

Evan's POV

Brooke:Hello, Ralphie boy,did you miss me?

Frowning I looked at the man in front of us,he was large and scary but that's not what bothered me. What irked me was the way Ralph paled when he saw this man,the way he trembled with terror and his heart almost stopped for a moment. We could feel all his fear through the bond and we didn't like it. Eva put her hand on Ralph's shoulder assuring him that we were there with him and he didn't need to be scared. He turned to me,I only smiled at him and winked playfully making him chuckle.

Evan:(Linked) Remember,we are right besides you and we are stronger together.

Ralph: Brooke,what brings you here?

Brooke: Why? Can't I come to my Pack and see how things are going?

Ralph:(Shrugged) Last time I checked,you abandoned this Pack because you didn't want a spineless Alpha to lead you.

Brooke:So you agree that you are spineless.(crunched his nose in disgust) Heard you found your mate but...these two disgusting humans...

Ralph:(Growled furiously) Finish that and I will not think twice before ripping you apart!

Brooke:(Flinched) R... Ralph...

Ralph: Alpha. It's Alpha for you and you will not disrespect my mates...

Brooke:(Laughed) Mates? You've got to be kidding me. So the spineless prick got mated to stinking humans?(tried to control his laughter) A weakling, that's what you are,what you have always been and what you'll ever be and now you got two pathetic mates, not to mention you're bisexual. How pathetic!

With every word he spoke, Ralph's confidence seem to die down and with every taunt,he broke. I felt the wheels spinning in his head,he started doubting himself,Eva's fury built up every second during his rambling and I knew he was done for when Ralph turned to run off. We felt it in his every action,the way his body tensed up,his heart rate increased and the way his emotions went wild.

Eva:(Firmly)Not this time,you won't run this time,Ralph Quincy Ortiz. You are the Alpha here not him,you are stronger than him both mentally and physically,you have two mates which love you immensely. Show him who you really are,Sweety.

Evan:(Kissed him passionately)I love you,Baby boy. We both do and we believe in you. Nothing this bastard says will make us hate you, nothing except God or your Goddess can take us away from you.

Ralph:(Hugged them both) I love you both too.

Brooke: What? Can't face me? You think hiding behind your pathetic mates will save you from me?(he snarled) I haven't forgotten how you harmed Bruno and Raphael.

Ralph:(chuckled) Funny how you seem to know everything about my Pack despite being away from it for so long,but then again you have that slut Cherry to fill you in with the details.

Brooke: Don't talk about your mother like that!(growled).

Ralph: Don't you growl at me!(Growled louder making Brooke bare his neck in submission) Always remember that I'm your Alpha and that slut of yours is not my mother. A womb donor,that's all she ever will be to me just like you will always be a bastard!

Brooke: W...what a...are you talking about?

Ralph: Raphael is my twin brother but he doesn't know that you're his real father nor does Bruno know that his pathetic mate has been cheating on him with his own beta.( Coldly) Ironic,right?

Brooke:I....I don't know what you're talking about....

Ralph: Don't you dare think I'm stupid! You disappeared for so many years yet you know everything that has been going on here and now that that fuckin' bastard Bruno is locked up,you return. But you did not just come alone,you brought rogues with you.

The shock was evident on Brooke's face,he clearly didn't expect to be caught red handed in his plan. Eva and I just watched proudly as our mate showed the prick his true place. I'm really proud of Ralph for composing himself so soon because if he had run off then his status as an Alpha would've been questioned. I'm glad he listened to us and faced Brooke because this is also helping him to gain his self esteem. His courage is being rebuilt and his fear for the people who tortured him is disappearing.

Ralph:You thought you'd attack my Pack then blame me for the deaths your rogues could've caused!(he boomed)You thought you'll cheat your way to the Alpha tittle? Well you thought wrong.

Brooke:But how...

Ralph:(Smirked) My mates dealt with them. All 59 rogues and they did it by themselves. If you don't believe me then go ask that slut of yours because she saw it too. Another thing,I didn't beat up Raphael and Bruno but my mates did. They are humans but don't ever consider them weak or I'll have them give you a demo of their strength.

Brooke: Why,can't you deal with your own problems,coward!(he seethed)

Ralph: Oh I can,I've been too lenient with you, it's high time you pay for everything you did to me. In fact,right now,right here. I, Alpha Ralph Quincy Ortiz exile you, Brooke Falve from the Twilight Pack for good.

Brooke:(Horrified) You can't do that!!!

Ralph: Too bad,I've already done it. If I ever see you or even smell you near my Pack again then I'll rip you to shreds myself.

He let his eyes switch colours to show Elvis' presence scaring Brooke even more. He whimpered before shifting and running off into the woods. Hope we don't ever meet him again. Tears pool down Ralph's cheeks,Eva hugs him close and let him cry his heart out on her shoulder.

Eva: You did great. We're proud of you.

Ralph: Thank you.

Evan:(pulled him in his arms) For what?

Ralph: For being with me and supporting me. I got courage to stand up against him.

Evan: We'll always stand by you,honey. Come on, Zion is waiting for us.

With that we make our way to the Alpha's office. The Pack give us a bow of respect as we pass by....most of them. Others are just terrified and they better be scared because if any of them dare try to betray Ralph then Eva and I will send them to a place worse than hell.