
Alpha's Rejection: Luna's Awakening

After pregnant Elena gets accused of infidelity and gets rejected by Alpha Darius, she rejects and disappears from the Pack. Years later, Alpha Darius is invited to a party by the most feared Alpha, Alpha Killian. He sights Elena from afar, so different and more beautiful. Beside her is a young boy, agile, handsome and a photocopy of him. He walks up to Elena. "Long time no see, Elena." "Good day Darius. It's good to see you after so many years," she says with a smile. Alpha Darius looks at the boy beside her and smirks. "Is he my son?" Elena smiles and points to a very tall handsome man. "That's his father over there. He has organized this party because he wants to introduce our son to everyone as the Pack's heir." Follow the journey of Elena, a kind-hearted Luna initially chosen by Alpha Darius, who faces rejection and false accusations of infidelity. As she disappears from her pack and rises as Luna of the Silver Howl Pack, she transforms from a timid soul into a resilient force. *chapter 101 sneak peek "So, Elena," Sarah drawled, her voice dripping with venom. "Ready to cooperate yet? Ready to accept my son is the heir not yours?" I squared my shoulders, refusing to show any sign of weakness. "I and my son don't need a position in this Pack, Sarah. Justin doesn't want to be the heir of this Pack but it turns out everyone wants him to be the heir because he doesn't have an evil blood running through him," I declared defiantly. "And you'll never lay a hand on my son." Sarah's lips curled into a cruel smirk. "Oh, Elena, you're so naïve. And yes, what if my son has an evil blood, he'll never be unlucky as your son was and is," she taunted. "Do you really think you have any say in this? Your son is in my custody now, and you may never see him again." My heart sank at her words, but I refused to let despair consume me. "You'll regret this, Sarah," I warned, my voice trembling with rage. "If you lay a finger on my son, I'll make sure you pay for it. I'll hunt you down to the ends of the earth if I have to." Sarah's laughter filled the room, a chilling sound that sent shivers down my spine. "You think you can threaten me, Elena? I'm so so scared. Please don't hurt my son, Elena," she sneered. "You're nothing but a pawn in my game. And soon, you'll be nothing at all, just like your son." But I refused to back down, my determination unyielding. "Mark my words, Sarah," I spat, meeting her gaze with resolve. "You may think you hold all the cards now, but justice will catch up to you eventually. And when it does, you'll regret every moment you spent tormenting my son and me. I just warn you now, play stupid games with me but not with my son. Don't forget you have a son too. An eye for an eye." With that, Sarah's smirk faltered, replaced by a flicker of uncertainty. For a fleeting moment, I glimpsed a hint of fear in her eyes – a crack in her façade of invincibility. But just as quickly as it appeared, it was gone, replaced by a cold, steely resolve. "We'll see about that, Elena," she hissed, before slamming the door shut behind her, leaving me once again in the suffocating darkness of my captivity. As the minutes turned into hours, I clung to the flicker of hope burning within me, praying for the day when justice would prevail and my son would be safe in my arms once more. A man came into the room with a chain. "Hello missy, I have just got an order to torture you and also rape you," the man said heartlessly as he gave me a cold stare. "If I was you, I wouldn't do it. Only stupid people would," I sneered. "Trust me I'm the most stupid," and with that, he flung the chain and it collided with my arm. I screamed in pain. He began to unzip his trouser. "You look so beautiful. Can't wait to taste you." I wouldn't let him do this to me. No. Never. Just as the man advanced towards me, his intentions clear and my fear reaching a crescendo, the door suddenly burst open with a resounding crash.

PhilippaUC · สมัยใหม่
108 Chs

5. One More Chance


I sat alone in my office, still feeling the lingering sting of the recent separation. My desk was cluttered with papers, but I couldn't muster the concentration to focus on the pack's affairs. Confusion and guilt swirled within me. Why did I feel this pang of sadness after rejecting Elena? I had done what was right for myself and my future, but my heart ached nonetheless.

My contemplation was abruptly interrupted by the familiar ringtone of my phone. I glanced at the screen to see it was a call from my grandmother, Serena. My heart skipped a beat. Why was she calling? Had Elena already told her about our separation? Was she calling to scold me for my decision? Grandma and I rarely spoke, so this unexpected call left me on edge.

I hesitated for a moment before answering, my voice tinged with apprehension. "If you're going to scold me..."

My words trailed off when I heard Grandma's sobs on the other end of the line. Panic surged within me. "No, no, I'm not calling to scold you," she managed to say amidst tears.

My concern deepened. "Grandma, is everything alright? Are you okay?"

"Elena, it's Elena," she sobbed, struggling to speak.

Dread settled in the pit of my stomach. "What happened to her?" I asked, my voice filled with worry.

"She fell unconscious. She has been rushed to the Pack's hospital," Grandma explained, her voice trembling with emotion. "Why did you do this to her? You could have considered her unborn baby."

My heart pounded as I realized the gravity of the situation. "I'm coming to the pack's hospital right away," I declared, already standing and grabbing my keys.

I was on the verge of leaving when the office door swung open, and Sarah walked in. She approached me, offering a comforting hug. "You did the right thing, Alpha Darius. It's better for everyone."

I couldn't afford to dwell on this right now. "Sarah, not now," I snapped, my mind consumed by concern for Elena.

"Is there a problem?" Sarah asked, her confusion evident.

"Elena has been rushed to the hospital. She fainted," I explained urgently.

Sarah's expression shifted to one of concern, I thought. "Are you going to see her?" she inquired.

"Yes, I am," I replied without hesitation, my thoughts solely focused on Elena's well-being.

"But your mum sent for you, and she said it's important," Sarah told me.

I paused, torn between my mother's summons and Elena's critical condition. "Nothing is more important than my Luna," I stated firmly, my loyalty still tethered to Elena, despite our separation.

"She is not your Luna anymore," Sarah pointed out, her tone gentle but firm.

The weight of those words hit me like a ton of bricks. Elena wasn't my Luna anymore. I had momentarily forgotten that fact in my rush to be by her side.

"Now, your mum or Elena?" Sarah asked cautiously, recognizing the internal struggle I was facing.

I took a deep breath, a mix of guilt and uncertainty gnawing at me. "Why is my mum calling me?"

"I don't know, dear Darius," Sarah replied, her concern evident. "but I'm very certain it is important."

I sighed, the weight of responsibility pressing down on me from all sides. "Tell my mum I'll be with her shortly," I decided, choosing to honor her request.

Sarah nodded and gave me a smile before leaving the office.

As I made my way toward the Packhouse, conflicting emotions churned within me. Elena's well-being was my immediate concern, but my mother's cryptic message added to my growing list of worries.

I parked my car outside the Packhouse and stepped out, my thoughts racing as I approached the entrance. There, my mother stood, waiting for me.

"Son, I've been waiting for you," she called out as I approached.

I nodded in acknowledgment. "Good day, Mum. What was so important that you asked me to come?"

A hopeful gleam shone in her eyes as she placed a hand on my cheek. "Son, the witch Liliana foretold me of your future. You will have a bright and beautiful future with your fated mate and beautiful children. I'm so happy."

I couldn't hide my disappointment. "Mum, is this the important thing you wanted to tell me?" I asked, my paranoia growing.

"Son, isn't this important to you?" Mum asked, her voice gentle as she held my gaze. "Why do you look sad and heartbroken?"

My heart ached with guilt as I considered the turmoil Elena was going through. "Mum," I said hesitantly, "it's because of Elena. I've hurt her so much. She's in the hospital because of me. What if the unborn baby is harmed?"

My mother's response was unequivocal. "Don't be stupid, son. You did the right thing. She's not your fated mate. You deserve to be with your fated mate, Darius. I'm your mum, and I care so much about you."

Her words offered a bittersweet comfort, but they couldn't erase the guilt I felt for the pain I had caused Elena. My mother's support was a reminder that, despite the difficult decisions I had to make, I had a family that cared for me.

"I've prepared your best food, son," mum said, holding my hand. "Let's go in."

"Grandma is waiting for me, mum," I said, vaguely. "I have to make sure that Elena is fine."

"She's fine, Darius. She's no more your priority. You have your fated mate, Sarah. She's the only one you should care about."

"What about the unborn child?"

Mum smiled. "You'll have many children with Sarah."

My phone started ringing. I glanced at it. It was grandma calling again. 

"Grandma is calling," I told mum. 

"You don't have to answer the call, son."

I looked my phone. The call persisted. "I'm sure it is important."

I answered the call. "Hello grandma Serena."

"Where are you, Darius? Elena needs you right now."

My mum collected the phone from me. "Hello Serena. Why are you bothering my son?"

"Elena is in the hospital and my grandson needs to be by her side."

"Do you want to ruin my son's life the way you ruined my father-in-law's life? Don't ever call my son again."

"You cannot stop me from talking to my grandson," Grandma said abruptly. 

Mum gave me the phone. 

"Darius, don't you feel pit for poor Elena? What about the child, who will one day, be subjected to the hurt and fear and humiliation him and his mother, had suffered. Poor little baby. It's up to you, Darius, to be with Elena and the unborn baby now they need you the most. Are you coming?"

I glanced at mum, then at the phone.