anguish that I tried hard to conceal.

I held myself from yelping in pain. It hurts badly, but I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry out. I clenched my fist tightly to hold myself from yelling while my eyes traveled around. I wanted to look for a way to escape.

Seeing that I was still standing erect, Alpha Jax burned with fury. I know he wanted to see me in my vulnerable state, but I won't give him that satisfaction.

"Let's see how you are going to remain tough after being shot repeatedly!" He said, making another signal.

I felt the pain again, but this time the arrow missed my heart by just an inch! I couldn't take the pain I was experiencing as I growl in anger and bloodlust. Damning all consequences, I lunged toward one of the guards holding me hostage, and I snapped his head off.

Another arrow was shot through my back, but I didn't care. I wasn't ready to die like a coward without trying to escape. With that thought in mind, I changed into my Alpha wolf and used my super speed to charge into the thick forest that led out of their territory.

I ran as fast as my wolf could carry me, but then I noticed, Karl, my wolf was getting weaker.

"Hold it, Karl! We will make it out alive" I mindlink Karl.

"I hope so, Ray. I am getting weaker," he whispered.

As soon as I was able to lose them, I changed to my human form, so Karl could keep some energy for himself. I moved with great difficulty, but was determined to make it out alive. I wasn't going to let them go scot-free.

Still struggling to move forward, my super hearing picked up some noises and voices. I could see they were getting closer.

"We can trace him through his alpha scent and the blood trail! Spread around! I want him dead with his head disengaged from his body!"

That was the voice of Alpha Jax beta. He has a kind of weird name that I just can't remember, but that wasn't my main focus. I had to do something about my aura, so I can't be traced easily.

I had to get away from these people at all costs. If only that son of a bitch hadn't set me up, Alpha Jax wasn't a match for me. I could have defeated him even if he was among the most powerful alphas in the territory.

I trusted that son of a bitch, yet he set me up. I swear I was going to snap his head the moment I get back home. That is if I would be able to make it. I have already been shot with three silver arrows laced with wolfsbane.

If I don't get to a haven, I will have to meet the moon goddess sooner than later. And I wasn't ready to meet her yet. Shutting my eyes tightly, I perform the act of concealing my alpha aura, and anyone would mistake me for an omega.

I have to give a thumbs up to my father for teaching me the most effective and unique way of hiding my aura within seconds. I struggled to stand up while limping as one of the arrows pierced through my leg.

I was sure they would get to me soon because of the blood trail along the bushes. As I tried to run, the pain increased. My breath became distorted and I was getting weaker. I could feel the wolfsbane traveling through my veins.

I wasn't ready to give up yet because I believe there must be a way out for me. As I dragged my battered body, which was filled with tearing and blood, I saw a thick forest. With the thickness of the forest, I guess I must be getting to the border of another territory.

I don't give a damn about whose territory as long as I could be free from those people who are after my life. I ran like my life depended on it. But just as I got to the border, I was shot again.

This time I was shot in my left leg. No matter how strong I was, I couldn't withstand the pain as I yelled at them. I wanted to fight, but I was too weakened by all the wolfsbanes inside my system. I could hear my wolf howling and at the brink of death. It was whimpering in pain and undeniable anguish.

But just as I was giving all hope of surviving, I picked up several sounds of footsteps and I saw the warriors dropping to the ground. Blood sputtered everywhere as heads were ripped off and skulls were smashed.

Was I getting saved? Who was saving me?

I used my last willpower to look up at the figure walking towards me as she ripped off the heads of numerous warriors who were trying to fight her. As she glided towards me, I saw her hazel-looking eyes looking fierce and her glistening golden hair that was tied in a ponytail was dangling.

She looked like a celestial warrior princess and at that moment, I heard my wolf trying desperately to be heard. Unfortunately, it was too weak, but that didn't stop me from picking up a peculiar scent.

A scent of fresh budding rose flowers amidst the fresh water from the spring. I felt refreshed, and I was having a feeling that I couldn't describe. At that moment, my wolf called out weakly in my head.

As I was trying to say the words to the celestial beauty before me, I lost all my willpower as I slowly closed my eyes, giving in to the darkness that was waiting patiently to engulf my entire being.

I can't believe I lost all consciousness just when I found her.

My mate.